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  • 柯林斯词典释义
  • 英汉词典释义
  • 英英词典释义


[ˈbʊtʃə(r)] [ˈbʊtʃɚ]
  • 复数:butchers;
  • 第三人称单数:butchers;
  • 过去式:butchered;
  • 过去分词:butchered;
  • 现在分词:butchering;
  • 例句
    • have (或 take) a butcher's
      (Brit. informal)have a look (英 ,非正式)看一眼
    • N-COUNT
      A butcher is a shopkeeper who cuts up and sells meat. Some butchers also kill animals for meat and make foods such as sausages and meat pies.
    • N-COUNT
      A butcher or a butcher's is a shop where meat is sold.
    • VERB
      To butcher an animal means to kill it and cut it up for meat.
      Pigs were butchered, hams were hung to dry from the ceiling. 杀了猪,猪腿挂在天花板上风干。
    • N-COUNT
      You can refer to someone as a butcher when they have killed a lot of people in a very cruel way, and you want to express your horror and disgust.
      Klaus Barbie was known in France as the Butcher of Lyon. 在法国,克劳斯·巴比是臭名昭著的“里昂屠夫”。
    • VERB
      You can say that someone has butchered people when they have killed a lot of people in a very cruel way, and you want to express your horror and disgust.
      Guards butchered 1,350 prisoners... 卫兵们杀掉了1,350名囚犯。 Our people are being butchered in their homes. 我们的人民在自己家里遭到了屠杀。
    • n.
      屠夫, 肉商, 肉贩
      A butcher needs sharp knives. 屠夫需利刃。 Mother went to the butcher's yesterday. 妈妈昨天去了肉店。
      杀人狂, 刽子手
      He was as great a butcher as the world has been. 他是有史以来最大的杀人狂。
    • vt.
      屠宰, 残杀
      He butchered the pig with a small sharp knife. 他用一把锋利的小刀杀猪。
    • Noun
      1. a retailer of meat
      2. a brutal indiscriminate murderer
      3. a person who slaughters or dresses meat for market
      4. someone who makes mistakes because of incompetence
    • Verb
      1. kill (animals) usually for food consumption;
      "They slaughtered their only goat to survive the winter"