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  • come up dry
    (N. Amer.)be unsuccessful (北美)不成功,失败
  • (as) dry as a bone
    extremely dry 极干燥的
  • (as) dry as dust
    extremely dry 极干燥的
  • there wasn't a dry eye (in the house)
    (with reference to a play, film, or similar event) everyone in the audience was moved to tears (观看戏剧、电影等)观众没有不掉眼泪的
  • dry out
    (informal)overcome alcoholism (非正式)戒酒
  • dry out 【非正式用语】
    To undergo a cure for alcoholism. 接受戒酒治疗
  • dry up
    To make or become unproductive, especially to do so gradually. 使…失去生产力,尤指逐渐地 &I{Informal} To stop talking. 【非正式用语】 停止讲话
    That part of Brazil is very dry and farming is often difficult there.
    Physical symptoms listed include dry eyes, backaches, skipping meals, poor personal hygiene (卫生) and sleep disturbances.
    The dry statistics ought to inform the ongoing deficit debate, because a budget is not just a catalog of programs and taxes.
    If something is dry, there is no water or moisture on it or in it.
    Clean the metal with a soft dry cloth... 用柔软的干布擦拭金属。 Pat it dry with a soft towel... 用柔软的毛巾将它拍干。
  • V-ERG
    When something dries or when you dry it, it becomes dry.
    The washing might dry outside today, the sun's shining... 洗过的衣物可能今天晾在外面就能干,阳光正足。 Leave your hair to dry naturally whenever possible... 尽可能让头发自然晾干。
  • VERB
    When you dry the dishes after a meal, you wipe the water off the plates, cups, knives, pans, and other things when they have been washed, using a cloth.
    Mrs. Madrigal began drying dishes. 马德里加尔夫人开始擦干碟子。
    If you say that your skin or hair is dry, you mean that it is less oily than, or not as soft as, normal.
    Nothing looks worse than dry, cracked lips... 没有什么比干燥开裂的嘴唇更难看的了。 Dry hair can be damaged by washing it too frequently... 干性头发洗得太频繁容易受损。
    If the weather or a period of time is dry, there is no rain or there is much less rain than average.
    Exceptionally dry weather over the past year had cut agricultural production... 去年罕见的干旱天气已导致农业减产。 The spring had been unusually dry and we received only two tenths of an inch of rain during the entire month of June. 春天异常干旱,我们在整个 6 月只有 0.2 英寸的降雨量。
    A dry place or climate is one that gets very little rainfall.
    It was one of the driest and dustiest places in Africa. 那是非洲最干旱、尘土最多的地方之一。 ...a hot, dry climate where the sun is shining all the time. 终年阳光明媚的炎热干旱气候
  • N-SING
    In the dry means in a place or at a time that is not damp, wet, or rainy.
    Such cars, however, do grip the road well, even in the dry. 不过,这种车即使在干燥路面上也表现出了良好的抓地性能。
    If a river, lake, or well is dry, it is empty of water, usually because of hot weather and lack of rain.
    The aquifer which had once fed the wells was pronounced dry... 曾为水井供水的蓄水层正式宣告干涸了。 The single-engine plane landed at a dry lake in western Arizona... 单引擎飞机在亚利桑那州西部的一个干涸的湖底着陆了。
  • ADJ
    If an oil well is dry, it is no longer producing any oil.
    To harvest oil and gas profitably from the North Sea, it must focus on the exploitation of small reserves as the big wells run dry. 随着大型油井的枯竭,要想从北海的石油和天然气开采中盈利,必须着力于开采小储量的油井。
    If you are dry, you need to drink something.
    She was suddenly thirsty and dry. 她突然口渴了。
    If your mouth or throat is dry, it has little or no saliva in it, and so feels very unpleasant, perhaps because you are tense or ill.
    His mouth was dry, he needed a drink... 他口很干,需要喝上一杯。 My throat was dry. I was at a loss for words. 我喉咙很干,不知说什么才好。
  • ADJ
    A dry cough is one that does not produce any mucus.
  • ADJ
    If someone has dry eyes, there are no tears in their eyes; often used with negatives or in contexts where you are expressing surprise that they are not crying.
    There were few dry eyes in the house when I finished... 我说完后房间里没几个人不掉泪的。 She didn't wince and her eyes were dry. Talk about brave. She was unbelievable. 她连眉头也未皱一下,也没哭。说到勇敢,她令人难以置信。
  • ADJ
    If a country, state, or city is dry, it has laws or rules which forbid anyone to drink, sell, or buy alcoholic drink.
    Gujurat has been a totally dry state for the past thirty years. 在过去的 30 年里古吉拉特一直是完全禁酒的一个州。
  • ADJ
    If you say that someone is sucking something dry or milking it dry, you are criticizing them for taking all the good things from it until there is nothing left.
