• 基础释义
  • 例句
  • 同义词
  • 反义词
  • 同义词解析
  • 词组
  • 四级真题
  • 六级真题
  • 柯林斯词典释义
  • 英汉词典释义
  • 英英词典释义
  • 行业词典释义
  • 以下这些动词均有"回答" 的意思
    answer :常用词,指用书面、口头或行动对他人的请求、询问、质问等作出回答或反应。
    reply :较正式用词,较少用于口语。侧重经过考虑的较正式答复。
    respond :正式用词,指即刻的,以口头或行动对外来的号召、请求或刺激等作出回答或响应。
    retort :指对不同意见、批评或控诉作出迅速、有力的回答,即"反驳"。
    return :正式用词,从本义"归来,回去"引申作"回答、答辨"讲时,含反驳或反唇相讥之意。
  • answer the description of
    correspond to a description, especially one of a suspect issued by the police (尤指警察对嫌疑犯的描述)描述相符
  • answer to (the name of)
    (often humorous)be called (常 幽默)名叫
  • have (或 know) all the answers
    (informal)be confident in one's knowledge of something, typically without justification (非正式)(自命)知晓一切
  • in answer to
    as a response to or as a result of 作为对…响应;须作交代
    Under these circumstances, it's natural to look for what may appear to be the most "practical" way out of the problem "Major in a subject designed to get you a job" seems the obvious answer to some, though this ignores the fact that many disciplines in the humanities characterized as "soft" often, in fact, lead to employment and success in the long run.
    They'll be able to answer the questions of students who are in their class directly via the interactive book.
    Whether digitally interactive ones like Inkling actually take off or not remains to be seen, and we probably won't have a definite answer for the next few years
    Fathers answered differently:75 percent preferred full-time work.
    Smith's essays raise as many questions as they answer.
    We're trying to get answers from the students.
  • VERB
    When you answer someone who has asked you something, you say something back to them.
    I knew Ben was lying when he answered me... 我知道本回答我时在撒谎。 Just answer the question... 只回答问题。
    An answer is something that you say when you answer someone.
    Without waiting for an answer, he turned and went in through the door... 未等答复,他就转身进了门。 I don't quite know what to say in answer to your question. 我不太清楚如何回答你的问题。
    If you say that someone will not take no for an answer, you mean that they go on trying to make you agree to something even after you have refused.
    She is tough, unwilling to take no for an answer... 她很强硬,不达目的誓不罢休。 He would never take no for an answer. 他从来都坚持己见。
  • VERB
    If you answer a letter or advertisement, you write to the person who wrote it.
    Did he answer your letter?... 他给你回信了吗? She answered an advert for a job as a cook. 她看到一则招聘厨师的广告后写信应征。
    An answer is a letter that you write to someone who has written to you.
    I wrote to him but I never had an answer back... 我写了信给他,但一直没收到回信。 She wrote to Roosevelt's secretary in answer to his letter of the day before. 她写了信给罗斯福的秘书,回复罗斯福前一天的来信。
  • VERB
    When you answer the telephone, you pick it up when it rings. When you answer the door, you open it when you hear a knock or the bell.
    She answered her phone on the first ring... 电话刚一响,她就接了。 A middle-aged woman answered the door. 一个中年妇女应声开了门。
    An answer to a problem is a solution to it.
    There are no easy answers to the problems facing the economy... 解决经济所面临的问题并非易事。 Prison is not the answer for most young offenders... 就大多数年轻的犯法者来说,把他们关进监狱不是解决问题的办法。
    Someone's answer to a question in a test or quiz is what they write or say in an attempt to give the facts that are asked for. The answer to a question is the fact that was asked for.
    Simply marking an answer wrong will not help the pupil to get future examples correct... 仅仅在答案上打叉号不会有助于学生做对日后的题目。 Below are printed the answers to the Brain of Soccer 1993 quiz. 以下所印的是1993年“脑力足球”小测验的答案。
  • VERB
    When you answer a question in a test or quiz, you write or say something in an attempt to give the facts that are asked for.
    To obtain her degree, she answered 81 questions over 10 papers. 为获得学位,她回答了10页纸上的81个问题。
    Your answer to something that someone has said or done is what you say or do in response to it or in defence of yourself.
