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[ˈmenʃn] [ˈmɛnʃən]
  • 复数:mentions;
  • 第三人称单数:mentions;
  • 过去式:mentioned;
  • 过去分词:mentioned;
  • 现在分词:mentioning;
  • 例句
    • be mentioned in dispatches
      (Brit.)be commended for one's actions by name in an official military report (英)在战报中受到表扬
    • don't mention it
      a polite expression used to indicate that thanks or an apology are not necessary 不用谢;没关系
    • mention someone in one's will
      leave a legacy to someone 将遗产赠给
    • not to mention
      used to introduce an additional fact or point which reinforces the point being made 除 了…外(还),更不必说
      Why does the author mention Kodak's invention of the first digital camera?
      Paul, tell me about the special project you mentioned on the phone.
      What is mentioned in this issue's special report about innovation nowadays?
      Well, the letter mentions 20,000 pounds, but I don't know if they might settle for us.
      The author mentions Cyrano de Bergerac in order to show that imagination is the mother of invention.
      Now, whenever anybody mentions the subject to her, she just goes silent.
    • VERB
      If you mention something, you say something about it, usually briefly.
      She did not mention her mother's absence... 她并没有说起她母亲不在场的事。 I may not have mentioned it to her... 我可能没跟她提过这件事。
    • N-VAR
      A mention is a reference to something or someone.
      The statement made no mention of government casualties... 声明里没有提及政府方面的伤亡情况。 At the community centre, mention of funds produces pained looks. 在社区中心一提到资金问题,大家就会愁眉不展。
    • VERB
      If someone is mentioned in writing, a reference is made to them by name, often to criticize or praise something that they have done.
      I was absolutely outraged that I could be even mentioned in an article of this kind... 我大为恼火,我的名字居然出现在这种文章里面。 As for your father, he won't be mentioned in my will. 至于你父亲,我的遗嘱里不会提到他的名字。
    • VERB
      If someone is mentioned as a candidate for something such as a job, it is suggested that they might become a candidate.
      His appointment is a complete surprise — he has never been mentioned as a front runner... 他的任命完全出人意料——他从来都不是呼声最高的候选人。 Her name has been mentioned as a favoured leadership candidate. 提到她的名字时,说她是领导职位的热门候选人。
    • N-VAR
      A special or honourable mention is formal praise that is given for an achievement that is very good, although not usually the best of its kind.
      So many people have helped me with this book that it is hard to pick out the few for special mention. 帮助我完成本书的人数太多,难以从中选出几位特别致谢。
      People sometimes say 'don't mention it' as a polite reply to someone who has just thanked them for doing something.
      'Thank you very much.' — 'Don't mention it.' “非常感谢!”——“别客气。”
    • PHRASE
      You use not to mention when you want to add extra information which emphasizes the point that you are making.
      The audience, not to mention the bewildered cast, were not amused... 观众们并没有觉得好笑,更不用说那些一头雾水的演员了。 It was both deliberate and malicious, not to mention clever. 这件事是处心积虑、早有预谋的,更不用说其手段的高明。
    • vt.
      提到, 说起
      He mentioned them by name. 他举出了他们的名字。 Before closing I want to mention all those who contributed so generously. 在我结束讲话的时候, 我想提一下所有慷慨捐赠的人。 Don't mention this problem this evening. 今晚别提这个问题。 Can you mention one of the mistakes off hand? 你能马上指出其中一个错误吗? Nobody mentioned the real purpose of this meeting. 谁也没有提到这次会议的真正目的。 From now on no one is to mention that slip of paper. 以后, 谁也不准提到这张纸条的事情。 He did not want to mention the painful past. 他不愿意提起过去的伤心事。 Haas decided not to mention his cold. 哈斯决定不提他患了感冒。 I had enough presence of mind not to mention my intention. 我镇定自若, 没有说起我的意图。 There were four of us there, without mentioning the child. 那儿有我们4个人, 不算那个孩子。 They have two dogs to find a home for, without mentioning the cat and the bird. 得为两条狗找个家, 此外尚有猫和鸟。 He is being mentioned for the place. 他正被提名为本职位的候补人。 It is mentioned on page 20. 它在20页被提到。 Every time I mentioned taking a swim in the lake he would make a face. 每当我提起下湖去游泳, 他总露出不赞成的表情。 You mentioned having been in hospital last year. 你说过去年你住过医院。 He did not mention having been on the spot. 他没说他当时在场。 Jeromy mentioned having seen me on TV the previous evening. 杰罗米说起前一天晚上在电视上看到过我。 She mentioned that she had glanced through it. 她说她曾粗略看过一遍。 You never even mentioned that your wife had had the baby! 你从来没有提起过你的妻子生了那个孩子! Tom mentions that he often sees her in the library. 汤姆说他经常在图书馆看到她。 Did he mention when he would marry? 他说过他什么时候结婚了吗? She forgot to mention where we should meet. 她忘了说我们该在何处会面。 Her mother had mentioned how colourful the yard was, now that spring had arrived. 她母亲提到由于春天已经来到, 院子里已是五彩缤纷。 Don't mention what happened last week, it could bring him out in a temper. 别提起上周发生的事, 那会使他发脾气的。 They mentioned you as a good source of information. 他们说你消息灵通。
      He never even mentioned that his wife had won the first prize. 他甚至从未提起过他妻子得了一等奖。
    • n.
      提及, 说起
      As he has not done much, he is beneath mention. 他没有做多少事, 不值得提到他。 The actor's wedding got a mention on television. 电视上报道了这位男演员的婚礼。 By tacit agreement, Clark's friends all avoided any mention of his mentally ill wife. 克拉克的朋友们心照不宣, 绝口不提他那位患精神病的妻子。 The first mention of the discovery appeared in an article last year. 去年的一篇文章首次提及这项发现。 He made no mention of your request. 他没有提到你的要求。 The communique made no mention of progress on any of the issues. 公报只字不提这些问题中哪个问题取得了进展。 No mention was made of her illness. 她的病情没有提到。 He made no mention of having seen her. 他不提他曾经见过她。
    • Noun
      1. a remark that calls attention to something or someone;
      "she made frequent mention of her promotion""there was no mention of it""the speaker made several references to his wife"
      2. a short note recognizing a source of information or of a quoted passage;
      "the student's essay failed to list several important citations""the acknowledgments are usually printed at the front of a book""the article includes mention of similar clinical cases"
      3. an official recognition of merit;
      "although he didn't win the prize he did get special mention"
    • Verb
      1. make reference to;
      "His name was mentioned in connection with the invention"
      2. make mention of;
      "She observed that his presentation took up too much time""They noted that it was a fine day to go sailing"
      3. commend;
      "he was cited for his outstanding achievements"