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  • 以下这些名词均包含 "事情" 的意思
    affair :含义较广,侧重指已发生或必须去做的任何事情或事务。复数形式多指重大或较复杂的事务。
    business :通常指较重要或较难而又必须承担的事情,也可指商事。
    matter :普通用词,着重指一件考虑中的或需要处理的事。
    concern :往往强调与个人或团体利害有直接或重大关系的事。
    thing :用作"事情"解时,词义较笼统、含糊,多用于指不很具体的事。
  • be all things to all men (或 people)
    please everyone, typically by regularly altering one's behaviour or opinions in order to conform to those of others 八面玲珑;投人所好
  • be on to a good thing
    (informal)have found a job, situation, or lifestyle that is pleasant, profitable, or easy (非正式)找到合适或待遇高的工作;过着舒适的生活
  • be hearing (或 seeing) things
    imagine that one can hear (or see) something that is not in fact there 产生幻觉,见神见鬼
  • a close (或 near) thing
    a narrow avoidance of something unpleasant 极险的事,死里逃生
  • do one's own thing
    (informal)follow one's own interests or inclinations regardless of others (非正式)做自己爱做的事;按自己的意愿行事
  • do the —— thing
    (informal, chiefly N. Amer.)engage in the kind of behaviour typically associated with someone or something (非正式,主北美)做…事
  • do things to
    (informal)have a powerful emotional effect on (非正式)对…施加显著影响;使受震撼
  • for one thing
    used to introduce one of two or more possible reasons for something, the remainder of which may or may not be stated 首先
  • have a thing about
    (informal)have an obsessive interest in or dislike of (非正式)对…有一种病态(或强烈)的爱好(或厌恶);对…抱有偏见
  • —— is one thing, —— is another
    used to indicate that the second item mentioned is much more serious or important than the first, and cannot be compared to it …是一回事,…又是另一回事
  • make a (big) thing of (或 about)
    (informal)make (something) seem more important than it actually is (非正式)把…看作必要,认为…必不可少
  • of all things
    out of all conceivable possibilities (used to express surprise) (表示惊讶)偏偏;真没想到,怎么搞的
  • (just) one of those things
    (informal)used to indicate that one wishes to pass over an unfortunate event or experience by regarding it as unavoidable or to be accepted (非正式)命里注定的事,不可避免的事;必须接受(或承认)的事
  • one thing leads to another
    used to suggest that the exact sequence of events is too obvious to need recounting, the listener or reader being able to guess easily what happened 事情接踵而来
    You can use thing to refer to any object, feature, or event when you cannot, need not, or do not want to refer to it more precisely.
    'What's that thing in the middle of the fountain?' — 'Some kind of statue, I guess.'... “喷泉中间的那个是什么东西?”——“估计是塑像什么的吧。” She was in the middle of clearing the breakfast things... 她正在忙着收拾早饭后的那一摊子。
    Thing is used in lists and descriptions to give examples or to increase the range of what you are referring to.
    These are genetic disorders that only affect males normally. They are things like muscular dystrophy and haemophilia... 这些遗传病通常只发生在男性身上,如肌肉萎缩、血友病等。 The Earth is made mainly of iron and silicon and things like that... 地球主要由铁、硅等物质构成。
    Thing is often used after an adjective, where it would also be possible just to use the adjective. For example, you can say it's a different thing instead of it's different .
    Of course, literacy isn't the same thing as intelligence... 当然,识字和智力是两码事。 To be a parent is a terribly difficult thing... 为人父母真难啊。
  • N-SING
    Thing is often used instead of the pronouns 'anything,' or 'everything' in order to emphasize what you are saying.
    It isn't going to solve a single thing... 这什么问题也解决不了。 Don't you worry about a thing... 你什么也不必担心。
    Thing is used in expressions such as such a thing or things like that, especially in negative statements, in order to emphasize the bad or difficult situation you are referring back to.
