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[kɔ:t] [kɔrt]
  • 复数:courts;
  • 第三人称单数:courts;
  • 过去式:courted;
  • 过去分词:courted;
  • 现在分词:courting;
  • 例句
    • 以下这些名词均可表示"运动场,操场" 的意思
    • go to court
      take legal action 上法院;打官司
    • in court
      appearing as a party or an advocate in a court of law 出庭;在法庭上
    • out of court
      before a legal hearing can take place 不经法庭听审;私下 treated as impossible or not worthy of consideration 不屑一顾;不值得考虑
    • pay court to
      To flatter with solicitous overtures in an attempt to obtain something or clear away antagonism. 讨好,求爱:试图获得某物或消除敌对而用热心的表示来奉承 To seek someone's love; woo. 向…求爱;追求
      The fine points of the law are decided by the courts and by acceptable common practice overtime.
      Have we really gotten to the point that planting a seed can lead to a high-stakes Supreme Court patent lawsuit?
      Rather than pay up or work out a settlement, Bowman decided to appeal—all the way to the Supreme Court
    • N-COUNT
      A court is a place where legal matters are decided by a judge and jury or by a magistrate.
      At this rate, we could find ourselves in the divorce courts! 照这样下去,我们会为离婚闹上法院! ...a county court judge... 县法院的法官
    • N-COUNT
      You can refer to the people in a court, especially the judge, jury, or magistrates, as a court .
      A court at Tampa, Florida has convicted five officials on drugs charges. 佛罗里达州坦帕市法庭判决5名官员的毒品交易罪名成立。
    • N-COUNT
      A court is an area in which you play a game such as tennis, basketball, badminton, or squash.
      The hotel has several tennis and squash courts... 该酒店有几个网球场和壁球场。 She watched a few of the games while waiting to go on court. 她在等待上场时观看了几场比赛。
    • N-COUNT
      The court of a king or queen is the place where he or she lives and carries out ceremonial or administrative duties.
      She came to visit England, where she was presented at the court of James I... 她来到英国访问,在詹姆士一世的王宫受到了接见。 Their family was certainly well regarded at court. 他们家族在宫廷中无疑颇受敬重。
    • N-IN-NAMES
      In Britain, Court is used in the names of large houses and blocks of flats.
      ...7 Ivebury Court, Latimer Rd, London W10 6RA. 伦敦西区10号第6街区拉蒂默路艾夫伯里7号公寓大楼
    • PHRASE
      If you go to court or take someone to court, you take legal action against them.
      They have received at least twenty thousand pounds each but had gone to court to demand more. 他们每人至少已经得到了两万英镑,但仍然向法庭提出诉讼要求获得更多。 ...members of trade associations who want to take bad debtors to court. 那些想要把无力偿付的债务人告上法庭的同业公会成员
    • V PHR
      Your day in court is your chance to give your side of an argument or other matter.
      He knew that this would be his day in court — his last chance to explain why he acted as he did... 他知道这是他为自己辩解的机会,是他能够解释自己为何如此行事的最后机会。 We knew from the very beginning that it was a question of freedom of speech. All we wanted was our day in court. 我们从一开始就知道这是言论自由的问题。我们只要求有发表意见的机会。
    • PHRASE
      If someone holds court in a place, they are surrounded by a lot of people who are paying them a lot of attention because they are interesting or famous.
      ...in the days when Marlene Dietrich and Ernest Hemingway held court in the famous El Floridita club. 当马琳·黛德丽和欧内斯特·海明威在埃尔·佛罗利迪达俱乐部名噪一时的时候
    • PHRASE
      If you laugh someone out of court, you say that their opinions or ideas are so ridiculous that they are not worth considering.
      It's easy for a younger generation of critics to laugh Limon out of court... 年轻一代的批评家很容易对利蒙的观点一笑置之。 Polytechnic lecturers have asked for 12.5 per cent, a claim sure to be laughed out of court. 理工学校的讲师要求12.5%,这一要求肯定不会予以考虑。
    • PHRASE
      If a legal matter is decided or settled out of court, it is decided without legal action being taken in a court of law.
      The Government is anxious to keep the whole case out of court. 政府迫切希望整件事能够在庭外解决。 ...a payment of two million pounds in an out of court settlement. 经庭外和解支付200万英镑
    • n.
      庭院, 院子
      The court is very dirty. 这个院子非常脏。
      法庭, 法院
      The matter is still pending in court. 这案子还在法院中悬而未决。
      宫廷, 宫室
      He was said to have served at court for years. 据说他曾在宫廷中任职多年。
      Are the players on court yet? 球员都上场了吗?
    • vt.
      He has been courting her for the last three months. 在过去的三个月中他一直在向她求爱。
    • Noun
      1. an assembly (including one or more judges) to conduct judicial business
      2. the sovereign and his advisers who are the governing power of a state
      3. a specially marked area within which a game is played;
      "players had to reserve a court in advance"
      4. a room in which a law court sits;
      "television cameras were admitted in the courtroom"
      5. a yard wholly or partly surrounded by walls or buildings;
      "the house was built around an inner court"
      6. the residence of a sovereign or nobleman;
      "the king will visit the duke's court"
      7. the family and retinue of a sovereign or prince
      8. a hotel for motorists; provides direct access from rooms to parking area
      9. respectful deference;
      "pay court to the emperor"
    • Verb
      1. make amorous advances towards;
      "John is courting Mary"
      2. seek someone's favor;
      "China is wooing Russia"
      3. engage in social activities leading to marriage;
      "We were courting for over ten years"
    • 体育: 网球场;
      法律: 法院;裁判所;法庭;法官;宫廷;