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  • 以下这些名词均有"例子,事例" 的意思
  • as the case may be
    according to the circumstances (used when referring to two or more possible alternatives) 看情形,根据情况(用于两种或多种可能选择中)
  • be the case
    be so 如此
  • (just) in case
    as a provision against something happening or being true 以防万一;免得 if it is true that 如果是真的;假使
  • in no case
    under no circumstances 在任何情况下决不,无论如何都不
  • in that case
    if that happens or has happened; if that is the situation 既然那样,假若是那样的话
  • on (或 off) someone's case
    (informal)continually (or no longer) criticizing or harassing someone (非正式)不断(或不再)批评(或搅扰)某人
  • in any case
    Regardless of what has occurred or will occur. 无论如何,总之:不管已经或将要发生什么
  • in case
    If it happens that; if. 如果发生;如果 As a precaution 以防万一
  • in case of
    If there should happen to be 如果发生
    His doctors were puzzled by the strange case of permanent sleeplessness.
    What do doctors think of Al Herpin's case
    The authors documented an annual drop of as many as 120,000 cases of heart disease, 66,000 instances of stroke and 99,000 heart attacks caused by high blood pressure after a 3-g-per-day reduction in salt.
    A particular case is a particular situation or incident, especially one that you are using as an individual example or instance of something.
    Surgical training takes at least nine years, or 11 in the case of obstetrics... 外科至少需要9年的专业训练,产科甚至需要11年。 One of the effects of dyslexia, in my case at least, is that you pay tremendous attention to detail... 诵读困难的一个影响就是过分注意细节,至少对我来说是如此。
    A case is a person or their particular problem that a doctor, social worker, or other professional is dealing with.
    ...the case of a 57-year-old man who had suffered a stroke... 一个患过中风的57岁男子的病例 Some cases of arthritis respond to a gluten-free diet... 无麸质饮食对一些关节炎患者有疗效。
    If you say that someone is a sad case or a hopeless case, you mean that they are in a sad situation or a hopeless situation.
    I knew I was going to make it — that I wasn't a hopeless case. 我就知道自己能挺过去——我还没到山穷水尽的地步。
    A case is a crime or mystery that the police are investigating.
    The police have several suspects in the case of five murders committed in Gainesville, Florida... 警方就佛罗里达州盖恩斯维尔的5起谋杀案已经锁定了几名犯罪嫌疑人。 Mr. Hitchens said you have solved some very unusual cases. 希钦斯先生说您破过一些非常离奇的案子。
    The case for or against a plan or idea consists of the facts and reasons used to support it or oppose it.
    He sat there while I made the case for his dismissal... 他坐在那儿,听我陈述解雇他的理由。 Both these facts strengthen the case against hanging... 这两项事实使反对绞刑的理由更加充分。
    In law, a case is a trial or other legal inquiry.
    It can be difficult for public figures to win a libel case... 公众人物想打赢诽谤官司可能会很难。 The case was brought by his family, who say their reputation has been damaged by allegations about him. 这起诉讼是他的家人提起的,他们称有关他的指控损害了他们的名誉。
    You say in any case when you are adding something which is more important than what you have just said, but which supports or corrects it.
    The concert was booked out, and in any case, most of the people gathered in the square could not afford the price of a ticket. 音乐会门票已经预订一空,再者,聚在广场上的人多数也买不起票。
    You say in any case after talking about things that you are not sure about, to emphasize that your next statement is the most important thing or the thing that you are sure about.
    Either he escaped, or he came to grief. In any case, he was never seen again. 他要么逃掉了,要么遭到了不测。不管怎么样,反正再也没有人见过他。
    If you do something in case or just in case a particular thing happens, you do it because that thing might happen.
    In case anyone was following me, I made an elaborate detour... 为了防止有人跟踪我,我特地绕了弯路。 Extra boiling water should be kept at hand just in case it is needed. 身边应多准备一些开水,以备不时之需。
    If you do something or have something in case of a particular thing, you do it or have it because that thing might happen or be true.
    Many shops along the route have been boarded up in case of trouble. 沿途很多商店的门窗都用木板封上了,以防不测。
    You use in case in expressions like 'in case you didn't know' or 'in case you've forgotten' when you are telling someone in a rather irritated way something that you think is either obvious or none of their business.
    She's nervous about something, in case you didn't notice... 她正为了什么事神经紧张,你连这个都没看出来? 'I'm waiting for Mary Ann,' she said, 'in case you're wondering.' “我在等玛丽·安,”她说,“要是你想知道的话。”
    You say in that case or in which case to indicate that what you are going to say is true if the possible situation that has just been mentioned actually exists.