    ...a shady rip-off industry that sucks its talent dry then discards it... 见不得人的山寨行业吸干了它的才华后又将它抛弃 He's just milking the company dry. 他是要把公司榨干。
    Dry humour is very amusing, but in a subtle and clever way.
    Fulton has retained his dry humour... 富尔顿保持着他含而不露的幽默。 Mr Brooke is renowned for his dry wit. 布鲁克先生因他不露声色的机智而闻名。
    If you describe a voice as dry, you mean that it is cold or dull, and does not express any emotions.
    When he crept back to his desk, he heard the dry voice of Father Laurence. 当他轻手轻脚地回到读经台时,他听到了劳伦斯神父冷冰冰的声音。
    If you describe something such as a book, play, or activity as dry, you mean that it is dull and uninteresting.
    ...dry, academic phrases. 枯燥无味的学术词汇 A lot of the work was very dry and boring in Westminster. 威斯敏斯特的许多工作非常枯燥无味令人厌烦。
  • ADJ
    Dry bread or toast is plain and not covered with butter or jam.
    For breakfast, they had dry bread and tea. 他们早餐吃了无黄油的面包,还喝了茶。
  • ADJ
    Dry sherry or wine does not have a sweet taste.
    ...a glass of chilled, dry white wine. 一杯冰镇干白葡萄酒
    If a river, lake, or well dries up, it becomes empty of water, usually because of hot weather and a lack of rain.
    Reservoirs are drying up and farmers have begun to leave their land... 水库逐渐干涸,农民开始背井离乡。 The fountain is reputed never to dry up. 这口泉号称从不干涸。
    If a supply of something dries up, it stops.
    Investment could dry up and that could cause the economy to falter... 投资可能会中断,而这会引起经济衰退。 Credit from foreign banks is drying up... 外资银行的放贷金额持续萎缩,面临枯竭。
    If you dry up when you are speaking, you stop in the middle of what you were saying, because you cannot think what to say next.
    If you ask her what she's good at she will dry up after two minutes. 如果你问她擅长什么,两分钟后她就没话说了。
  • vt. & vi.
    变干, 把…弄干
    We were drying our clothes by squeezing. 我们把衣服拧干。
  • Noun
    1. a reformer who opposes the use of intoxicating beverages
  • Verb
    1. remove the moisture from and make dry;
    "dry clothes""dry hair"
    2. become dry or drier;
    "The laundry dries in the sun"
  • Adjective
    1. free from liquid or moisture; lacking natural or normal moisture or depleted of water; or no longer wet;
    "dry land""dry clothes""a dry climate""dry splintery boards""a dry river bed""the paint is dry"
    2. humorously sarcastic or mocking;
    "dry humor""an ironic remark often conveys an intended meaning obliquely""an ironic novel""an ironical smile""with a wry Scottish wit"
    3. opposed to or prohibiting the production and sale of alcoholic beverages;
    "the dry vote led by preachers and bootleggers""a dry state"
    4. not producing milk;
    "a dry cow"
    5. (of wines) not sweet because of decomposition of sugar during fermentation;
    "a dry white burgundy"
    6. without a mucous or watery discharge;
    "a dry cough""that rare thing in the wintertime; a small child with a dry nose"
    7. not shedding tears;
    "dry sobs""with dry eyes"
    8. lacking interest or stimulation; dull and lifeless;
    "a dry book""a dry lecture filled with trivial details""dull and juiceless as only book knowledge can be when it is unrelated to...life"- John Mason Brown
    9. used of solid substances in contrast with liquid ones;
    "dry weight"
    10. unproductive especially of the expected results;
    "a dry run""a mind dry of new ideas"
    11. having no adornment or coloration;
    "dry facts""rattled off the facts in a dry mechanical manner"
    12. (of food) eaten without a spread or sauce or other garnish;
    "dry toast""dry meat"
    13. suffering from fluid deprivation;
    "his mouth was dry"
    14. having a large proportion of strong liquor;
    "a very dry martini is almost straight gin"
    15. lacking warmth or emotional involvement;
    "a dry greeting""a dry reading of the lines""a dry critique"
    16. practicing complete abstinence from alcoholic beverages;
    "he's been dry for ten years""no thank you; I happen to be teetotal"
  • 土木工程: 旱季流量;dry-weather flow;
    大气科学: 干球温度;dry-bulb temperature 暴露于空气中而又不受太阳直接照射的干球温度表上所读取的数值。;dry-bulb thermometer 干湿表的两支温度表中, 球部裸露用以测量气温的那一支。;
    电力: 干式除尘器;dry-type dust precipitator;干式变压器;dry-type transformer;