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[spi:k] [spik]
  • 第三人称单数:speaks;
  • 过去式:spoke;
  • 过去分词:spoken;
  • 现在分词:speaking;
  • 例句
    • 以下这些动词均有"说,讲" 的意思
    • not to speak of
      used in introducing a further factor to be considered 更不要说
    • nothing (或 no——, none) to speak of
      used to indicate that there is some but very little of something [表明只有非常少的一点]不值一提
    • something speaks for itself
      something's implications are so clear that it needs no supporting evidence or comments 无需进一步说明,不言而喻
    • speak for oneself
      give one's own opinions 发表个人意见
    • speak in tongues
      speak in an unknown language during religious worship (在宗教拜神仪式中)讲不为人知的语言
    • speaking of
      used to introduce a statement or question about a topic recently alluded to [引入最近谈到过的一个话题]谈起;提到
    • speak one's mind
      express one's feelings or opinions frankly 说出心里话
    • speak volumes
      (of a gesture, circumstance, or object) convey a great deal (姿态,环境,物体)含义深刻,意味深长
    • speak well (或 ill) of
      praise (or criticize) 表扬(或批评)
    • speak out (或 up)
      express one's feelings or opinions frankly and publicly 坦诚地说;公开地说出
    • speak up for
      speak in defence or support of 为…辩护;支持
    • speak out
      To talk freely and fearlessly, as about a public issue. 说出:勇敢和自由地说出,例如关于公众问题
    • speak up
      To speak loud enough to be audible. 清楚响亮地说:用足以被听见的声音说 To speak without fear or hesitation. 勇敢地说:大胆地说出或毫不犹豫地说
    • so to speak
      In a manner of speaking 恕我直言
      Of course, I'm good at computers and I can speak Spanish.
      Mr David Rossi stated that he had spoken with McLaughlin on several occasions about his driving record.
      The research argued that boys often perform badly in mixed schools because they become discouraged when their female peers do better earlier in speaking and reading skills.
      Worldwide people speak differently from the way they write, and texting -quick, casual and only intended to be read once — is actually a way of talking with your fingers.
      His writing and speaking raised the awareness of the importance of conservation and helped bring about our national park system.
      What did John Muir intend to do through writing and speaking
    • VERB
      When you speak, you use your voice in order to say something.
      He tried to speak, but for once, his voice had left him... 他想说话,却一时语塞。 He speaks with a lisp... 他说话口齿不清。
    • VERB
      When someone speaks to a group of people, they make a speech.
      When speaking to the seminar Mr Franklin spoke of his experience, gained on a recent visit to Trinidad... 在研讨会上发言的时候,富兰克林先生谈到了他最近游览特立尼达的经历。 He's determined to speak at the Democratic Convention... 他决定在民主党全国代表大会上发言。
    • VERB
      If you speak for a group of people, you make their views and demands known, or represent them.
      He said it was the job of the Church to speak for the underprivileged... 他说,为贫困群体说话是教会的义务。 I speak for all 7,000 members of our organization... 我代表本组织的 7,000 名成员发言。
    • VERB
      If you speak a foreign language, you know the language and are able to have a conversation in it.
      He doesn't speak English... 他不会讲英语。 Many of them can speak two or three or more languages. 他们当中许多人都会说两三门语言,有的人甚至更多。
    • VERB
      People sometimes mention something that has been written by saying what the author speaks of .
      In the book she speaks of his “social ineptitude” and says he verbally abused her... 她在书中提到他“缺乏社交技能”,并且说他曾经对她出言不逊。 St Paul speaks of the body as the 'temple of the Holy Spirit'. 圣保罗把身体描述为“圣神的宫殿”。
    • V-RECIP
      If two people are not speaking, they no longer talk to each other because they have quarrelled.
      He is not speaking to his mother because of her friendship with his ex-wife... 因为母亲和前妻仍旧保持着友好的关系,他便不再和母亲说话。 The co-stars are still not speaking. 两位联袂主演的明星仍然互不理睬。
    • VERB
      If you say that something speaks to you of a quality, experience, or feeling, you mean that it is evidence of it or expresses it.
