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  • 英汉词典释义
  • 英英词典释义
  • 行业词典释义
  • go down the drain
    (informal)be totally wasted (非正式)被浪费掉,化为乌有
  • down the drain
    To or into the condition of being wasted or lost 处于被浪费或丢失状态
    We can break the mountains apart; we can drain the rivers and flood the valleys.
    Hello, my bathroom drain is blocked and I'm giving a party tonight.
  • V-ERG
    If you drain a liquid from a place or object, you remove the liquid by causing it to flow somewhere else. If a liquid drains somewhere, it flows there.
    Miners built the tunnel to drain water out of the mines... 矿工们开凿了一条地道,以排出矿井里的水。 Now the focus is on draining the water... 现在的重点是把水排走。
  • V-ERG
    If you drain a place or object, you dry it by causing water to flow out of it. If a place or object drains, water flows out of it until it is dry.
    Vast numbers of people have been mobilised to drain flooded land... 大量的人力被动员去排干受涝的土地。 The soil drains freely and slugs aren't a problem. 土壤排水畅通,鼻涕虫就不会造成什么麻烦。
  • V-ERG
    If you drain food or if food drains, you remove the liquid that it has been in, especially after it has been cooked or soaked in water.
    Drain the pasta well, arrange on four plates and pour over the sauce... 将意大利面中的水分滤干,放在4个盘子里再淋上调味汁。 Wash the leeks thoroughly and allow them to drain. 彻底清洗韭葱,再沥去水分。
    A drain is a pipe that carries water or sewage away from a place, or an opening in a surface that leads to the pipe.
    Tony built his own house and laid his own drains. 托尼自己盖了房子并铺设了下水管道。 ...storm drains. 排洪管
  • VERB
    If someone drains a glass, they empty it by drinking what is in it.
    Pamela drained her glass and refilled it. 帕梅拉喝完后又续了一杯。
  • V-ERG
    If the colour or the blood drains or is drained from someone's face, they become very pale. You can also say that someone's face drains or is drained of colour.
    Harry felt the colour drain from his face... 哈里觉得他脸上的血色在消失。 Thacker's face drained of colour... 撒克面无人色。
  • V-ERG
    If a feeling drains or is drained out of you, it gradually becomes less strong until you no longer feel it.
    And then, suddenly, the euphoria began to drain away... 随后,狂喜的感觉突然开始消失了。 She felt the tension drain out of her... 她感到紧张情绪在消失。
  • VERB
    If something drains you, it leaves you feeling physically and emotionally exhausted.
    My emotional turmoil had drained me. 纷乱的情绪让我心力交瘁。
  • V-ERG
    If energy drains or is drained from you, you lose all energy and become very tired.
    As his energy drained away, his despair and worry grew... 当他的精力耗尽时,他的绝望和担心也增加了。 I can help resolve conflicts that drain energy. 我可以帮助解决消耗精力的冲突。
  • N-SING
    If you say that something is a drain on an organization's finances or resources, you mean that it costs the organization a large amount of money, and you do not consider that it is worth it.
    ...an ultra-modern printing plant, which has been a big drain on resources... 资源消耗很大的超现代印刷厂 Fraud trials are often complex and have become an expensive drain on the public purse. 诈骗案通常错综复杂,会给公共资金造成巨大损失。
  • VERB
    If you say that a country's or a company's resources or finances are drained, you mean that they are used or spent completely.
    The state's finances have been drained by war... 国家财力已经被战争消耗殆尽。 The company has steadily drained its cash reserves. 公司已逐渐用完了其现金储备。
    If you say that something is going down the drain, you mean that it is being destroyed or wasted.
    They were aware that their public image was rapidly going down the drain... 他们意识到他们的公众形象正迅速被毁掉。 He lamented that four years of his life had gone down the drain because of an injury to his groin. 他痛惜他四年的生活就因大腿根部的伤被毁掉了。
    If you say that a business is going down the drain, you mean that it is failing financially.
    Small local stores are going down the drain. 当地的小店都倒闭了。
  • vt. & vi.
    (使)流干, 排空,放光;(使)逐渐流走
    It was not easy to drain the flooded mine. 排干矿坑里的积水不容易。
  • vt.
    喝光, 喝干
    Let's drain the glass dry. 咱们把这杯喝干吧。
  • n.
    排水沟, 排水管,下水道
    The drain was choked up with dirt. 排水管被污物堵住了。
    流尽, 用光
    His wife's illness has been a great drain on his income. 他妻子的病要用去他的大部分收入。
  • Noun
    1. emptying accomplished by draining
    2. tube inserted into a body cavity (as during surgery) to remove unwanted material
    3. a pipe through which liquid is carried away
    4. a gradual depletion of energy or resources;
    "a drain on resources""a drain of young talent by emmigration"
  • Verb
    1. flow off gradually;
    "The rain water drains into this big vat"
    2. deplete of resources;
    "The exercise class drains me of energy"
    3. empty of liquid; drain the liquid from;
    "We drained the oil tank"
    4. make weak;
    "Life in the camp drained him"
  • 医学: 引流,导液:建立通道或开口的器材,以利创口、空腔或感染部的液体或脓液流出;泄水,排水;引流管;引流物;
    电力: 疏水;
    电工: 排液装置;