    Perhaps you've some doubts about the attack. In that case it may interest you to know that Miss Woods witnessed it... 你也许对这起袭击还有些怀疑。那么如果我告诉你伍兹小姐亲眼目睹了这起事件,你可能会感兴趣。 Members are concerned that a merger might mean higher costs, in which case they would oppose it. 成员们担心合并会导致成本提高,若是那样的话,他们将提出反对。
    You can say that you are doing something just in case to refer vaguely to the possibility that a thing might happen or be true, without saying exactly what it is.
    I guess we've already talked about this but I'll ask you again just in case. 我想我们已经谈过这个问题了,不过为了以防万一,我再问你一次。
    You say as the case may be or whatever the case may be to indicate that the statement you are making applies equally to the two or more alternatives that you have mentioned.
    They know how everything works — or doesn't work, as the case may be. 他们了解一切是如何运作的,或者为何出差错,无论是哪种情况,他们都很清楚。
    If you say that a task or situation is a case of a particular thing, you mean that it consists of that thing or can be described as that thing.
    It's a case of relaxing, then playing... 应该是先放松,然后再玩。 It's not a case of whether anyone would notice or not. 这不是会不会有人注意到的问题。
    If you say that something is a case in point, you mean that it is a good example of something you have just mentioned.
    In many cases religious persecution is the cause of people fleeing their country. A case in point is colonial India. 很多情况下,宗教迫害是导致人们逃奔异国他乡的原因。一个典型的例子是殖民统治时期的印度。
    If you say that something is the case, you mean that it is true or correct.
    You'll probably notice her having difficulty swallowing. If this is the case, give her plenty of liquids... 你可能会注意到她吞咽有困难。要是这样的话,让她多吃流食。 Consumers had hoped the higher prices would mean more goods in stores. But that was not the case. 消费者本来以为,物价上涨了,店里的商品会增多;但是情况并非如此。
    If you say that someone is on the case, you mean that they are aware of a particular problem and are trying to resolve it.
    The CompuServe management is on the case now, and it looks as if things will return to normal soon. CompuServe在线服务公司的管理层正在处理这个问题,看样子,要不了多久,一切就能恢复正常。
  • n.
    事例, 实例
    Could you give us a concrete case? 你能不能给我们举个具体事例?
    实情, 情况
    Actually, it is not the case. 实际上, 情况不是这样的。
    病例, 病症, 患者
    Cases of smallpox are becoming rare. 天花病例日益罕见。
  • vt.
    All the books have been cased for shipping. 所有书籍已经装箱待运。
    The lower story of the building was cased with marble. 大楼底层的外墙砌上了一层大理石。
    The bank was carefully cased by the bandits before the robbery. 银行在抢劫案发生之前曾被匪徒彻底勘查过。
  • Noun
    1. a comprehensive term for any proceeding in a court of law whereby an individual seeks a legal remedy;
    "the family brought suit against the landlord"
    2. an occurrence of something;
    "it was a case of bad judgment""another instance occurred yesterday""but there is always the famous example of the Smiths"
    3. a special set of circumstances;
    "in that event, the first possibility is excluded""it may rain in which case the picnic will be canceled"
    4. a problem requiring investigation;
    "Perry Mason solved the case of the missing heir"
    5. the actual state of things;
    "that was not the case"
    6. a statement of facts and reasons used to support an argument;
    "he stated his case clearly"
    7. a portable container for carrying several objects;
    "the musicians left their instrument cases backstage"
    8. a person who is subjected to experimental or other observational procedures; someone who is an object of investigation;
    "the subjects for this investigation were selected randomly""the cases that we studied were drawn from two different communities"
    9. a person requiring professional services;
    "a typical case was the suburban housewife described by a marriage counselor"
    10. the quantity contained in a case
    11. a glass container used to store and display items in a shop or museum or home
    12. a specific state of mind that is temporary;
    "a case of the jitters"
    13. nouns or pronouns or adjectives (often marked by inflection) related in some way to other words in a sentence
    14. the housing or outer covering of something;
    "the clock has a walnut case"
    15. a person of a specified kind (usually with many eccentricities);
    "a real character""a strange character""a friendly eccentric""the capable type""a mental case"
    16. an enveloping structure or covering enclosing an animal or plant organ or part
    17. the enclosing frame around a door or window opening;
    "the casings had rotted away and had to be replaced"
    18. bed linen consisting of a cover for a pillow;
    "the burglar carried his loot in a pillowcase"
  • Verb
    1. look over, usually with the intention to rob;
    "They men cased the housed"
    2. enclose in, or as if in, a case;
    "my feet were encased in mud"
  • 体育: 弹壳;
    医学: 病案,病例,患者:某种疾病的一个特殊例子,例如白血病的病例;有时也被错误地用来指患病的病人;此词在牙科学中有时被错误地用来指型盒、假牙、铸造等;
    法律: 案例;案件;案子;
    电工: 管壳;