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  • 以下这些形容词均有"相似的,类似的" 的意思
    alike :指事物在性质、特征或外貌上固有的而不是偶然的相似。普通用词,只作表语。
    like :普通用词,含义广泛,指多个或全部特性都相似,但并非同一个,也可指在某个特殊的偶然相似。
    similar :强调不同的人或事物之间完全或部分相似,暗示可暂不考虑或无视其差异之处。
    comparable :指在某一点或几点上有相似之处,可作有限或粗略的对比,尤指在价值或能力等方面可相提并论。
    parallel :主要指在外表或在性质上相似到有可以相提并论的程度。
    uniform :指在性质、数量、形态或程度等方面相似到很难看出差异的地步。
    identical :语气最强,可指同一个人或物,也可指数个人或物之间完全没有差别。
  • 以下这两个词均有"像" 的意思
    as :从属连词,引出方式从句。
    like :是前置词,后面跟的是宾语。
  • 以下这些动词都有"喜欢,喜爱" 的意思
  • and the like
    and similar things; et cetera 等等
  • like anything
    (informal)to a great degree (非正式)十分,非常;在很大程度上
  • (as) like as not
    probably 很可能
  • like enough (或 most like)
    (archaic)probably (古)很可能
  • like —, like —
    as — is, so is — 是这样,…也是这样
  • like so
    (informal)in this manner (非正式)像这样
  • the likes of
    (informal)used of someone or something regarded as a type (非正式)像…这样的人(或物)
  • more like
    (informal)nearer to (a specified number or description) than one previously given (非正式)更接近(某一数字或某种描述)
  • of (a) like mind
    (of a person) sharing the same opinions or tastes (人)想法(或兴趣)相同的
  • if you like
    if it suits or pleases you 如果你喜欢(或愿意) used when expressing something in a new or unusual way 换句话说,也就是说,可以说
  • I like that!
    used as an exclamation expressing affront [表示轻蔑的感叹 句] 竟有人会说出这种话来!亏你(他)说得出口!
  • like it or not
    (informal)used to indicate that someone has no choice in a matter (非正式)[表示不容许某人有选择]不管怎样
  • not like the look (或 sound) of
    find worrying or alarming 觉得令人担心,可怕
  • PREP
    If you say that one person or thing is like another, you mean that they share some of the same qualities or features.
    He looks like Father Christmas... 他长得像圣诞老人。 Kathy is a great mate, we are like sisters... 凯茜是个很好的伙伴,我们亲如姐妹。
  • PREP
    If you talk about what something or someone is like, you are talking about their qualities or features.
    What was Bulgaria like?... 保加利亚是个怎样的地方? What did she look like?... 她长什么样子?
  • PREP
    You can use like to introduce an example of the set of things or people that you have just mentioned.
    The neglect that large cities like New York have received over the past 12 years is tremendous... 过去12年里,纽约等大城市受到了极大的冷遇。 He could say things like, 'Let's go to the car' or 'Let us go for a walk' in French. 他能用法语说“我们去开车吧”或“我们去散步吧”之类的话。
  • PREP
    You can use like to say that someone or something is in the same situation as another person or thing.
    It also moved those who, like me, are too young to have lived through the war... 它也打动了那些像我一样年纪太轻而没有经历过战争的人。 Like many cities in Germany, it had to recreate itself after the second world war. 像德国很多城市一样,它不得不在第二次世界大战后进行重建。
  • PREP
    If you say that someone is behaving like something or someone else, you mean that they are behaving in a way that is typical of that kind of thing or person. Like is used in this way in many fixed expressions, for example to cry like a baby and to watch someone like a hawk.
    I was shaking all over, trembling like a leaf... 我像风中的落叶一样浑身发抖。 Greenfield was behaving like an irresponsible idiot. 格林菲尔德表现得像一个不负责任的白痴。
  • PREP
    You can use like in expressions such as that's just like her and it wasn't like him to indicate that the person's behaviour is or is not typical of their character.
    You should have told us. But it's just like you not to share... 你应该早告诉我们的。不过你就是这么个人,把事情都藏在心里。 Why does he want to do a mad thing like that? It's not like him. 他为什么要做这样的傻事呢?这可一点都不像他。
    Like is sometimes used as a conjunction in order to say that something appears to be the case when it is not. Some people consider this use to be incorrect.