    I don't believe he would tell Leo such a thing... 我不信他会告诉利奥这种事。 'Are you accusing me of being a thief?' — 'I have done no such thing, Tony.'... “你在指责我是小偷吗?”——“我没有做过这种事,托尼。”
    You can use thing to refer in a vague way to a situation, activity, or idea, especially when you want to suggest that it is not very important.
    I'm a bit unsettled tonight. This war thing's upsetting me... 我今晚有点心神不定,这场争斗让我不安。 These folks clearly take this ballroom thing very seriously. 这些家伙显然很拿舞厅这事当回事。
    You can use thing when you are referring to something that you are uncertain or vague about, after mentioning something that it resembles or could possibly be.
    She'd actually taken it home and she put it in this jar thing... 她确实把它拿回了家,放在了一个罐子模样的东西里。 The captain of the submarine has got this periscope thing. 那个潜艇艇长有个类似于潜望镜之类的东西。
    You often use thing to indicate to the person you are addressing that you are about to mention something important, or something that you particularly want them to know.
    One thing I am sure of was that she was scared... 有一点我能肯定,那就是她当时被吓到了。 The first thing parents want to know is: will the baby survive?... 父母亲最想知道的是:孩子能活下来吗?
    Thing is often used to refer back to something that has just been mentioned, either to emphasize it or to give more information about it.
    Getting drunk is a thing all young men do... 喝醉酒这种情况小伙子都会有。 I never wanted to be normal. It was not a thing I ever thought desirable... 我从来也没有想要正常过。那不是我想做的事。
    A thing is a physical object that is considered as having no life of its own.
    It's not a thing, Beauchamp. It's a human being! 比彻姆,那不是一件东西,是一个人!
    Thing is used to refer to something, especially a physical object, when you want to express contempt or anger towards it.
    This thing's virtually useless... 这玩意儿简直一点用也没有。 They're armed with sub-machine-guns or machine-pistols or whatever you call those things... 他们持有轻机枪或者冲锋枪,还是什么玩意儿的。
    You can call a person or an animal a particular thing when you want to mention a particular quality that they have and express your feelings towards them, usually affectionate feelings.
    You really are quite a clever little thing... 你真是个聪明的小家伙。 Oh you lucky thing! 你这个走运的家伙!
    Your things are your clothes or possessions.
    Sara told him to take all his things and not to return... 萨拉叫他带着他的全部家当离开,再也别回来。 Is there anything you'd like to borrow, before your own things are unpacked? 你在打开行李之前还要借什么东西吗?
    Things can refer to the situation or life in general and the way it is changing or affecting you.
    Everyone agrees things are getting better... 大家都认为,情况正在好转。 A change of ownership might improve things... 改变所有权也许能使情况改善。
    Things can refer to a particular aspect of life, such as the physical or spiritual aspect.
    ...a movement away from the things of this world to the things of the spirit... 出世超凡 I think I'm more aware now of some spiritual things and I do believe in good and evil. 我觉得我现在更加注重精神生活,而且我真的相信善恶报应。
    You can refer to something that is too frightening, strange, or horrible to describe clearly as a thing .
    ...John W. Campbell, author of 'The Thing From Another World.' 约翰·W.坎贝尔,《外星来客》的作者
  • N-SING
    If you say that something is the thing, you mean that it is fashionable or popular.
    I feel under pressure to go out and get drunk because it's the thing to do... 我感觉不得不出去喝他个一醉方休,因为流行这样。 They were obviously of the opinion that his taste was not quite the thing. 他们显然认为他的品味已不太流行。
    In all things means in every situation and at all times.
    Sara wished Franklin to follow family tradition, in this as in all things. 萨拉希望富兰克林在这件事上和所有其他事情一样,能遵循家庭传统。 ...the old rule of health, which prescribes moderation in all things. 提倡凡事适可而止的传统养生之道
    If you say that someone or something is trying to be all things to all men or to all people, you are criticizing them because they are trying to behave in a way that will please everyone, and this is impossible.
