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[taɪt] [taɪt]
  • 比较级:tighter;
  • 最高级:tightest;
  • 名词:tightness;
  • 例句
    • adj.
      slack, loose, lax,
    • tight的反义词之:其他释义
    • run a tight ship
      be very strict in managing an organization or operation 严格管理
    • a tight corner (或 spot 或 place)
      a difficult situation 困境;窘境
      In the next couple of years the businesses that thrive will be those that are tight with costs, careful of debt, cautious with cash flow and extremely attentive to what customers want.
      He's tight up in meetings all morning
      Packing up again with no picnic, Zac had to switch schools for the second time and space is even tighter
      Tight clothes or shoes are rather small and fit closely to your body.
      She walked off the plane in a miniskirt and tight top... 她身穿迷你裙和紧身上衣走下了飞机。 His jeans were too tight. 他的牛仔裤太紧了。
      If you hold someone or something tight, you hold them firmly and securely.
      She just fell into my arms, clutching me tight for a moment... 她正好跌进我的怀里,一时间紧紧地抓着我。 Just hold tight to my hand and follow along... 抓紧我的手,跟着我。
      Tight controls or rules are very strict.
      The measures include tight control of media coverage... 那些措施包括对媒体报道的严格管制。 The Government were prepared to keep a tight hold on public sector pay rises... 政府准备严格控制公共部门的工资增长。
      Something that is shut tight is shut very firmly.
      The baby lay on his back with his eyes closed tight... 那个婴儿仰面躺着,两眼紧闭。 I keep the flour and sugar in individual jars, sealed tight with their glass lids... 我把面粉和食糖分别放在罐子里,并将玻璃盖子紧紧地盖上。
      Skin, cloth, or string that is tight is stretched or pulled so that it is smooth or straight.
      My skin feels tight and lacking in moisture... 我的皮肤感觉紧巴巴的,缺少水分。 Pull the elastic tight and knot the ends. 把橡皮筋拽紧,两头打上结。
      Tight is used to describe a group of things or an amount of something that is closely packed together.
      She curled up in a tight ball, with her knees tucked up at her chin... 她蜷缩成一团,膝盖抵着下巴。 The men came in a tight group. 那些男人密密匝匝地来了。
      If a part of your body is tight, it feels rather uncomfortable and painful, for example because you are ill, anxious, or angry.
      It is better to stretch the tight muscles first... 最好先伸展一下僵硬的肌肉。 Sarah came forward with a tight and angry face... 萨拉走上前来,紧绷着脸,怒气冲冲。
      A tight group of people is one whose members are closely linked by beliefs, feelings, or interests.
      We're a tight group, so we do keep in touch. 我们关系很铁,所以的确保持着联系。
      A tight bend or corner is one that changes direction very quickly so that you cannot see very far round it.
      They collided on a tight bend and both cars were extensively damaged. 他们在一个急转弯处相撞,两辆车均严重受损。
      A tight schedule or budget allows very little time or money for unexpected events or expenses.
      It's difficult to cram everything into a tight schedule... 日程紧,很难把所有事情都安排进去。 Emma is on a tight budget for clothes... 埃玛预算很紧,没有多少钱买衣裳。
      A tight contest is one where none of the competitors has a clear advantage or looks likely to win, so that it is difficult to say who the winner will be.
      It was a very tight match... 参赛双方不分伯仲。 The most recent polls predict a tight three-way race. 最近的调查显示,这将是一场三方激烈角逐的比赛。
      If you say that someone is tight, you disapprove of them because they are unwilling to spend their money.
      What about getting new ones — Are you so tight you won't even spend three roubles? 买些新的怎样——你就小气到连3个卢布也不肯掏吗?
    • PHRASE
      If you are in a tight corner or in a tight spot, you are in a difficult situation.
      That puts the president in a tight spot if the vote is not a resounding 'yes'... 如果投票结果不是一个响亮的“是”,总统的处境就不妙了。 They teach you to use your head to get out of a tight corner. 他们教你开动脑筋,摆脱困境。
      You can say 'sleep tight' to someone when they are going to bed as an affectionate way of saying that you hope they will sleep well.
      Good night, Davey. Sleep tight. 晚安,戴维。睡个好觉。
    • adj.
      牢的; 紧的; 不松动的; 难以解开的
      She took a tight hold of his arm. 她紧紧地抓住他的胳膊。 Top of the bottle was tight; he couldn't get it off. 瓶盖封得太紧, 他打不开。 The box is so tight that I can't open it. 这个盒子太紧, 我打不开。
      紧身的, 紧贴的
      She was wearing a tight dress. 她当时穿着紧身衣服。 I can't take my boots off; they're so tight! 靴子太紧了, 我脱不下来!
      (安排)紧凑的, 紧密的; 装紧的, 密集的, 挤满的
      I've got a very tight schedule today so I can't see you until tomorrow. 今天我的日程已经排得很满, 所以明天才能见你。 Time is going to be tight, so you'd better hurry. 时间很紧, 你最好抓紧一点。
      不漏的, 不透的
      Are you sure this roof is completely tight? 你能肯定这个屋顶一点都不漏吗? There was tight security at the airport when the President's plane landed. 总统的专机降落时, 机场的保安措施很严密。
      银根紧的, 难借得到的, 小气的, 吝啬的, 不大方的
      Money is tight. 银根很紧。 He's really tight with money. 他真是一毛不拔。
    • Adjective
      1. closely constrained or constricted or constricting;
      "tight skirts""he hated tight starched collars""fingers closed in a tight fist""a tight feeling in his chest"
      2. pulled or drawn tight;
      "taut sails""a tight drumhead""a tight rope"
      3. set so close together as to be invulnerable to penetration;
      "in tight formation""a tight blockade"
      4. pressed tightly together;
      "with lips compressed"
      5. used of persons or behavior; characterized by or indicative of lack of generosity;
      "a mean person""he left a miserly tip"
      6. affected by scarcity and expensive to borrow;
      "tight money""a tight market"
      7. of such close construction as to be impermeable;
      "a tight roof""warm in our tight little house"
      8. of textiles;
      "a close weave""smooth percale with a very tight weave"
      9. securely or solidly fixed in place; rigid;
      "the bolts are tight"
      10. (of a contest or contestants) evenly matched;
      "a close contest""a close election""a tight game"
      11. very drunk
      12. exasperatingly difficult to handle or circumvent;
      "a nasty problem""a good man to have on your side in a tight situation"
      13. demanding strict attention to rules and procedures;
      "rigorous discipline""tight security""stringent safety measures"
      14. packed closely together;
      "the stood in a tight little group""hair in tight curls""the pub was packed tight"
    • Adverb
      1. firmly or tightly;
      "held fast to the rope""her foot was stuck fast""held tight"
      2. in an attentive manner;
      "he remained close on his guard"
    • 体育: 单张;
      数学: 胎紧[的];
      物理学: 紧束缚近似;tight-binding approximation, TBA;