• 基础释义
  • 例句
  • 同义词解析
  • 四级真题
  • 柯林斯词典释义
  • 英汉词典释义
  • 行业词典释义
  • 以下这两个情态动词均可表示"应该,应当" 的意思
    ought to : 侧重反映客观情况,多在涉及法律、道义、责任、义务或原则时使用。
    should侧重自己的主观看法,语气比ought to稍弱一些。
    Believe it or not, that's the number of Americans who struggle with hanger To make tomorrow a little better, Feeding America, the nation's largest domestic hunger-relief organization, has chosen September as Hunger Action Month.
    Evaluating Risks To decide whether a risk is worth taking, you must examine the consequences, in the future as well as right now, negative as well as positive, and to others as well as to yourself.
  • PREP
    You use to when indicating the place that someone or something visits, moves towards, or points at.
    Two friends and I drove to Florida during college spring break... 我和两个朋友在大学春假期间开车去了佛罗里达。 Ramsay made a second visit to Italy. 拉姆齐第二次访问意大利。
  • PREP
    If you go to an event, you go where it is taking place.
    We went to a party at the leisure centre... 我们去休闲活动中心参加了一个聚会。 He came to dinner... 他来赴晚宴了。
  • PREP
    If something is attached to something larger or fixed to it, the two things are joined together.
    There was a piece of cloth tied to the dog's collar... 狗项圈上系着一条布。 Many patients prefer hand-held shower heads rather than those fixed to the wall… 很多病人更喜欢手握式的淋浴喷头而不是固定在墙上的那种。
  • PREP
    You use to when indicating the position of something. For example, if something is to your left, it is nearer your left side than your right side.
    Hemingway's studio is to the right... 海明威的工作室在右面。 You will see the chapel on the hill to your left… 你会看见那座小教堂在你左侧的山上。
  • PREP
    When you give something to someone, they receive it.
    He picked up the knife and gave it to me... 他捡起刀子递给我。 Firms should be allowed to offer jobs to the long-term unemployed at a lower wage. 公司应获许以较低的工资给长期失业的人提供岗位。
  • PREP
    You use to to indicate who or what an action or a feeling is directed towards.
    Marcus has been most unkind to me today... 马库斯今天对我非常无礼。 …troops loyal to the government. 忠于政府的军队
  • PREP
    You use to with certain nouns and adjectives to show that a following noun is related to them.
    He is a witty man, and an inspiration to all of us... 他机智风趣,鼓舞激励着我们所有人。 Marriage is not the answer to everything... 婚姻并不能解决一切问题。
  • PREP
    If you say something to someone, you want that person to listen and understand what you are saying.
    I'm going to have to explain to them that I can't pay them. 我将不得不向他们解释我不能付钱给他们。
  • PREP
    You use to when indicating someone's reaction to something or their feelings about a situation or event. For example, if you say that something happens to someone's surprise you mean that they are surprised when it happens.
    To his surprise, the bedroom door was locked… 令他吃惊的是,卧室门锁上了。 He survived, to the amazement of surgeons. 令外科医生惊讶的是,他竟活下来了。
  • PREP
    You use to when indicating the person whose opinion you are stating.
    It was clear to me that he respected his boss... 在我看来他显然很尊重他的上司。 Everyone seemed to her to be amazingly kind. 每个人对她来说都善良得不可思议。
  • PREP
    You use to when indicating what something or someone is becoming, or the state or situation that they are progressing towards.
    The shouts changed to screams of terror. 喊叫声变成了惊恐的尖叫声。 ...an old ranch house that has been converted to a nature centre. 被改建成自然中心的旧农场主住宅
  • PREP
    To can be used as a way of introducing the person or organization you are employed by, when you perform some service for them.
    Rickman worked as a dresser to Nigel Hawthorne... 里克曼曾是奈杰尔·霍索恩的服装师。 He was an official interpreter to the government of Nepal. 他曾是尼泊尔政府的官方译员。
  • PREP
    You use to to indicate that something happens until the time or amount mentioned is reached.
