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[ˈdɜ:ti] [ˈdɜrti]
  • 过去式:dirtied;
  • 过去分词:dirtied;
  • 现在分词:dirtying;
  • 第三人称单数:dirties;
  • 比较级:dirtier;
  • 最高级:dirtiest;
  • 例句
    • adj.
    • dirty的反义词之:其他释义
    • 以下这些形容词均有"脏的,污秽的" 的意思
    • the dirty end of the stick
      (informal, chiefly Brit.)the difficult or unpleasant part of a task or situation (非正式,主英)(任务或形势)困难(或讨厌)的部分
    • do the dirty on someone
      (Brit. informal)cheat or betray someone (英,非正式)欺骗;背叛(某人)
    • get one's hands dirty (或 dirty one's hands)
      do manual, menial, or other hard work 干体力活,干粗活,干重活
    • play dirty
      (informal)act in a dishonest or unfair way (非正式)做事不诚实(或不公平)
    • talk dirty
      (informal)speak about sex in a way considered to be coarse or obscene (非正式)讲下流话
    • wash one's dirty linen in public
      It used to be dirty and disorderly.
      Her household bills piled up, along with the dishes and dirty laundry, but it took near-constant complaints from her four daughters before she realized she had a problem.
      But children are frequently discouraged from involvement with natural spaces, for health and safety reasons, for fear that they might get dirty or that they might cause damage.
      If something is dirty, it is marked or covered with stains, spots, or mud, and needs to be cleaned.
      She still did not like the woman who had dirty fingernails... 她还是不喜欢那个指甲脏脏的女子。 The dress had been brightly coloured, but it was stained and dirty now. 那件连衣裙原来色彩非常鲜艳,不过现在有污渍变脏了。
    • VERB
      To dirty something means to cause it to become dirty.
      He was afraid the dog's hairs might dirty the seats... 他担心狗毛弄脏了座位。 With poor quality tapes you could also risk dirtying the heads on your video recorder. 使用劣质磁带还有可能会污损你的录像机磁头。
      If you describe an action as dirty, you disapprove of it and consider it unfair, immoral, or dishonest.
      The gunman had been hired by a rival Mafia family to do the dirty deed. 一个敌对的黑手党家族雇用了那个枪手来实施这一卑劣行动。
      If you describe something such as a joke, a book, or someone's language as dirty, you mean that it refers to sex in a way that some people find offensive.
      They told dirty jokes and sang raucous ballads... 他们说着荤段子,哼着不着调的小曲儿。 Of course lots of kids read dirty books in their rooms and hide them under the mattress. 当然很多孩子在他们的房间里看黄书,而且会把它们藏在床垫子底下。
    • ADJ
      Dirty is used before words of criticism to emphasize that you do not approve of someone or something.
      You dirty liar. 你这个可恶的骗子。
    • PHRASE
      If you say that someone washes their dirty linen in public, you disapprove of their discussing or arguing about unpleasant or private things in front of other people. There are several other forms of this expression, for example wash your dirty laundry in public, or in American English, air your dirty laundry in public .
      The spectacle of the former naval officers washing their dirty linen in public was distinctly embarrassing... 前海军官员们自揭伤疤的做法显然非常令人尴尬。 We shouldn't wash our dirty laundry in public and if I was in his position, I'd say nothing at all. 家丑不宜外扬,如果我是他的话,我就什么也不说。
    • PHRASE
      If someone gives you a dirty look, they look at you in a way which shows that they are angry with you.
      Michael gave him a dirty look and walked out. 迈克尔狠狠地瞪了他一眼然后走开了。
    • PHRASE
      Dirty old man is an expression some people use to describe an older man who they think shows an unnatural interest in sex.
      He was always trying it on. But now he's 71, it's causing problems. He's just a dirty old man. 他以前总想乱来。但现在他已 71 岁,有些力不从心了。不过是个老色鬼罢了。
    • PHRASE
      To do someone's dirty work means to do a task for them that is dishonest or unpleasant and which they do not want to do themselves.
      As a member of an elite army hit squad, the army would send us out to do their dirty work for them. 作为特工小分队的一员,部队总会派我们去做他们不愿做的事。
    • PHRASE
      A dirty weekend is a weekend during which two people go away together, mainly in order to have sex.
    • PHRASE
      If you say that an expression is a dirty word in a particular group of people, you mean it refers to an idea that they strongly dislike or disagree with.
      Marketing became a dirty word at the company. 市场营销成了公司里一个很令人讨厌的字眼。
    • adj.
      下流的, 淫秽的
      They were telling dirty stories. 他们在讲下流故事。
      Even in the dirtiest weather, they were driven to go out to sea. 即使是最恶劣的天气, 他们也被迫出海。
    • vt. & vi.
      You will dirty the sofa if you put your muddy shoes on it. 如果你把沾满泥巴的鞋子放在沙发上, 你会弄脏它。 White shoes dirty very quickly. 白鞋很快变脏。
    • Verb
      1. make soiled, filthy, or dirty;
      "don't soil your clothes when you play outside!"
    • Adjective
      1. soiled or likely to soil with dirt or grime;
      "dirty unswept sidewalks""a child in dirty overalls""dirty slums""piles of dirty dishes""put his dirty feet on the clean sheet""wore an unclean shirt""mining is a dirty job""Cinderella did the dirty work while her sisters preened themselves"
      2. (of behavior or especially language) characterized by obscenity or indecency;
      "dirty words""a dirty old man""dirty books and movies""boys telling dirty jokes""has a dirty mouth"
      3. vile; despicable;
      "a dirty (or lousy) trick""a filthy traitor"
      4. spreading pollution or contamination; especially radioactive contamination;
      "the air near the foundry was always dirty""the air near the foundry was always dirty""a dirty bomb releases enormous amounts of long-lived radioactive fallout"
      5. contaminated with infecting organisms;
      "dirty wounds""obliged to go into infected rooms"- Jane Austen
      6. (of color) discolored by impurities; not bright and clear;
      "dirty" is often used in combination"a dirty (or dingy) white""the muddied gray of the sea""muddy colors""dirty-green walls""dirty-blonde hair"
      7. (of a manuscript) defaced with changes;
      "foul (or dirty) copy"
      8. obtained illegally or by improper means;
      "dirty money""ill-gotten gains"
      9. expressing or revealing hostility or dislike;
      "dirty looks"
      10. violating accepted standards or rules;
      "a dirty fighter""used foul means to gain power""a nasty unsporting serve""fined for unsportsmanlike behavior"
      11. unethical or dishonest;
      "dirty police officers""a sordid political campaign"
      12. unpleasantly stormy;
      "there's dirty weather in the offing"
    • 计算机: 脏的;