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[tel] [tɛl]
  • 复数:tells;
  • 第三人称单数:tells;
  • 过去式:told;
  • 过去分词:told;
  • 现在分词:telling;
  • 例句
    • vt. & vi.
      listen, hear,
    • tell的反义词之:其他释义
    • 以下这些动词均有"说,讲" 的意思
    • as far as one can tell
      judging from the available information 根据现有的消息来判断
    • I tell you (或 I can tell you)
      used to emphasize a statement 我可以肯定地说,确实
    • I (或 I'll) tell you what
      used to introduce a suggestion 我的主张(或意见、建议)是…;你听我说…
    • I told you (so)
      used as a way of pointing out that one's warnings, although ignored, have been proved to be well founded 我早跟你说过的
    • tell one's beads
    • tell someone's fortune
    • tell it like it is
      (informal)describe the true facts of a situation no matter how unpleasant they may be (非正式)如实说来,实事求是地说,说实话
    • tell its own tale (或 story)
      be significant or revealing, without any further explanation or comment being necessary 不言而喻,显而易见,不言自明
    • tell me about it
      (informal)used as an ironic acknowledgement of one's familiarity with a difficult or unpleasant situation or experience described by someone else (非正式)我早知道了;还用你告诉我
    • tell me another
      (informal)used as an expression of disbelief or incredulity (非正式)不见得吧;我不相信;哪有这种事,别胡说
    • tell something a mile off
    • tell tales
      make known or gossip about another person's secrets, wrongdoings, or faults 讲…的坏话;搬弄是非
    • tell that to the marines
    • tell the time (或美tell time)
      be able to ascertain the time from reading the face of a clock or watch 会认钟,会看钟点
    • VERB
      If you tell someone something, you give them information.
      In the evening I returned to tell Phyllis our relationship was over... 晚上我回来告诉菲莉丝我们之间完了。 I called Andie to tell her how spectacular the stuff looked... 我打电话告诉安迪,那东西看上去太棒了。
    • VERB
      If you tell something such as a joke, a story, or your personal experiences, you communicate it to other people using speech.
      His friends say he was always quick to tell a joke... 他的朋友们说,以前他讲笑话总是张嘴就来。 He told his story to The Sunday Times and produced photographs... 他把自己的经历讲述给了《星期日泰晤士报》的记者,还提供了照片。
    • VERB
      If you tell someone to do something, you order or advise them to do it.
      A passer-by told the driver to move his car so that it was not causing an obstruction... 一个过路人叫那个司机把他的车挪一挪,免得挡道。 She told me on the telephone to come help clean the house. 她在电话里叫我过去帮忙打扫屋子。
    • VERB
      If you tell yourself something, you put it into words in your own mind because you need to encourage or persuade yourself about something.
      'Come on', she told herself... “加油!”她在心里暗暗打气。 I told myself I would be satisfied with whatever I could get. 我告诉自己,不管得到什么我都会心满意足的。
    • VERB
      If you can tell what is happening or what is true, you are able to judge correctly what is happening or what is true.
      It was already impossible to tell where the bullet had entered... 已经无法判断子弹是从哪里打进来的。 I couldn't tell if he had been in a fight or had just fallen down... 我不知道他是和人家打架了,还是仅仅摔了一跤。
    • VERB
      If you can tell one thing from another, you are able to recognize the difference between it and other similar things.
      I can't really tell the difference between their policies and ours... 我真的看不出他们的政策和我们的有什么不同。 How do you tell one from another?... 你怎么把他们区分开来?
    • VERB
      If you tell, you reveal or give away a secret.
      Many of the children know who they are but are not telling. 许多孩子知道他们是谁,可就是不说。
    • VERB
      If facts or events tell you something, they reveal certain information to you through ways other than speech.
      The facts tell us that this is not true... 事实告诉我们,这不是真的。 I don't think the unemployment rate ever tells us much about the future... 我认为,从失业率上永远看不出未来的情况究竟如何。
    • VERB
      If an unpleasant or tiring experience begins to tell, it begins to have a serious effect.
      The pressure began to tell as rain closed in after 20 laps... 跑完 20 圈以后,眼看就要下雨了,大家开始紧张起来。 The strains of office are beginning to tell on the prime minister. 首相开始感到公务繁忙的压力了。
    • PHRASE
      You use as far as I can tell or so far as I could tell to indicate that what you are saying is based on the information you have, but that there may be things you do not know.
      As far as I can tell, Jason is basically a nice guy... 据我所知,贾森算得上是个好人。 So far as anyone can tell, there's evidence that there was a Robin Hood... 众所周知,有证据表明确实有罗宾汉这么个人。
      You can say 'I tell you', 'I can tell you', or 'I can't tell you' to add emphasis to what you are saying.
      I tell you this, I will not rest until that day has come... 我可以肯定地说,不到那天我不会休息。 This little letter gave us a few chuckles, I can tell you... 说真的,我们看了这封短信都笑了。
      If you say 'You never can tell', you mean that the future is always uncertain and it is never possible to know exactly what will happen.
      You never can tell what life is going to bring you. 你永远不知道人生会给你带来些什么。
      If someone disagrees with you or refuses to do what you suggest and you are eventually proved to be right, you can say 'I told you so'.
      Her parents did not approve of her decision and, if she failed, her mother would say, 'I told you so.' 她父母不赞同她的决定,要是她失败了,她妈妈就会说:“怎么样,我说对了吧?”
      You use I'll tell you what or I tell you what to introduce a suggestion or a new topic of conversation.
      I tell you what, I'll bring the water in a separate glass. 要不这样吧,我用另一个玻璃杯把水端过来。
    • vt.
      讲, 告诉,告知
      I have something to tell you. 我有件事要告诉你。 Tell me what I should do next. 告诉我下一步该做什么。
      吩咐, 命令
      Tell him to wait for us at the gate. 让他在大门口等我们。
      表明, 显示
      Her face told her joy. 她脸上流露出欢乐。
      No one can tell who will win the next election. 谁也说不准谁会赢得下次竞选。
      They were 40 all told. 他们共计40人。
      I don't like it,I tell you. 我告诉你,我不喜欢。
    • vt. & vi.
      分辨, 辨别
      It was difficult to tell his exact age. 很难判断他到底多大岁数。
    • vi.
      You mustn't tell or we'll get into trouble. 你千万不可泄密, 否则我们会遇到麻烦。
      The sailor told of his adventures on sea. 水手讲述他在海上的冒险。
    • Verb
      1. express in words;
      "He said that he wanted to marry her""tell me what is bothering you""state your opinion""state your name"
      2. let something be known;
      "Tell them that you will be late"
      3. narrate or give a detailed account of;
      "Tell what happened""The father told a story to his child"
      4. give instructions to or direct somebody to do something with authority;
      "I said to him to go home""She ordered him to do the shopping""The mother told the child to get dressed"
      5. discern or comprehend;
      "He could tell that she was unhappy"
      6. inform positively and with certainty and confidence;
      "I tell you that man is a crook!"
      7. give evidence;
      "he was telling on all his former colleague"
      8. mark as different;
      "We distinguish several kinds of maple"