    I realised I had a big problem. I wanted to be all things to all people... 我意识到我有个大毛病,我总想不得罪任何人。 The film tries to be all things to all men — comedy, romance, fantasy, and satire. 这部电影试图面面俱到——既是喜剧、爱情剧、梦幻剧,还想是讽刺剧。
    If, for example, you do the right thing or do the decent thing in a situation, you do something which is considered correct or socially acceptable in that situation.
    People want to do the right thing and buy 'green'... 人们想要做正确的事,于是购买“绿色”产品。 Carrington did the honourable thing and resigned... 卡林顿作出了令人敬佩的举动,辞了职。
    If you say that something is the done thing, you mean it is the most socially acceptable way to behave.
    It was not the done thing. In those days the man was supposed to be the provider. 那不符合社会习俗。在那个年代,养家的应该是男人。
    If you do something first thing, you do it at the beginning of the day, before you do anything else. If you do it last thing, you do it at the end of the day, before you go to bed or go to sleep.
    I'll go see her, first thing... 我一早就去看她。 Take the money to your office without fail, first thing in the morning... 早上第一件事是一定要把钱拿到办公室去。
    If you have a thing about someone or something, you have very strong feelings about them.
    I had always had a thing about red hair... 我一直很讨厌红头发。 He's got this thing about ties. 他对领带很在意。
    You say it is a good thing to do something to introduce a piece of advice or a comment on a situation or activity.
    Can you tell me whether it is a good thing to prune an apple tree?... 你能否告诉我该不该修剪苹果树? In a new democracy, it is no bad thing to master the art of compromise... 在新的民主国家,掌握妥协这门艺术不是件坏事。
    If you make a thing of something or make a thing about it, you talk about it or do it in an exaggerated way, so that it seems much more important than it really is.
    Gossips made a big thing about him going on shopping trips with her... 风言风语把他和她出去购物这件事闹得沸沸扬扬。 I took his hand to make a big thing of introducing him to my mother... 我拉着他的手,郑重其事地把他介绍给了我母亲。
    You can say that the first of two ideas, actions, or situations is one thing when you want to contrast it with a second idea, action, or situation and emphasize that the second one is much more difficult, important, or extreme.
    It was one thing to talk about leaving; it was another to physically walk out the door... 说走容易,真要抬腿跨出门可就难了。 Borrowing $100,000 is one thing. Owing $425,000 is another! 借 10 万美元事儿小,欠 42.5 万美元这事可就大了。
    You can say for one thing when you are explaining a statement or answering a question, to suggest that you are not giving the whole explanation or answer, and that there are other points that you could add to it.
    She was a monster. For one thing, she really enjoyed cruelty... 她是个恶魔。一方面,她确实以残忍为乐。 She was unable to sell it, because for one thing its size was awkward... 她卖不掉它,一来是由于尺寸用起来不方便。
    You can use the expression 'one thing and another' to suggest that there are several reasons for something or several items on a list, but you are not going to explain or mention them all.
    What with one thing and another, it was fairly late in the day when we returned to Shrewsbury... 忙完这个又忙那个,等到我们回到什鲁斯伯里的时候,天色已经很晚了。 Everybody came in with their Christmas order for beer and spirits and port and one thing and another. 每位来客都要为圣诞节订购啤酒、烈酒、波尔图葡萄酒等这样那样的酒。
    If you say it is just one of those things you mean that you cannot explain something because it seems to happen by chance.
    'I wonder why.' Mr. Dambar shrugged. 'It must be just one of those things, I guess.' “我也不知道为啥,”丹巴先生耸了耸肩,“我想可能是赶巧了吧。” It was simply one of those things, pure coincidence. 这是没办法的事,纯属巧合。
    You say one thing led to another when you are explaining how something happened, but you do not really want to give the details or you think people will be able to imagine the details.
    He came by on Saturday to see if she was lonely. One thing led to another and he stayed the night. 他星期六过来看看她是不是感到孤独。自然而然地,他就留下来过夜了。
    If you do your own thing, you live, act, or behave in the way you want to, without paying attention to convention or depending on other people.
