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[aʊt] [aʊt]
  • 复数:outs;
  • 第三人称单数:outs;
  • 过去式:outed;
  • 过去分词:outed;
  • 现在分词:outing;
  • 例句
    • adj.
      in, safe,
    • out的反义词之:其他释义
      in, safe,
    • at outs (北美on the outs)
      in dispute (与某人)意见不合,闹别扭
    • not out
      (Cricket)(of a side or batsman) having begun an innings and not been dismissed (板球)(一方,击球手)未出局的
    • out and about
      (of a person, especially after an illness) engaging in normal activity (人,尤指生病后的人)能正常走动的
    • out for
      intent on having 一心谋求,力图获得
    • out of
      moving or situated away from (a place, typically one that is enclosed or hidden) 离开,从…中出来 spoken by 出自…之口 using (a particular thing) as raw material 用…(制成) from among (a number) 从(某数)中 not having (a particular thing) 缺乏,没有
    • out of it informal 非正式
      not included; rejected 局外的;被拒的,未被邀请的 unaware of what is happening as a result of being uninformed 不知情的,未被告知的
    • out to do something
      keenly striving to do something 决心做某事,力图做某事
    • out with it
      [in imperative]say what you are thinking 说出你的想法
    • on the outs【非正式用语】
      Not on friendly terms; disagreeing. 无礼的:不友好的;持不同意见的
      To be sure, robotics are not the only job killers Out there, with outsourcing(外包)stealing far more jobs than automation.
    • ADV
      When something is in a particular place and you take it out, you remove it from that place.
      Carefully pull out the centre pages... 小心翼翼地抽出中间的几页。 He took out his notebook and flipped the pages... 他掏出笔记本,飞快地翻着。
    • ADV
      You can use out to indicate that you are talking about the situation outside, rather than inside buildings.
      It's hot out — very hot, very humid. 外面很热——非常炎热而且非常潮湿。
    • ADV
      If you are out, you are not at home or not at your usual place of work.
      I tried to get in touch with you yesterday evening, but I think you were out... 我昨晚想要和你联系,但好像你不在家里。 She had to go out. 她得出趟门。
    • ADV
      If you say that someone is out in a particular place, you mean that they are in a different place, usually one far away.
      The police tell me they've finished their investigations out there... 警方告诉我他们已完成了在那儿的调查工作。 Rosie's husband was now out East. 罗茜的丈夫现在远在东部。
    • ADV
      When the sea or tide goes out, the sea moves away from the shore.
      The tide was out and they walked among the rock pools. 潮水已经退去,他们走过岩石区的潮水潭。
    • ADV
      If you are out a particular amount of money, you have that amount less than you should or than you did.
      Me and my friends are out ten thousand dollars, with nothing to show for it! 我和朋友亏了1万美金,还一无所得!
    • adv.
      离开某地, 不在里面
      Let's go out for a walk. 我们出去走走。 Open the bag and put the money out. 打开提包, 把钱拿出来。
      不在家, 不在工作地点; (书等)已借出
      Let's have an evening out at the theatre. 让我们出去到剧院消磨一个晚上吧。 He stays out late at nights. 他晚上经常在外面逗留到很晚。
      They are all out at sea. 他们都已出海。 His son is out in America. 他儿子远在美国。
      显露, 暴露, 问世
      The apple blossom is out. 苹果花开了。 Their secret is out. 他们的秘密泄露了。 His new book is just out. 他的新书刚刚出版。
      过时, 不再流行
      Long skirts went out last year. 长裙子去年就不流行了。 That dress is out. 那种女服已过时了。
      大声地; 出声地
      Read out the names. 大声把名字念出来。 If you disagree you should speak out. 如果不同意, 你就该大声地说出来。
      到尽头; 全部, 彻底
      I'm tired out. 我筋疲力尽了。 Supplies are running out. 供应品快用完了。 He has worked out a mathematical problem. 他算出了一道数学题。
      She's been out for ten minutes. 她已昏迷了十分钟。
      The fire is out. 火灭了。 Please put your cigarette out. 请把香烟弄灭。
    • vt.
      Don’t out your head while riding in the bus. 坐公共汽车时别把头伸出窗外。
    • Noun
      1. (baseball) a failure by a batter or runner to reach a base safely in baseball;
      "you only get 3 outs per inning"
    • Verb
      1. to state openly and publicly one's homosexuality;
      "This actor outed last year"
      2. reveal somebody else's homosexuality;
      "This actor was outed last week"
      3. be made known; be disclosed or revealed;
      "The truth will out"
    • Adjective
      1. not allowed to continue to bat or run;
      "he was tagged out at second on a close play""he fanned out"
      2. of a fire; being out or having grown cold;
      "threw his extinct cigarette into the stream""the fire is out"
      3. not worth considering as a possibility;
      "a picnic is out because of the weather"
      4. out of power; especially having been unsuccessful in an election;
      "now the Democrats are out"
      5. excluded from use or mention;
      "forbidden fruit""in our house dancing and playing cards were out""a taboo subject"
      6. directed outward or serving to direct something outward;
      "the out doorway""the out basket"
      7. no longer fashionable;
      "that style is out these days"
      8. outside or external;
      "the out surface of a ship's hull"
      9. outer or outlying;
      "the out islands"
      10. knocked unconscious by a heavy blow
    • Adverb
      1. outside of an enclosed space;
      "she is out"
      2. outward from a reference point;
      "he kicked his legs out"
      3. away from home;
      "they went out last night"
      4. from one's possession;
      "he gave out money to the poor""gave away the tickets"
    • 体育: 界外球;出局;
      法律: 赎回;买回;
      物理学: 异相[位];out-of-phase;
      电力: 振荡闭锁;out-of-step blocking;失步保护;out-of-step protection;