    His arms look like they might snap under the weight of his gloves... 他的胳膊看起来好像不堪手套重负要折断了一样。 On the train up to Waterloo, I felt like I was going on an adventure. 坐在开往滑铁卢的火车上,我觉得自己好像正踏上一趟冒险旅程。
    Like is sometimes used as a conjunction in order to indicate that something happens or is done in the same way as something else. Some people consider this use to be incorrect.
    People are strolling, buying ice cream for their children, just like they do every Sunday... 人们在闲逛,给孩子们买冰激凌,就像每个星期天一样。 He spoke exactly like I did... 他的话跟我的一模一样。
  • PREP
    You can use like in negative expressions such as nothing like it and no place like it to emphasize that there is nothing as good as the situation, thing, or person mentioned.
    There's nothing like candlelight for creating a romantic mood... 再没什么比烛光更能营造浪漫气氛了。 There was no feeling like it in the world. 天底下没有比这更好的感觉了。
  • PREP
    You can use like in expressions such as nothing like to make an emphatic negative statement.
    Three hundred million dollars will be nothing like enough... 3亿美元远远不够。 It's really not anything like as bad as it looks. 根本不像表面上看起来这么糟糕。
    Some people say like when they are thinking about what to say next or because it has become their habit to say it. Some people do not like this use.
    I decided that I'd go and, like, take a picture of him while he was in the shower. 我决定我要去,嗯,拍一张他的冲凉照。
    Some people say like when they are reporting what they or another person said, or what they thought about something. Some people do not like this use.
    He said 'I'm attracted to you.' I'm like 'You're kidding!' 他说,“我对你有好感。”我当时的反应是,“你开玩笑的吧!” My dad was there and he's like: 'Yeah. Yeah. I want to come.' 我爸爸当时在那儿,就说,“对,对,我想来。”
  • vt.
    喜欢, 喜爱
    The students much like the new dean. 学生们很喜欢这位新系主任。 Women like to be thought younger than they are. 女人喜欢人家说她年轻。 He likes getting up early. 他喜欢早起。 I like that you should call on me frequently. 我喜欢你经常来拜访我。
    I'm hungry; I'd like some hot food. 我饿了, 我想吃一点热的东西。
  • prep.
    (表示方式)如同, 像; 相似; 类似
    She is dressed in white like a nurse. 她穿着白衣服, 像个护士。
    (表示态度)想要, 有…的意向
    I don't feel like work today. 我今天不想上班。
    (表示属性)像, 像…一样; 与…类似; 好像是, 看来有…可能(或迹象); 能表明…特征, 像…才会
    The child was like its mother in looks. 那孩子长得像妈妈。
    (表示列举)比如, 诸如…之类, 像…等
    It was like them to leave the work to us. 他们就是这样子, 总是把工作留给我们做。
  • adj.
    相似的, 相同的
    Each employee received a like bonus. 每个雇员都得到了相同数目的奖金。 The two girls are very like. 这两个女孩很相像。
  • n.
    Have you ever heard its like? 你听过这样类似的事情吗?
  • Verb
    1. prefer or wish to do something;
    "Do you care to try this dish?""Would you like to come along to the movies?"
    2. find enjoyable or agreeable;
    "I like jogging""She likes to read Russian novels"
    3. be fond of;
    "I like my nephews"
    4. feel about or towards; consider, evaluate, or regard;
    "How did you like the President's speech last night?"
    5. want to have;
    "I'd like a beer now!"
  • Adjective
    1. resembling or similar; having the same or some of the same characteristics; often used in combination;
    "suits of like design""a limited circle of like minds""members of the cat family have like dispositions""as like as two peas in a pod""doglike devotion""a dreamlike quality"
    2. equal in amount or value;
    "like amounts""equivalent amounts""the same amount""gave one six blows and the other a like number""an equal number""the same number"
    3. having the same or similar characteristics;
    "all politicians are alike""they looked utterly alike""friends are generaly alike in background and taste"
    4. conforming in every respect;
    "boxes with corresponding dimensions""the like period of the preceding year"
  • 体育: 两人击数相同;