    We accept the right of all men and women to do their own thing, however bizarre... 我们承认所有人——无论男女——都有权以自己的方式去生活,不管其方式有多么怪异离奇。 She was allowed to do her own thing as long as she kept in touch by phone. 只要她保持电话联系,她就可以随心所欲地生活。
    If something is a thing of the past, it no longer exists or happens, or is being replaced by something new.
    Painful typhoid injections are a thing of the past, thanks to the introduction of an oral vaccine... 自从发明了口服疫苗后,令人痛苦的伤寒疫苗注射就成为了过去。 Cheap computers, faxes and phone calls will make commuting to work a thing of the past. 廉价的电脑、传真和电话通信将使每天坐车上下班成为历史。
    If you say that someone is seeing or hearing things, you mean that they believe they are seeing or hearing something that is not really there.
    Dr Payne led Lana back into the examination room and told her she was seeing things... 佩恩大夫把拉娜领回检查室,告诉她她有幻视。 I thought I was hearing things yesterday. I thought I heard a cuckoo. 我想昨天我出现幻听了。我以为听到了布谷鸟叫。
    You can say there is no such thing as something to emphasize that it does not exist or is not possible.
    There really is no such thing as a totally risk-free industry... 完全没有风险的行业是不存在的。 'I found a mermaid.' — 'Don't be daft. There's no such thing.' “我发现了一条美人鱼。”——“别说傻话了。哪有那种东西。”
    You say the thing is to introduce an explanation, comment, or opinion, that relates to something that has just been said. The thing is is often used to identify a problem relating to what has just been said.
    'What does your market research consist of?' — 'Well, the thing is, it depends on our target age group.'... “你的市场调查有哪些内容?”“嗯,这个嘛,要视我们的目标年龄群体而定。” I'm getting a grant for a speech therapy course. But the thing is, I don't know whether I want to do it any more. 我要弄到开设言语治疗课程的经费了。但问题是,我不知道自己是否还想做下去。
    If you say that something is just the thing or is the very thing, you are emphasizing that it is exactly what is wanted or needed.
    Kiwi fruit are just the thing for a healthy snack... 猕猴桃正是健康的小点心。 I know the very thing to cheer you up. 我知道什么能让你提起精神。
    If you say that a person knows a thing or two about something or could teach someone a thing or two about it, you mean that they know a lot about it or are good at it.
    Patricia Hewitt knows a thing or two about how to be well-organised... 帕特里夏·休伊特很了解如何做到有条不紊。 They do agree Africa could teach America a thing or two about family values... 他们一致认为,在家庭价值方面,非洲可以教给美洲很多。
  • n.
    物, 东西
    Pack your things.We're going to leave. 把你的东西收拾好, 我们就要走了。
    人, 动物 ; 衣服
    He's been very ill, poor thing. 他病得很厉害, 可怜的家伙。
    行动, 行为, 事件
    That sort of thing is quite occasional and not regular. 那种事十分偶然, 没有规律。
    题目; 事情
    This is a miraculous thing. 这真是奇怪的事。
  • Noun
    1. a special situation;
    "this thing has got to end""it is a remarkable thing"
    2. an action;
    "how could you do such a thing?"
    3. an artifact;
    "how does this thing work?"
    4. an event;
    "a funny thing happened on the way to the..."
    5. a statement regarded as an object;
    "to say the same thing in other terms""how can you say such a thing?"
    6. any attribute or quality considered as having its own existence;
    "the thing I like about her is ..."
    7. a special abstraction;
    "a thing of the spirit""things of the heart"
    8. a vaguely specified concern;
    "several matters to attend to""it is none of your affair""things are going well"
    9. an entity that is not named specifically;
    "I couldn't tell what the thing was"
    10. a special objective;
    "the thing is to stay in bounds"
    11. a persistent illogical feeling of desire or aversion;
    "he has a thing about seafood""she has a thing about him"
    12. a separate and self-contained entity
  • 哲学: 物;