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  • 柯林斯词典释义
  • 英汉词典释义
  • 英英词典释义
  • or something
    (informal)added as a reference to an unspecified alternative similar to the thing mentioned (非正式)诸如此类的什么
  • quite (或 really) something
    (informal)something considered impressive or notable (非正式)不寻常的事;值得注意的事
  • something else
    (informal)an exceptional person or thing (非正式)异常的人(或事);特别出色的人(或事)
  • something or other
  • there is something in ——
    —— is worth considering; there is some truth in —— 值得考虑;有些道理
  • thirty-something (forty-something,等)
    (informal)an unspecified age between thirty and forty (forty and fifty, etc.) (非正式)30多岁(40多岁等)
  • something else【非正式用语】
    One that is very special or quite remarkable 非常特殊或者非常了不起的人(或事物)
  • something of
    To some extent 在某种程度上
    You use something to refer to a thing, situation, event, or idea, without saying exactly what it is.
    He realized right away that there was something wrong... 他马上意识到什么地方出了问题。 There was something vaguely familiar about him... 他身上有着某种似曾相识的东西。
    You can use something to say that the description or amount that you are giving is not exact.
    He described the smell as something between a circus and a seaport... 他形容那种气味介于马戏团和海港的味道之间。 Clive made a noise, something like a grunt... 克莱夫发出一种声响,像是咕哝了一句。
    If you say that a person or thing is something or is really something, you mean that you are very impressed by them.
    You're really something... 你真了不起。 The doors here are really something, all made of good wood like mahogany... 这些门真是极品,全部由红木一类的优质木材加工而成。
    You can use something in expressions like 'that's something' when you think that a situation is not very good but is better that it might have been.
    Well, at least he was in town. That was something... 好啦,至少他在城里,还算幸运。 Well, you're staying. That's something I suppose. 啊,你准备留下来了。我想这算是能够聊以自慰吧。
    If you say that a thing is something of a disappointment, you mean that it is quite disappointing. If you say that a person is something of an artist, you mean that they are quite good at art.
    The city proved to be something of a disappointment... 结果这座城市有点儿令人失望。 She received something of a surprise when Robert said that he was coming to New York... 当罗伯特说他就要来纽约的时候,她有点吃惊。
    If you say that there is something in an idea or suggestion, you mean that it is quite good and should be considered seriously.
    Christianity has stood the test of time, so there must be something in it... 基督教经受住了时间的考验,因此其中一定是有些道理的。 There had been something in Des's first statement... 德斯最初的陈述有些道理。
    You use something in expressions such as 'or something' and 'or something like that' to indicate that you are referring to something similar to what you have just mentioned but you are not being exact.
    This guy, his name was Briarly or Beardly or something... 这个家伙叫布赖厄利、比尔德利或什么类似的名字。 The air fare was about a hundred and ninety-nine pounds or something like that. 机票 199 英镑左右,大概是这个价钱。
  • pron.
    某物, 某事
    Have you lost something? 你丢了什么东西吧? I have something important to tell you. 我有些重要的事要告诉你。
    重要的事物[人], 有一定意义的事物
    He thinks he's really something. 他认为自己是个了不起的人。 Money is something, but it is not everything. 钱很重要, 但钱并不是一切。
  • Noun
    1. a thing of some kind;
    "is there something you want?"