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  • 以下这些名词均有"试验" 的意思
  • trial and error
    the process of experimenting with various methods of doing something until one finds the most successful 反复试验,试错法
  • on trial
    In the process of being tried, as in a court of law. 在试用中、试验性地、在受审中,如在法庭上进行的
  • trial by fire
    A test of one's abilities, especially the ability to perform well under pressure. 考验:测试某人的能力,尤指在压力下正常行动的能力
    I became aware of the trials of career-focused European woman a few years ago when I met a post-doctoral student from Germany who was then a visiting fellow at Johns Hopkins.
    Hire Barbara Jones on a trial basis.
    What did Juan ask his roommate to do when he was making his trial speech?
  • N-VAR
    A trial is a formal meeting in a law court, at which a judge and jury listen to evidence and decide whether a person is guilty of a crime.
    New evidence showed the police lied at the trial... 新的证据表明警方在审讯时撒了谎。 He's awaiting trial in a military court on charges of plotting against the state... 他因被控密谋颠覆国家正等待军事法庭的审判。
  • N-VAR
    A trial is an experiment in which you test something by using it or doing it for a period of time to see how well it works. If something is on trial, it is being tested in this way.
    They have been treated with this drug in clinical trials... 他们已在临床试验中接受过这种药物的治疗。 I took the car out for a trial on the roads… 我开车上路试驾了一下。
    If someone gives you a trial for a job, or if you are on trial, you do the job for a short period of time to see if you are suitable for it.
    He had just given a trial to a young woman who said she had previous experience... 他刚给了一位声称自己有从业经验的年轻女子一次试用机会。 The 26-year old fullback has been on trial at the club for ten days. 那位 26 岁的后卫已经在该俱乐部试用 10 天了。
    If you refer to the trials of a situation, you mean the unpleasant things that you experience in it.
    ...the trials of adolescence. 青春期的苦恼
    In some sports or outdoor activities, trials are a series of contests that test a competitor's skill and ability.
    He has been riding in horse trials for less than a year. 他参加赛马选拔赛还不到一年。 ...Dovedale Sheepdog Trials. 达夫谷牧羊犬测试赛
    If you do something by trial and error, you try several different methods of doing it until you find the method that works properly.
    Many drugs were found by trial and error... 很多药物都是通过反复试验才发现的。 She feels that raising her children has been a matter of trial and error. 她感到抚养孩子就像是摸着石头过河。
    If someone is on trial, they are being tried in a court of law.
    He is currently on trial accused of serious drugs charges... 他目前正因严重的毒品控罪而受审。 He will go on trial later this month charged with murder… 他将因谋杀罪名在本月晚些时候出庭受审。
    If you say that someone or something is on trial, you mean that they are in a situation where people are observing them to see whether they succeed or fail.
    The President will be drawn into a damaging battle in which his credentials will be on trial. 总统将被卷入一场造成负面影响的争斗中,他的资格会因此受到考验。
    If someone stands trial, they are tried in court for a crime they are accused of.
    He was found to be mentally unfit to stand trial 他被判定精神状况不宜接受审判。 Five people are to stand trial for murder. 将有 5 个人因涉嫌谋杀受到审判。
  • n.
    审判, 审理
    He's standing trial for thieving. 他正因涉嫌偷窃而接受审判。 The case is now under trial. 案件正在审理中。
    测试, 试验, 考验
    We shall put the machine to further trial. 我们将进一步试验这部机器。 We'll make a trial of his intelligence. 我们将测试他的智力。 They are doing clinical trials on a new drug. 他们正在做一种新药物的临床试验。
    讨厌的人[事物], 忧虑[麻烦]的原因
    The recorder next door is a great trial to us. 隔壁邻居的那台录音机响得真是让人受不了。 That child is a trial to his parents. 那小孩真让他父母伤脑筋。 The loss of relatives is among the most frequent trials in life. 失去亲人是人生最常遇到的痛事之一。
  • Noun
    1. (law) legal proceedings consisting of the judicial examination of issues by a competent tribunal;
    "most of these complaints are settled before they go to trial"
    2. the act of testing something;
    "in the experimental trials the amount of carbon was measured separately""he called each flip of the coin a new trial"
    3. (sports) a preliminary competition to determine qualifications;
    "the trials for the semifinals began yesterday"
    4. (law) the determination of a person's innocence or guilt by due process of law;
    "he had a fair trial and the jury found him guilty"
    5. trying something to find out about it;
    "a sample for ten days free trial""a trial of progesterone failed to relieve the pain"
    6. an annoying or frustrating or catastrophic event;
    "his mother-in-law's visits were a great trial for him""life is full of tribulations""a visitation of the plague"
    7. the act of undergoing testing;
    "he survived the great test of battle""candidates must compete in a trial of skill"
  • 体育: 试举;
    医学: 试验,实验;
    法律: 听审;
    物理学: 尝试法;trial-and-error method;