• 基础释义
  • 例句
  • 同义词
  • 同义词解析
  • 四级真题
  • 六级真题
  • 柯林斯词典释义
  • 英汉词典释义
  • 英英词典释义
  • 行业词典释义


[aɪˈdentɪfaɪ] [aɪˈdentɪfaɪ]
  • 过去式:identified;
  • 过去分词:identified;
  • 现在分词:identifying;
  • 第三人称单数:identifies;
  • 例句
    • 以下这些动词均包含 "认出,识别" 的意思
      make out : 通常指通过人的感觉器官来辨别事物。
      By using Facebook and other social networks, participants can check each other out and identify friends ( or friends of friends) in common.
      We have identified an independent role for memory for that meal,'" Brunstrom says
      They don't identify themselves when using the website.
      When the Pew Research Center recently asked American parents to identify their"ideal"life arrangement,47 percent of mothers said they would prefer to work park-time and 20percent said they would prefer not to work at all.
      Scientists learn about the monarch butterflies' migration by capturing and placing the identifying tags in the insects.
      Included in your self-image are the categories in which you place yourself, the roles you play and other similar descriptors you use to identify yourself.
    • VERB
      If you can identify someone or something, you are able to recognize them or distinguish them from others.
      There are a number of distinguishing characteristics by which you can identify a Hollywood epic... 好莱坞的史诗大片有着一些与众不同的特点。 I tried to identify her perfume... 我试图分辨出她用哪种香水。
    • VERB
      If you identify someone or something, you name them or say who or what they are.
      Police have already identified around 10 murder suspects... 警方已经确认了约10名谋杀案疑凶。 The reporters identified one of the six Americans as an Army Specialist... 记者们认出6名美国人中有一位是陆军技术兵。
    • VERB
      If you identify something, you discover or notice its existence.
      Scientists claim to have identified natural substances with cancer-combating properties... 科学家们声称已经发现自然界的某些物质具有抗癌特性。 Having identified the problem, the question arises of how to overcome it. 发现问题后,如何克服它的问题又出现了。
    • VERB
      If a particular thing identifies someone or something, it makes them easy to recognize, by making them different in some way.
      She wore a little nurse's hat on her head to identify her... 她头戴一顶小护士帽,很容易辨认。 His boots and purple beret identify him as commanding the Scottish Paratroops. 他的长靴和紫色贝雷帽表明他统领着苏格兰伞兵部队。
    • VERB
      If you identify with someone or something, you feel that you understand them or their feelings and ideas.
      She would only play a role if she could identify with the character... 她只愿扮演她能认同的角色。 I could speak their language and identify with their problems because I had been there myself. 我会讲他们的语言,能体会他们的难处,因为我自己曾在那里呆过。
    • VERB
      If you identify one person or thing with another, you think that they are closely associated or involved in some way.
      She hates playing the sweet, passive women that audiences identify her with... 她讨厌扮演那些漂亮可爱、消极被动的女人,观众们已把她定型为这类角色。 The candidates all want to identify themselves with reform. 候选人都想把自己与改革密切联系起来。
    • vt.
      认出, 识别
      Would you be able to identify the man who robbed you? 你能够认出那个抢你东西的人吗? She identified her son among a lot of children. 她在许多孩子中认出了自己的孩子。 We couldn't identify the stray child. 我们不能辨认出这个迷途孩子的身份。 Could you identify your umbrella among a hundred others. 你能从100把雨伞中认出你的那一把吗? She learned how to identify medicinal herbs from a traditional Chinese doctor. 她向一位中医大夫学习如何识别草药。 I cannot identify the signature. 我无法辨别这个签名。 He identifies the two tastes. 他认出这两种味道。 His hoarse voice was quickly identified. 他那沙哑的嗓音让人一听就知道是他。 The policeman identified him as the thief. 警察认出他是小偷。 She identified him as her attacker. 她认出他就是那个攻击她的人。 He identified the corpse as the criminal hunted after. 他认出那具尸体就是那个被追捕的罪犯。
      支持, 同情
      The children identify themselves with their parents. 孩子们支持他们的父母。
      Never identify wealth with happiness. 千万不要把财富等同于幸福。
      He refused to identify himself with their policy. 他拒绝参与他们的政策。
      His hoarse voice quickly identified him. 他那嘶哑的声音让人一听就知道是他。
    • vt. & vi.
      等同于; 有关联
      Our tastes do not always identify. 我们的情趣并不总是相同的。
    • Verb
      1. recognize as being; establish the identity of someone or something;
      "She identified the man on the 'wanted' poster"
      2. give the name or identifying characteristics of; refer to by name or some other identifying characteristic property;
      "Many senators were named in connection with the scandal""The almanac identifies the auspicious months"
      3. consider (oneself) as similar to somebody else;
      "He identified with the refugees"
      4. conceive of as united or associated;
      "Sex activity is closely identified with the hypothalamus"
      5. identify as in botany or biology, for example
      6. consider to be equal or the same;
      "He identified his brother as one of the fugitives"
    • 法律: 认同;辨认;
      航海科技: 识别;