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  • 柯林斯词典释义
  • 英汉词典释义
  • 英英词典释义


[stɜ:(r)] [stɚ]
  • 第三人称单数:stirs;
  • 过去式:stirred;
  • 过去分词:stirred;
  • 现在分词:stirring;
  • 例句
    • stir the blood
      make someone excited or enthusiastic 激起热情,使兴奋
    • stir one's stumps
      [often in imperative](Brit. informal, dated)(of a person) begin to move or act (英,非正式,旧)(人)开始移动;开始行动
    • stir something up
      cause or provoke trouble or bad feeling 惹事,滋事;煽动,激起
      It caused a big stir in developing countries.
    • VERB
      If you stir a liquid or other substance, you move it around or mix it in a container using something such as a spoon.
      Stir the soup for a few seconds... 将汤搅和几秒钟。 There was Mrs Bellingham, stirring sugar into her tea... 贝林厄姆太太正在那里将糖搅进茶里。
    • VERB
      If you stir, you move slightly, for example because you are uncomfortable or beginning to wake up.
      Eileen shook him, and he started to stir... 艾琳晃了晃他,他开始醒过来。 The two women lay on their backs, not stirring. 两名妇女一动不动地仰面躺着。
    • VERB
      If you do not stir from a place, you do not move from it.
      She had not stirred from the house that evening... 她那天晚上没有离开过那座房子。 There's something you could study without stirring from this room. 有些东西你不用离开这个房间也可以学习。
    • V-ERG
      If something stirs or if the wind stirs it, it moves gently in the wind.
      Palm trees stir in the soft Pacific breeze... 棕榈树在太平洋和煦的微风中轻轻地摇动。 Not a breath of fresh air stirred the long white curtains. 连一丝风也没有,白色的长窗帘一动不动。
    • VERB
      If you stir yourself, or if something stirs you into action, you move in order to start doing something.
      Stir yourself! We've got a visitor... 动起来!有客人来了。 You can't even stir yourself to have a drink with them... 你甚至都懒得去和他们喝一杯。
    • VERB
      If something stirs you, it makes you react with a strong emotion.
      The voice, less coarse now, stirred her as it had then... 现在那声音已不那么刺耳,它又如当年一样让她怦然心动。 I was intrigued by him, stirred by his intellect. 我被他的聪明才智所打动,对他产生了好奇心。
    • V-ERG
      If a particular memory, feeling, or mood stirs or is stirred in you, you begin to think about it or feel it.
      Then a memory stirs in you and you start feeling anxious... 接着一段回忆涌上心头,你开始感到焦虑不安。 Amy remembered the anger he had stirred in her... 埃米还记得他曾怎样惹自己生气。
    • N-SING
      If an event causes a stir, it causes great excitement, shock, or anger among people.
      His film has caused a stir in America. 他的电影已在美国引起了轰动。
    • PHRASE
      If you say that someone has been shaken but not stirred by an experience, you mean that they have been slightly disturbed or emotionally affected by it, but not deeply enough to change their behaviour or way of thinking.
      A clash with America over farm subsidies had left the Europeans and their common agricultural policy shaken but not stirred. 在农场补贴问题上和美国之间的冲突使得欧洲人以及其共同的农业政策略受冲击。
    • vt. & vi.
      This paste stirs easily. 这种糨糊易于搅拌。 Mary put the sugar in her coffee, and stirred it with a spoon. 玛丽在她的咖啡里放了些糖, 然后用勺子搅动着。
      (使)移动; (使)激动
      He did not stir, not look up. 他没有动, 也没有抬头。 The book stirred my interest. 这本书激起了我的兴趣。 The little boy noticed something else stirring inside the doghouse. 小男孩发现狗窝里还有别的东西在动。
    • n.
      搅动; 搅和; 搅拌
      Give the soup a stir. 把汤搅拌一下。
      激动; 纷乱; 骚乱
      His resignation caused quite a stir. 他的辞职引起了相当大的轰动。
    • vt.
      He stirred me at 4 this morning. 他今早4点钟就把我叫醒了。
    • Noun
      1. a disorderly outburst or tumult;
      "they were amazed by the furious disturbance they had caused"
      2. emotional agitation and excitement
      3. a rapid bustling commotion
    • Verb
      1. move an implement through with a circular motion;
      "stir the soup""stir my drink"
      2. move very slightly;
      "He shifted in his seat"
      3. stir feelings in;
      "stimulate my appetite""excite the audience""stir emotions"
      4. stir the feelings, emotions, or peace of;
      "These stories shook the community""the civil war shook the country"
      5. affect emotionally;
      "A stirring movie""I was touched by your kind letter of sympathy"
      6. evoke or call forth, with or as if by magic;
      "raise the specter of unemployment""he conjured wild birds in the air""stir a disturbance""call down the spirits from the mountain"
      7. to begin moving, "As the thunder started the sleeping children began to stir"
      8. mix or add by stirring;
      "Stir nuts into the dough"