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[pɔ:(r)] [pɔr, por]
  • 第三人称单数:pours;
  • 过去式:poured;
  • 过去分词:poured;
  • 现在分词:pouring;
  • 例句
    • 以下这些动词均有"流动,涌出" 的意思
    • it never rains but it pours
      (proverb)misfortunes or difficult situations tend to follow each other in rapid succession or to arrive all at the same time (谚)祸不单行
    • pour cold water on
    • pour it on
      (N. Amer. informal)progress or work quickly or with all one's energy (北美,非正式)卖力干
    • pour oil on troubled waters
      try to settle a disagreement or dispute with words intended to placate or pacify those involved 平息风波,劝解不和
    • pour scorn on
      One mother said that before her daughter was involved in this project, she would not even pour a weed.
      Runaway fires pour even more carbon into the air, which increases temperatures, starting the whole vicious cycle all over again.
      We can tear apart the great grass cover of the western plains and pour toxic chemicals into the soil until the soil is dead and blows away in the wind.
      The university has poured resources into peer counseling to help students from inner-city schools adjust to the rigor (严格要求) and faster pace of a university classroom –and also to help minority students overcome the stereotype that they are less qualified.
    • VERB
      If you pour a liquid or other substance, you make it flow steadily out of a container by holding the container at an angle.
      Pour a pool of sauce on two plates and arrange the meat neatly... 在两个盘子里倒少许沙司酱,然后把肉摆放整齐。 Francis poured a generous measure of the whisky into a fresh glass... 弗朗西斯往一个干净的玻璃杯里倒了很多威士忌。
    • VERB
      If you pour someone a drink, you put some of the drink in a cup or glass so that they can drink it.
      He got up and poured himself another drink... 他站起身来,给自己又倒了一杯。 She asked Tillie to pour her a cup of coffee... 她请蒂莉给她倒杯咖啡。
    • VERB
      When a liquid or other substance pours somewhere, for example through a hole, it flows quickly and in large quantities.
      Blood was pouring from his broken nose... 血从他受伤的鼻子里涌出来。 There was dense smoke pouring from all four engines... 4个发动机全都在冒浓烟。
    • VERB
      When it rains very heavily, you can say that it is pouring.
      It has been pouring in Delhi almost non stop for the past three days, disrupting normal life... 德里市在过去的3天里一直在下着倾盆大雨,几乎没有停过,扰乱了人们的正常生活。 It has been pouring with rain all week... 一个星期以来一直在下着瓢泼大雨。
    • VERB
      If people pour into or out of a place, they go there quickly and in large numbers.
      Any day now, the Northern forces may pour across the new border... 北方的军队现在随时都可能大批越过新边界。 Holidaymakers continued to pour down to the coast in search of surf and sun... 度假者不断涌至海边冲浪和享受阳光。
    • VERB
      If something such as information pours into a place, a lot of it is obtained or given.
      Martin, 78, died yesterday. Tributes poured in from around the globe... 马丁于昨天去世,享年78岁。世界各地的人们纷纷致以哀悼。 The commission has invited interested parties to submit comments, and these are now pouring in. 委员会已邀请各当事方递交意见,现在意见书纷至沓来。
    • PHRASE
      If someone pours cold water on a plan or idea, they criticize it so much that people lose their enthusiasm for it.
      The education secretary poured cold water on the recommendations of a working party. 教育大臣对一个工作小组的建议泼冷水。
    • vt. & vi.
      After the meeting the people poured out in crowds. 散会后人们成群地涌出来。 The chimney was pouring out black smoke. 烟囱里冒出滚滚黑烟。
      倾; 倒
      It was pouring all night. 整夜下着倾盆大雨。 She poured a glass of water. 她倒了一杯水。 He poured me a cup of tea. 他给我倒了一杯茶。 Andy poured the glass full and lifted it to Bobby. 安迪把杯子倒满举着送给鲍比。
    • Verb
      1. cause to run;
      "pour water over the floor"
      2. move in large numbers;
      "people were pouring out of the theater""beggars pullulated in the plaza"
      3. pour out;
      "the sommelier decanted the wines"
      4. flow in a spurt;
      "Water poured all over the floor"
      5. supply in large amounts or quantities;
      "We poured money into the education of our children"
      6. rain heavily;
      "Put on your rain coat-- it's pouring outside!"