    Every vehicle was banned from coming into Mexico City one day a week from Monday to Friday… 每周一到周五期间都会有一天禁止所有车辆进入墨西哥城。 From 1977 to 1985 the United States gross national product grew 21 percent... 从1977到1985年,美国的国民生产总值增长了 21%。
  • PREP
    You use to when indicating the last thing in a range of things, usually when you are giving two extreme examples of something.
    I read everything from fiction to history. 从小说到历史,我什么书都读。 …mechanical toys and gadgets, from typewriters to toy cars. 从打字机到玩具汽车这样的机械玩具和小巧装置
  • PREP
    If someone goes from place to place or from job to job, they go to several places, or work in several jobs, and spend only a short time in each one.
    Larry and Andy had drifted from place to place, worked at this and that. 拉里和安迪从一处漂泊到另一处,干点这个又干点那个。
    If someone moves to and fro, they move repeatedly from one place to another and back again, or from side to side.
    She stood up and began to pace to and fro... 她站起身,开始来回踱步。 The boat was rocking gently to and fro in the water. 小船在水中轻轻地来回摇荡。
  • PREP
    You use to when you are stating a time which is less than thirty minutes before an hour. For example, if it is 'five to eight', it is five minutes before eight o'clock.
    At twenty to six I was waiting by the entrance to the station... 5 点 40 分我正在车站入口处等着。 At exactly five minutes to nine, Ann left her car and entered the building. 安在刚好8点55分时下车进了楼。
  • PREP
    You use to when giving ratios and rates.
    ...engines that can run at 60 miles to the gallon. 每加仑油跑 60 英里的发动机 …a mixture of one part milk to two parts water. 由一份牛奶和两份水兑成的混合物
  • PREP
    You use to when indicating that two things happen at the same time. For example, if something is done to music, it is done at the same time as music is being played.
    Romeo left the stage, to enthusiastic applause... 罗密欧在热烈的掌声中离开了舞台。 Amy woke up to the sound of her doorbell ringing... 随着门铃叮当作响,埃米醒来了。
    If you say 'There's nothing to it', 'There's not much to it', or 'That's all there is to it', you are emphasizing how simple you think something is.
    Once they have tried growing orchids, they will see there is really nothing to it. 一旦他们试着种植兰花,就会发现那并不是什么难事。 She's going through a difficult time. That's all there is to it. 她正经历一个困难时期。就这么简单。
  • ADV
    If you push or shut a door to, you close it but may not shut it completely.
    He slipped out, pulling the door to. 他溜了出去,虚掩上门。
  • prep.
    (表示时间)到, 直到, 在…到来之前, 离…
    The Parliament was prorogued to the tenth of February. 议会休会到二月十日。
    (表示方向)朝, 往, 通向
    He turned to his companion before he replied. 他转身朝向他的伙伴然后回答。
    (表示状态)紧贴着, 紧靠着, 对着
    The two lovers danced cheek to cheek. 那对情侣脸贴着脸跳舞。
    (表示对象)对, 对于, 对…来说
    What will Doris say to it? 对此事多丽丝将怎么说呢?
    (表示比较)比, 相对于
    The men are noodles to her. 与她相比, 这些男人都是笨蛋。
    (表示方位)在…方向[方位], 处于…顺序
    Scotland is to the north of England. 苏格兰在英格兰之北。
    (表示距离)离, 距离
    It is ten kilometres to the station. 到车站十公里。
    (表示目标)到达, 直到
    We came to a picturesque cottage. 我们来到一座风景如画的村落。
    (表示结果)转换为, 转变为, 趋于
    Wait until the lights change to green. 等交通灯变成绿色再走。
    the key to the classroom 教室的钥匙
    add this to the others 把这个加在另外几个上面
    [表示伴随]跟着; 伴随;随同
    She danced to the music. 她合着音乐跳舞。
    What will he say to this? 对此他会说什么?
  • adv.
    His hat is on wrong side to. 他的帽子前后戴歪了。
    The door was blown to. 风吹把门关上了。
    We turned to with a will. 我们开始努力干。
    We were close to when it happened. 事情发生时我们正在附近。
    after he came to 在他苏醒过来以后
  • 金融: 汇票拒付抗辩;