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  • 同义词解析
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  • 柯林斯词典释义
  • 英汉词典释义
  • 英英词典释义
  • 行业词典释义


[ju:s] [jus]
  • 复数:uses;
  • 过去式:used;
  • 过去分词:used;
  • 现在分词:using;
  • 第三人称单数:uses;
  • 例句
    • 以下这些动词均包含 "使用,应用" 的意思
    • have its (或one's) uses
      (informal)be useful on certain occasions or in certain respects (非正式)总会有用
    • have no use for
      be unable to find a purpose for; have no need for 用不着;不需要
    • make use of
      use for a purpose 使用,利用
    • use and wont
      (formal)established custom (正式)习俗惯例
    • use someone's name
      quote someone as an authority or reference 引用某人名字;打出某人旗号
    • use something up
      consume or expend the whole of something 用完;耗尽
    • use up
      To consume completely 用光,耗尽
    • VERB
      If you use something, you do something with it in order to do a job or to achieve a particular result or effect.
      Trim off the excess pastry using a sharp knife... 用一把快刀切去多余的饼皮。 He had simply used a little imagination... 他只不过是用了一点点想象力。
    • VERB
      If you use a supply of something, you finish it so that none of it is left.
      You used all the ice cubes and didn't put the ice trays back... 你把所有的冰块都用完了,又不把冰格放回去。 They've never had anything spare — they've always used it all. 他们从没有任何备用的东西——他们总是把什么都用得一干二净。
    • VERB
      If someone uses drugs, they take drugs regularly, especially illegal ones.
      He denied he had used drugs... 他否认自己吸过毒。 You'll find that most people that don't use heroin don't like people that do. 你会发现绝大多数不吸海洛因的人都不喜欢吸食者。
    • VERB
      You can say that someone uses the toilet or bathroom as a polite way of saying that they go to the toilet.
      Wash your hands after using the toilet... 便后要洗手。 He asked whether he could use my bathroom. 他问是否可以用我的卫生间。
    • VERB
      If you use a particular word or expression, you say or write it, because it has the meaning that you want to express.
      The judge liked using the word 'wicked' of people he had sent to jail... 这个法官喜欢使用“邪恶”一词来形容被他判罪入狱的人。 When Johnson talks about cuts, he uses words like 'target price' and 'efficiency payments'. 约翰逊谈起降价时,会使用“目标价位”和“效率支付”之类的字眼。
    • VERB
      If you use a particular name, you call yourself by that name, especially when it is not the name that you usually call yourself.
      Now I use a false name if I'm meeting people for the first time... 现在和初次见面的人交往时我会用假名。 I didn't want to use my married name because we've split. 我不想用我的夫姓,因为我们已经离婚了。
    • VERB
      If you say that someone uses people, you disapprove of them because they make others do things for them in order to benefit or gain some advantage from it, and not because they care about the other people.
      Be careful she's not just using you... 当心她不只是在利用你。 Why do I have the feeling I'm being used again? 为什么我感觉又被利用了?
    • vt.
      使用; 利用, 运用
      May I use your knife for a while? 我用一下你的小刀行吗? She uses every opportunity. 她利用每一个机会。 He used his job as a screen for his spying activities. 他利用他的工作作掩护进行间谍活动。
      耗费, 消费
      All the paper has been used. 所有的纸张都用完了。
    • n.
      使用, 应用, 得到利用
      For use only in case of fire! 只供火警时用!
      用途, 效用, 功能, 用法
      It is an electronic device with many uses. 这是一部具有多种用途的电子仪器。
      使用能力; 使用权; 使用机会
      This is for the use of students only. 这是仅供学生使用的。 The boy regained the use of his arm. 这男孩恢复了手臂的功能。
    • Noun
      1. the act of using;
      "he warned against the use of narcotic drugs""skilled in the utilization of computers"
      2. a particular service;
      "he put his knowledge to good use""patrons have their uses"
      3. what something is used for;
      "the function of an auger is to bore holes""ballet is beautiful but what use is it?"
      4. (economics) the utilization of economic goods to satisfy needs or in manufacturing;
      "the consumption of energy has increased steadily"
      5. a pattern of behavior acquired through frequent repetition;
      "she had a habit twirling the ends of her hair""long use had hardened him to it"
      6. (law) the exercise of the legal right to enjoy the benefits of owning property;
      "we were given the use of his boat"
      7. exerting shrewd or devious influence especially for one's own advantage;
      "his manipulation of his friends was scandalous"
    • Verb
      1. put into service; make work or employ (something) for a particular purpose or for its inherent or natural purpose;
      "use your head!""we only use Spanish at home""I can't make use of this tool""Apply a magnetic field here""This thinking was applied to many projects""How do you utilize this tool?""I apply this rule to get good results""use the plastic bags to store the food""He doesn't know how to use a computer"
      2. take or consume (regularly or habitually);
      "She uses drugs rarely"
      3. seek or achieve an end by using to one's advantage;
      "She uses her influential friends to get jobs""The president's wife used her good connections"
      4. use up, consume fully;
      "The legislature expended its time on school questions"
      5. avail oneself to;
      "apply a principle""practice a religion""use care when going down the stairs""use your common sense""practice non-violent resistance"
      6. habitually do something (use only in the past tense);
      "She used to call her mother every week but now she calls only occasionally""I used to get sick when I ate in that dining hall""They used to vacation in the Bahamas"
    • 法律: 用途;