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  • 同义词解析
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  • 柯林斯词典释义
  • 英汉词典释义
  • 英英词典释义
  • 行业词典释义


[rɪˈdʒekt] [rɪˈdʒɛkt]
  • 复数:rejects;
  • 第三人称单数:rejects;
  • 过去式:rejected;
  • 过去分词:rejected;
  • 现在分词:rejecting;
  • 名词:rejection;
  • 例句
    • 以下这些动词均包含 "拒绝" 的意思
      It mix all the decisions that affect the school,including rules, the timetable and accepting or rejecting new students and teachers
      Major supermarkets, in meeting consumer expectations, will often reject entire crops of perfectly edible fruit and vegetables at the farm because they do not meet exacting marketing standards for their physical characteristics, such as size and appearance.
      We use bonding humor to enhance our social connections* but we also may employ it as a way of excluding or rejecting an outsider
      They reject conventional values.
    • VERB
      If you reject something such as a proposal, a request, or an offer, you do not accept it or you do not agree to it.
      The British government is expected to reject the idea of state subsidy for a new high speed railway... 预计英国政府不会考虑为修建一条新的高速铁路提供国家补贴的设想。 Seventeen publishers rejected the manuscript before Jenks saw its potential. 17家出版社回绝了这部手稿,直到詹克斯看到了它的潜在价值。
    • VERB
      If you reject a belief or a political system, you refuse to believe in it or to live by its rules.
      ...the children of Eastern European immigrants who had rejected their parents' political and religious beliefs. 抛弃了父母一代政治和宗教信仰的东欧移民子女
    • VERB
      If someone is rejected for a job or course of study, it is not offered to them.
      One of my most able students was rejected by another university. 我的一个最有能力的学生申请另一所大学落选了。
    • VERB
      If someone rejects another person who expects affection from them, they are cold and unfriendly towards them.
      You make friends with people and then make unreasonable demands so that they reject you. 你和别人交朋友,然后向人家提出无理要求,结果被人家拒绝。 ...people who had been rejected by their lovers. 被爱人拒绝的人
    • VERB
      If a person's body rejects something such as a new heart that has been transplanted into it, it tries to attack and destroy it.
      It was feared his body was rejecting a kidney he received in a transplant four years ago. 令人担心的是,他的身体可能对4年前移植的肾产生了排斥反应。
    • VERB
      If a machine rejects a coin that you put in it, the coin comes out and the machine does not work.
    • N-COUNT
      A reject is a product that has not been accepted for use or sale, because there is something wrong with it.
    • vt.
      拒绝, 驳回
      He was afraid she would reject him because he was a foreigner. 他担心她会因他不是本国人而拒绝他。 The board rejected all our ideas. 董事会拒绝审议我们的所有意见。 They rejected his application for membership. 他们拒绝考虑他的成员资格申请。 She rejected telling us the truth. 她拒不对我们讲实情。 He rejected changing his mind. 他拒绝改变主意。
      舍弃, 排斥, 退掉
      Choose the good apples and reject the bad ones. 把好的苹果挑出来, 把坏的剔出去。 He rejected the old records. 他丢弃了那些旧唱片。 The patient rejected the transplanted heart. 病人的躯体排斥移植的心脏。 It is hard for me to reject religious beliefs. 要我抛弃自己的宗教信仰是困难的。 He rejected the idea of settling in England. 他放弃了在英国定居的想法。
    • n.
      被拒货品, 不合格产品
      This is the reject. 这是次品。
    • Noun
      1. the person or thing rejected or set aside as inferior in quality
    • Verb
      1. refuse to accept or acknowledge;
      "I reject the idea of starting a war""The journal rejected the student's paper"
      2. refuse to accept;
      "He refused my offer of hospitality"
      3. deem wrong or inappropriate;
      "I disapprove of her child rearing methods"
      4. reject with contempt;
      "She spurned his advances"
      5. resist immunologically the introduction of some foreign tissue or organ;
      "His body rejected the liver of the donor"
      6. refuse entrance or membership;
      "They turned away hundreds of fans""Black people were often rejected by country clubs"
      7. dismiss from consideration;
      "John was ruled out as a possible suspect because he had a strong alibi""This possibility can be eliminated from our consideration"
    • 体育: 拒绝;呕吐;
      法律: 不受理;驳回;