• 基础释义
  • 例句
  • 六级真题
  • 柯林斯词典释义
  • 英英词典释义
    minister of social security, quickly commissioned a study to determine the causes of and possible cures for this disturbing stale of affairs.
    More experience in worldly affairs.
    in Western Europe, reports economist Robert Stein in the journal National Affairs.
  • N-SING
    If an event or a series of events has been mentioned and you want to talk about it again, you can refer to it as the affair .
    The government has mishandled the whole affair... 政府对整个事件处理不当。 The affair began when customs officials inspected a convoy of 60 tankers... 就在海关关员检查一个60艘油轮的船队时,事情发生了。
  • N-SING
    You can refer to an important or interesting event or situation as 'the ... affair'.
    ...the damage caused to the CIA and FBI in the aftermath of the Watergate affair. 水门事件发生后给美国中央情报局和联邦调查局造成的不良影响 ...confidential Bank of England documents relating to the BCCI affair. 与国际信贷商业银行事务相关的英格兰银行的机密文件
  • N-SING
    You can describe the main quality of an event by saying that it is a particular kind of affair .
    Michael said that his planned 10-day visit would be a purely private affair... 迈克尔说他所计划的10天访问纯属个人私事。 Breakfast will be a cheerless affair for the Prime Minister this morning. 今天的早餐会让首相感觉全然无味。
  • N-SING
    You can describe an object as a particular kind of affair when you want to draw attention to a particular feature, or indicate that it is unusual.
    All their beds were distinctive; Mac's was an iron affair with brass knobs... 他们的床都各具特色;马克的床是张带球形黄铜柱头的铁家伙。 He tried dividing it into two bundles, tying them to his walking stick, and slinging the whole affair across his back. 他试着将它分成两包绑在他的拐棍上,然后把所有东西都挂在后背上。
    If two people who are not married to each other have an affair, they have a sexual relationship.
    She was having an affair with someone at work. 她跟某一同事有染。
    You can use affairs to refer to all the important facts or activities that are connected with a particular subject.
    He does not want to interfere in the internal affairs of another country... 他不想干涉别国内政。 With more details, here's our foreign affairs correspondent. 详细情况,请听我们外交事务记者的报道。
    Your affairs are all the matters connected with your life which you consider to be private and normally deal with yourself.
    He was rational and consistent in the conduct of his affairs... 他处理私事时头脑清楚,始终如一。 The unexpectedness of my father's death meant that his affairs were not entirely in order. 家父的猝然离世留下了尚未完全安排妥当的身后事。
  • N-SING
    If you say that a decision or situation is someone's affair, you mean that it is their responsibility, and other people should not interfere.
    If you wish to make a fool of yourself, that is your affair... 如果你想让自己出丑,那是你自己的事。 If they want to stay and fight, then I guess that's their affair. 如果他们想留下来打架,我想那是他们自己的事。
  • Noun
    1. matters of personal concern;
    "get his affairs in order"
    2. transactions of professional or public interest;
    "news of current affairs""great affairs of state"