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[sməʊk] [smoʊk]
  • 第三人称单数:smokes;
  • 过去式:smoked;
  • 过去分词:smoked;
  • 现在分词:smoking;
  • 例句
    • go up in smoke
      (informal)be destroyed by fire (非正式)被焚毁
    • no smoke without fire (或where there's smoke there'
      (proverb)there's always some reason for a rumour (谚)无火不生烟,无风不起浪
    • smoke and mirrors
      (N. Amer.)the obscuring or embellishing of the truth of a situation with misleading or irrelevant information (北美)(用误导或无关的信息)掩饰真相,障眼法
    • smoke like a chimney
      smoke tobacco incessantly 不停地吸烟
    • smoke out
      To force out of a place of hiding or concealment by or as if by the use of smoke. 烟熏:用烟熏或似用烟熏逼迫从洞穴或隐藏的地方出来 To detect and bring to public view; expose or reveal 揭露,曝光:发现并公布于众;揭露或展出
      I have to say i find the new smoking regulations too strict.
      The supervisor of the laboratory is beginning to get headaches and dizzy spells because she says it's dangerous to breathe some of the chemical smoke there.
      It exposes him to oily smoke all day long.
      The conclusion was that social isolation is statistically as dangerous as high blood pressure, smoking and obesity.
      Smoke consists of gas and small bits of solid material that are sent into the air when something burns.
      A cloud of black smoke blew over the city... 一团黑烟吹过城市的上空。 The air was thick with cigarette smoke. 空气里充斥着浓浓的烟味。
    • VERB
      If something is smoking, smoke is coming from it.
      The chimney was smoking fiercely. 烟囱里浓烟滚滚。 ...a pile of smoking rubble. 一堆冒着烟的瓦砾
    • VERB
      When someone smokes a cigarette, cigar, or pipe, they suck the smoke from it into their mouth and blow it out again. If you smoke, you regularly smoke cigarettes, cigars, or a pipe.
      He was sitting alone, smoking a big cigar... 他独自坐在那儿,抽着一只大雪茄。 It's not easy to quit smoking cigarettes... 戒烟并非易事。
    • VERB
      If fish or meat is smoked, it is hung over burning wood so that the smoke preserves it and gives it a special flavour.
      ...the grid where the fish were being smoked. 熏鱼用的格栅 ...smoked bacon. 熏咸肉
    • PHRASE
      If someone says there's no smoke without fire or where there's smoke there's fire, they mean that there are rumours or signs that something is true so it must be at least partly true.
    • PHRASE
      If something goes up in smoke, it is destroyed by fire.
      More than 900 years of British history went up in smoke in the Great Fire of Windsor. 900 多年的英国历史在温莎城堡的一场大火中灰飞烟灭。
    • PHRASE
      If something that is very important to you goes up in smoke, it fails or ends without anything being achieved.
      Their dreams went up in smoke after the collapse of their travel agency. 他们的旅行社倒闭之后,他们的梦想也随之破灭了。
    • n.
      The house is full of smoke. 满屋子都是烟。
      I'm dying for a smoke. 我真想抽支烟。
    • vi.
      The fireplace smokes badly. 这壁炉冒烟太多。
    • vt. & vi.
      The doctor told me not to smoke. 医生告诫我不要抽烟。 He smoked one cigarette after another. 他一根接着一根地吸着香烟。 He smoked his throat raw. 他抽烟抽得嗓子都疼了。
    • vt.
      He smoked a sheet of glass to look at the sun. 他熏黑了一块玻璃用以观察太阳。
    • Noun
      1. a cloud of fine particles suspended in a gas
      2. a hot vapor containing fine particles of carbon being produced by combustion;
      "the fire produced a tower of black smoke that could be seen for miles"
      3. an indication of some hidden activity;
      "with all that smoke there must be a fire somewhere"
      4. something with no concrete substance;
      "his dreams all turned to smoke""it was just smoke and mirrors"
      5. tobacco leaves that have been made into a cylinder
      6. street names for marijuana
      7. the act of smoking tobacco or other substances;
      "he went outside for a smoke""smoking stinks"
      8. (baseball) a pitch thrown with maximum velocity;
      "he swung late on the fastball""he showed batters nothing but smoke"
    • Verb
      1. inhale and exhale smoke from cigarettes, cigars, pipes;
      "We never smoked marijuana""Do you smoke?"
      2. emit a cloud of fine particles;
      "The chimney was fuming"
    • 医学: 烟,烟尘:为一种胶体系统,其中有一种或多种固体的微粒在气体或蒸气介质中弥散;
      大气科学: 烟,由燃烧而产生的、在大气中浮悬的细小固体、液体微粒。;
      旅游: 烟熏;
      航空: 烟雾;航空发动机排出物中影响光线传送的碳素物。;