    In answer to speculation that she wouldn't finish the race, she boldly declared her intention of winning it. 为了回应她会中途退赛的猜测,她大胆地宣布她要赢得这场比赛。
  • VERB
    If you answer something that someone has said or done, you respond to it.
    He answered her smile with one of his own... 他对她的微笑回以同礼。 That statement seemed designed to answer criticism of allied bombing missions. 那份声明似乎是专门就联合轰炸任务的批评作出反击。
  • N-SING
    If you say that something is a place's answer to a famous thing, you mean that the first thing is the equivalent of the second in that place.
    Cachaca is Brazil's answer to tequila. 巴西甜酒相当于是巴西的龙舌兰酒。
  • VERB
    If something answers a need or purpose, it satisfies it, because it has the right qualities.
    We provide specially designed shopping trolleys to answer the needs of parents with young children. 我们提供特别设计的购物车,以满足带幼儿的父母的需要。
  • VERB
    If someone or something answers a particular description or answers to it, they have the characteristics described.
    Two men answering the description of the suspects tried to enter Switzerland... 与描述的疑犯样子相符的两名男子试图进入瑞士。 The Japanese never built any aircraft remotely answering to this description. 日本人从未制造过与此描述有丝毫相近的飞机。
  • vt. & vi.
    答复; 解答; 答辩
    I asked him a question but he would not answer. 我问了他一个问题, 但是他不作回答。 I telephoned this afternoon, but nobody answered. 我今天下午打过电话, 但没人接。 He answered that he knew nothing about it. 他回答说关于此事他一无所知。 He answered, “It's two o'clock. ”他回答说“现在两点。”
    适应, 符合, 满足
    It answers very well. 这完全适用。 Our work must answer the specifications laid down. 我们的工作应符合所定的规范。
    回应, 响应
    The workers answered by calling a strike. 工人举行罢工进行回击。 Three fire companies answered the alarm. 听到警报后, 三个消防队都来了。
  • n.
    回答; 回音
    Facts are the best answers. 事实是最好的回答。 We often learn foreign language through questions and answers. 我们常用问答的方式学外语。 Have you had an answer to your letter? 你收到回信了吗?
    You can find the answers of all the exercises at the end of this book. 在这本书后面, 你可以找到所有习题的答案。 It's the answer to your question. 这就是你的问题的答案。
    A nod was her only answer. 点了下头是她仅有的反应。 The publication comes as the answer to an acute demand. 这一出版物是为满足急需而出版的。
  • Noun
    1. a statement (either spoken or written) that is made in reply to a question or request or criticism or accusation;
    "I waited several days for his answer""he wrote replies to several of his critics"
    2. a statement that solves a problem or explains how to solve the problem;
    "they were trying to find a peaceful solution""the answers were in the back of the book""he computed the result to four decimal places"
    3. the speech act of replying to a question
    4. the principle pleading by the defendant in response to plaintiff's complaint; in criminal law it consists of the defendant's plea of `guilty' or `not guilty' (or nolo contendere); in civil law it must contain denials of all allegations in the plaintiff'
    5. a nonverbal reaction;
    "his answer to any problem was to get drunk""their answer was to sue me"
  • Verb
    1. reply or respond to;
    "She didn't want to answer""answer the question""We answered that we would accept the invitation"
    2. give the correct answer or solution to;
    "answer a question""answer the riddle"
    3. respond to a signal;
    "answer the door""answer the telephone"
    4. understand the meaning of;
    "The question concerning the meaning of life cannot be answered"
    5. give a defence or refutation of (a charge) or in (an argument);
    "The defendant answered to all the charges of the prosecution"
    6. be liable or accountable;
    "She must answer for her actions"
    7. be sufficient; be adequate, either in quality or quantity;
    "A few words would answer""This car suits my purpose well""Will $100 do?""A 'B' grade doesn't suffice to get me into medical school""Nothing else will serve"
    8. match or correspond;
    "The drawing of the suspect answers to the description the victim gave"
    9. be satisfactory for; meet the requirements of or serve the purpose of;
    "This may answer her needs"
    10. react to a stimulus or command;
    "The steering of my new car answers to the slightest touch"
  • 法律: 答辩书;被告的答辩;