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  • 柯林斯词典释义
  • 英汉词典释义
  • 行业词典释义
  • prep.
  • from的反义词之:其他释义
  • as from
    见 as
  • from day to day (或 hour to hour etc.)
    daily (or hourly etc.); as the days (or hours etc.) pass 每天(或每小时等);一天一天地(或一小时一小时地等)
  • from now (或 then 等) on
    now (or then etc.) and in the future 从现在(或那时等)起
  • from time to time
    occasionally 有时;偶尔
  • from away&I{【缅因州】}
    Not native to Maine. 非土生于缅因州的
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    If something comes from a particular person or thing, or if you get something from them, they give it to you or they are the source of it.
    He appealed for information from anyone who saw the attackers. 他呼吁任何看见袭击者的人提供信息。 ...an anniversary present from his wife... 他妻子送的纪念日礼物
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    Someone who comes from a particular place lives in that place or originally lived there. Something that comes from a particular place was made in that place.
    ...an art dealer from Zurich... 来自苏黎世的艺术品商人 Katy Jones is nineteen and comes from Birmingham. 凯蒂·琼斯 19 岁,是伯明翰人。
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    A person from a particular organization works for that organization.
    ...a representative from the Israeli embassy. 以色列大使馆的代表 ...Colonel Milan Gvero, who is from the federal Defense Ministry in Belgrade. 在贝尔格莱德的联邦国防部工作的米兰·格韦罗上校
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    If someone or something moves or is moved from a place, they leave it or are removed, so that they are no longer there.
    The guests watched as she fled from the room. 客人们看着她逃离了房间。
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    If you take one thing or person from another, you move that thing or person so that they are no longer with the other or attached to the other.
    In many bone transplants, bone can be taken from other parts of the patient's body... 在许多骨移植手术中,可以从病人身体的其他部位取骨。 Remove the bowl from the ice and stir in the cream. 从冰里把碗取出,搅入奶油。
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    If you take something from an amount, you reduce the amount by that much.
    The £103 is deducted from Mrs Adams' salary every month... 这 103 英镑每月从亚当斯夫人的工资里扣掉。 Three from six leaves three. 6 减去 3 得 3。
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    From is used in expressions such as away from or absent from to say that someone or something is not present in a place where they are usually found.
    Her husband worked away from home a lot... 她丈夫经常离家在外工作。 Jo was absent from the house all the next day. 乔第二天一整天都不在家。
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    If you return from a place or an activity, you return after being in that place or doing that activity.
    My son Colin has just returned from Amsterdam. 我儿子科林刚从阿姆斯特丹回来。 ...a group of men travelling home from a darts match. 一群参加完飞镖比赛正在返家途中的男人
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    If you are back from a place or activity, you have left it and have returned to your former place.
    Our economics correspondent, James Morgan, is just back from Germany... 我们的财经记者詹姆斯·摩根刚刚从德国回来。 One afternoon when I was home from school, he asked me to come to see a movie with him. 一天下午我放了学在家的时候,他邀请我去和他一起看电影。
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    If you see or hear something from a particular place, you are in that place when you see it or hear it.
    Visitors see the painting from behind a plate glass window... 参观者隔着平板玻璃橱窗欣赏那幅画。 Viewed from above, the valleys form the shape of a man. 从上往下俯瞰,山谷呈现出人形轮廓。
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    If something hangs or sticks out from an object, it is attached to it or held by it.
    Hanging from his right wrist is a heavy gold bracelet. 他的右腕上戴着一只沉甸甸的金手镯。 ...large fans hanging from ceilings... 吊挂在天花板上的大风扇
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    You can use from when giving distances. For example, if a place is fifty miles from another place, the distance between the two places is fifty miles.
    The centre of the town is 4 kilometres from the station... 市中心距离车站 4 公里远。 ...a small park only a few hundred yards from Zurich's main shopping centre... 距离苏黎世主要购物中心只有几百码远的一个小公园
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    If a road or railway line goes from one place to another, you can travel along it between the two places.
    ...the road from St Petersburg to Tallinn. 从圣彼得堡到塔林的路
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    From is used, especially in the expression made from, to say what substance has been used to make something.
    ...bread made from white flour. 精白面粉做的面包 ...a luxurious resort built from the island's native coral stone. 用岛上天然的珊瑚石建造的豪华度假村
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    You can use from when you are talking about the beginning of a period of time.
    She studied painting from 1926 and also worked as a commercial artist... 她从 1926 年起开始学画,同时还从事着商业艺术家的工作。 Breakfast is available to fishermen from 6 a.m... 从早上 6 点开始向渔民提供早餐。
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    You say from one thing to another when you are stating the range of things that are possible, or when saying that the range of things includes everything in a certain category.
    There are 94 countries represented in Barcelona, from Algeria to Zimbabwe... 包括从阿尔及利亚到津巴布韦的 94 个国家在巴塞罗那设有代表处。 Over 150 companies will be there, covering everything from finance to fixtures and fittings. 将有超过150 家公司出席,涉及领域从金融到室内设备,应有尽有。
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    If something changes from one thing to another, it stops being the first thing and becomes the second thing.
    The expression on his face changed from sympathy to surprise... 他脸上的表情从同情变为惊讶。 Unemployment has fallen from 7.5% to 7.2%... 失业率从 7.5%降到7.2%。
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    You use from after some verbs and nouns when mentioning the cause of something.
    The problem simply resulted from a difference of opinion... 这个问题仅仅是由于意见分歧引起的。 He is suffering from eye ulcers, brought on by the intense light in Australia... 他眼部溃疡,是因澳大利亚强烈的日光照射造成的。
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    You use from when you are giving the reason for an opinion.
    She knew from experience that Dave was about to tell her the truth... 经验告诉她戴夫就要对她说出实情了。 He sensed from the expression on her face that she had something to say... 从她脸上的表情他感觉到她有话要说。
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    (用于 protect, free, keep, prevent 等动词后)免于
    From is used after verbs with meanings such as 'protect', 'free', 'keep', and 'prevent' to introduce the action that does not happen, or that someone does not want to happen.
    Such laws could protect the consumer from harmful or dangerous remedies... 这样的法规可以保护消费者免受有害或者危险药品的威胁。 300 tons of Peruvian mangoes were kept from entering France. 300吨秘鲁芒果被禁止进入法国。
  • prep.
    (表示时间)从…, 自…
    We've been working from morning to night. 我们从早到晚一直工作。
    He rose from office boy to managing director in ten years. 他在十年间由办公室勤杂员升至总经理。
    The jackets are from 35 dollars. 这些夹克衫起价是35美元。
    (表示来源)来自…; 源于…; 从…里取出
    I come from the north. 我是北方人。 He took a shaving mirror from his bag. 他从手提包里拿出一面剃须镜。
    (表示分离)与…分离[隔开]; 减去; 扣除
    The wind blew his hat from his head. 风将他的帽子从头上吹走了。 Six from fifteen leaves nine. 15减6等于9。
    (表示否定)免于; 免遭
    Wild fruit kept us from dying of starvation. 我们靠着野果才没被饿死。
    (表示方位)从…; 以…为开始方向
    Latitudes are the lines that go from east to west. 纬线是从东到西的线。
    (表示原因)因为, 出于
    She told him the truth from a sense of loyalty. 她告诉他真相是出于忠诚。
    (表示比较)与…相比; 与…区分
    She is different from her sister in character. 她和她姐姐性格不同。 He can tell a fake from the original. 他能分辨出赝品和真品。
  • 计算机: 从,来自,以来;