      His behaviour spoke of an early maturity... 他的举止流露出早熟的痕迹。 The length of the car and the high polish of its fittings both spoke of money... 长车身和高档配置无不象征着财富。
    • VERB
      If you say that something speaks for itself, you mean that its meaning or quality is so obvious that it does not need explaining or pointing out.
      ...the figures speak for themselves — low order books, bleak prospects at home and a worsening outlook for exports... 这些数字本身就说明了问题——订单订购量低,国内销售前景惨淡,出口形势日趋恶化。 The results speak for themselves. 结局不言自明。
      If you say 'Speak for yourself' when someone has said something, you mean that what they have said is only their opinion or applies only to them.
      'We're not blaming you,' Kate said. 'Speak for yourself,' Boris muttered. “我们没有怪你,”凯特说。“也就是你这么想,”鲍里斯嘟囔道。
    • PHRASE
      If a person or thing is spoken for or has been spoken for, someone has claimed them or asked for them, so no-one else can have them.
      She'd probably drop some comment about her 'fiancé' into the conversation so that he'd think she was already spoken for... 她可能会在谈话的时候不着痕迹地对她的“未婚夫”作些评论,这样他便会认为她已经名花有主了。 By December last year most of the resources had been spoken for. 去年 12 月之前,绝大多数的资源就被预订了。
    • PHRASE
      If you say that actions speak louder than words, you mean that people's actions show their real attitudes, rather than what they say. This expression is sometimes used to advise a person to do something positive.
    • PHRASE
      Nothing to speak of means 'hardly anything' or 'only unimportant things'.
      They have no weaponry to speak of... 他们没有什么武器值得炫耀。 'Any fresh developments?' — 'Nothing to speak of.' “有什么新进展了吗?”——“谈不上什么新进展。”
    • PHRASE
      You can use not to speak of when adding something which your previous statement also applies to, or applies to even more than other things.
      This move caused consternation among universities and the government, not to speak of the students affected. 这个举措在大学和政府里造成了恐慌,更不用说受到影响的学生们了。
    • PHRASE
      If you speak well of someone or speak highly of someone, you say good things about them. If you speak ill of someone, you criticize them.
      Both spoke highly of the Russian president... 双方均盛赞俄罗斯总统。 It seemed she found it difficult to speak ill of anyone. 她似乎觉得说别人的坏话很难。
    • PHRASE
      You use so to speak to draw attention to the fact that you are describing or referring to something in a way that may be amusing or unusual rather than completely accurate.
      I ought not to tell you but I will, since you're in the family, so to speak... 我本来不该告诉你的,但我还是要这么做,因为好歹你是家里的一员。 The five countries have now all passed, so to speak, their entry test. 可以说,这5个国家现在都已经通过了入门考试。
    • PHRASE
      If you are on speaking terms with someone, you are quite friendly with them and often talk to them.
      For a long time her mother and her grandmother had hardly been on speaking terms. 很久以来,她的母亲和外婆两人之间几乎不怎么说话。
    • vt. & vi.
      讲; 谈
      The baby is learning to speak. 这个婴儿在学说话。 She speaks a little French. 她会讲一点法语。
    • vi.
      演说; 演讲
      Mr. Brown will speak now. 现在布朗先生发言。
      To speak frankly, I don't like the idea at all. 老实说, 我一点也不赞成这个主意。
    • Verb
      1. express in speech;
      "She talks a lot of nonsense""This depressed patient does not verbalize"
      2. exchange thoughts; talk with;
      "We often talk business""Actions talk louder than words"
      3. use language;
      "the baby talks already""the prisoner won't speak""they speak a strange dialect"
      4. give a speech to;
      "The chairman addressed the board of trustees"
      5. make a characteristic or natural sound;
      "The drums spoke"