• 基础释义
  • 例句
  • 四级真题
  • 六级真题
  • 柯林斯词典释义
    The editor is amazed at how quickly Smith gets his stories—only minutes after they happen—but soon he's presented with a contract to sign.
    Well, there is a flight to Linate Airport which leaves at 6:30 London time and gets in at 8:30 Italian time.
    It's your creative mind that gets meaning from chaos of experiences and brings order to your world.
    When it gets a little boring, I might pull it out," acknowledged Naomi Pugh, a first-year student at Freed- Hardeman University in Henderson, Tenn.
    The driver stops the car on a flat platform and gets out.
    And this need gets in the way of his health or behavior
  • V-LINK
    You use get with adjectives to mean 'become'. For example, if someone gets cold, they become cold, and if they get angry, they become angry.
    The boys were getting bored... 男孩子们开始感到厌烦。 There's no point in getting upset... 苦恼是无谓的。
  • V-LINK
    Get is used with expressions referring to states or situations. For example, to get into trouble means to start being in trouble.
    Half the pleasure of an evening out is getting ready... 晚上外出时一半的乐趣在于出门前的准备。 Perhaps I shouldn't say that — I might get into trouble... 也许我不该讲那些话——我可能会惹来麻烦。
  • VERB
    To get someone or something into a particular state or situation means to cause them to be in it.
    I don't know if I can get it clean... 我不知道自己是否能把它清理干净。 What got me interested was looking at an old New York Times... 我感兴趣的是看一份旧的《纽约时报》。
  • VERB
    If you get someone to do something, you cause them to do it by asking, persuading, or telling them to do it.
    ...a long campaign to get US politicians to take the Aids epidemic more seriously... 旨在使美国政界人士更加重视艾滋病流行的长期运动 How did you get him to pose for this picture? 你想了什么办法让他摆姿势照了这张照片?
  • VERB
    If you get something done, you cause it to be done.
    I might benefit from getting my teeth fixed... 补牙可能对我有好处。 It was best to get things done quickly. 最好是赶快把事情弄完。
  • VERB
    To get somewhere means to move there.
    I got off the bed and opened the door... 我下床把门打开了。 How can I get past her without her seeing me?... 我怎样才能从她身边经过而又不被她发现呢?
  • VERB
    When you get to a place, you arrive there.
    Generally I get to work at 9.30am... 我通常上午9点半到单位。 It was dark by the time she got home. 她回到家时天已经黑了。
  • VERB
    To get something or someone into a place or position means to cause them to move there.
    Mack got his wallet out... 麦克掏出钱包。 Go and get your coat on... 去把你的外套穿上。
  • AUX
    Get is often used in place of 'be' as an auxiliary verb to form passives.
    Does she ever get asked for her autograph?... 有人向她索要过签名吗? A pane of glass got broken. 一块玻璃碎了。
  • VERB
    If you get to do something, you eventually or gradually reach a stage at which you do it.
    Miller and Ferlinghetti got to be friends... 米勒和费林盖蒂渐渐成了朋友。 No one could figure out how he got to be so wealthy. 谁也不知道他怎么会变得如此富有。
  • VERB
    If you get to do something, you manage to do it or have the opportunity to do it.
    How do these people get to be the bosses of major companies?... 这些人是怎样成为大公司的老总的? Do you get to see him often?... 你经常能见到他吗?
  • VERB
    You can use get in expressions like get moving ,get going, and get working when you want to tell people to begin moving, going, or working quickly.
    I aim to be off the lake before dawn, so let's get moving... 我计划黎明前从湖畔出发,大家马上行动起来吧。 We need to get thinking, talking and acting on this before it is too late. 我们得赶紧就此事开动脑筋,展开讨论,并采取行动,否则就来不及了。
  • VERB
    If you get to a particular stage in your life or in something you are doing, you reach that stage.
    We haven't got to the stage of a full-scale military conflict... 我们还未到全面军事冲突的地步。 If she gets that far, Jane may get legal aid to take her case to court... 如果走到那个地步,简也许能得到法律援助去打官司。
  • V-ERG
    You can use get to talk about the progress that you are making. For example, if you say that you are getting somewhere, you mean that you are making progress, and if you say that something won't get you anywhere, you mean it will not help you to progress at all.
    Radical factions say the talks are getting nowhere and they want to withdraw... 激进派宣称谈判没有进展,他们打算退出。 My perseverance was getting me somewhere. 我锲而不舍,总算有了一些进展。
  • V-LINK
    When it gets to a particular time, it is that time. If it is getting towards a particular time, it is approaching that time.
    It got to after 1am and I was exhausted... 已是凌晨一点多了,我累得筋疲力尽。 It was getting towards evening when we got back... 我们回来的时候已经快到晚上了。
  • VERB
    If something that has continued for some time gets to you, it starts causing you to suffer.
    That's the first time I lost my cool in 20 years in this job. This whole thing's getting to me. 干这份工作20年来,我头一次失去了冷静,这一切让我大伤脑筋。
  • VERB
    If something gets you, it annoys you.
    What gets me is the attitude of so many of the people. 让我恼怒的是这么多人都是这样的态度。