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[mes] [mɛs]
  • 复数:messes;
  • 过去式:messed;
  • 过去分词:messed;
  • 现在分词:messing;
  • 第三人称单数:messes;
  • 例句
    • 以下这些名词均表示事物的"混乱"状态。
    • mess around 【非正式用语】
      To pass time in aimless puttering. 虚度光阴 To associate casually or playfully 随便交往或厮混
    • mess up
      &I{Informal} To make a mistake, especially from nervousness or confusion 【非正式用语】 犯错误,尤指因紧张或混乱而致 &I{Slang} To beat up; manhandle &I{【俚语】} 狠揍;粗暴地对待
    • mess with someone's head
      (US informal)cause someone to feel frustrated, anxious, or upset (美,非正式)使泄气;使担忧;使苦恼
    • mess about/around
      behave in a silly or playful way, especially so as to cause irritation 胡闹,瞎闹
    • mess about/around with
      interfere with 干预,干涉
    • mess someone about/around
      (Brit. informal)cause someone inconvenience or problems, especially by acting unfairly or indecisively (英,非正式)给…制造麻烦
    • mess someone up
      (informal)cause someone emotional or psychological problems (非正式)使情绪(或心理)不安
    • mess something up
      (informal)cause something to be spoiled by inept handling (非正式)把(事情)弄糟
    • mess with
      (informal)meddle or interfere with so as to spoil or cause trouble (非正式)干涉;干预
      All are guilty; and what a mess they have created.
      Some British traditions are too sacred (神圣的)to mess with, however, Tomes says.
      Forgive the mess in here, we have a party last night.
    • N-SING
      If you say that something is a mess or in a mess, you think that it is in an untidy state.
      The house is a mess... 屋里一片狼藉。 The wrong shampoo can leave curly hair in a tangled mess... 不合适的洗发水会使卷发纠结成乱糟糟的一团。
    • N-VAR
      If you say that a situation is a mess, you mean that it is full of trouble or problems. You can also say that something is in a mess .
      I've made such a mess of my life. 我把自己的生活弄得一团糟。 ...the many reasons why the economy is in such a mess... 经济陷入如此困境的众多原因
    • N-VAR
      A mess is something liquid or sticky that has been accidentally dropped on something.
      Finally, making a dreadful mess, they devour the fruit... 最后,他们狼吞虎咽地吃起了水果,果汁滴得到处都是。 I'll clear up the mess later. 我呆会儿会把滴落的水擦干净。
    • N-COUNT
      The mess at a military base or military barracks is the building in which members of the armed forces can eat or relax.
      ...a party at the officers' mess... 在军官餐厅举行的聚会 He hurried to the Mess to find the control officer. 他匆忙赶到餐厅去找指挥官。
    • vt.
      弄脏; 弄乱
      Stop messing about and listen to me. 别再胡闹了, 听我说。 She messed up her new dress with blue ink. 蓝墨水弄脏了她的新衣服。
    • n.
      杂乱, 脏乱; 脏东西
      There's a lot of mess to clear up. 有许多脏东西要清理。 You look a mess. 你外表太邋遢了。
      This room's in a mess. 这个房间杂乱不堪。 That report you did is a real mess. 你写的那份报告乱七八糟。
      The dog made a mess on the carpet. 狗在地毯上大便。
    • Noun
      1. a state of confusion and disorderliness;
      "the house was a mess""she smoothed the mussiness of the bed"
      2. informal terms for a difficult situation;
      "he got into a terrible fix""he made a muddle of his marriage"
      3. soft semiliquid food;
      "a mess of porridge"
      4. a meal eaten by service personnel
      5. a (large) military dining room where service personnel eat or relax
      6. (often followed by `of') a large number or amount or extent;
      "a batch of letters""a deal of trouble""a lot of money""he made a mint on the stock market""it must have cost plenty"
    • Verb
      1. eat in a mess hall
      2. make a mess of or create disorder in;
      "He messed up his room"
    • 法律: 大锅饭;