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  • n.
  • field的反义词之:其他释义
  • 以下这些名词均包含 "范围,领域" 的意思
  • hold the field
    remain the most important 继续保持首要地位
  • in the field
    on campaign; (while) engaged in combat or manoeuvres 参赛;参战
  • keep the field
    (archaic)continue a military campaign (古)继续军事行动
  • lead the field
    be the leader in a race (赛跑中)领先
  • play the field
    (informal)indulge in a series of sexual relationships without committing oneself to anyone (非正式)滥交情人
  • take the field
    To begin or resume activity, as in military operations or in a sport. 出阵,开战:如在军事行动区一项运动中,令其开始或重新开始
    The question of whether our government should promote science and technology or the liberal arts in higher education isn't an either/or proposition(命题),although the current emphasis on preparing young Americans for STEM(science, technology, engineering, maths)-related fields can make it seem that way.
    Solid background knowledge in a particular field.
    Bedrooms and cars are the most obvious examples, but you can also rent camping spaces in Sweden, fields in Australia and washing machines in France
    They also own more businesses,launch more start-ups(新创办的企业),and more often work in traditionally male fields.
    My colleagues and I are studying something called augmented reality (a field of computer research dealing with the combination of real-world and virtual reality)," said Christopher Dede, professor in learning technologies at Harvard University, "Alien Contact," for example, is an exercise developed for middle-school students who use hand-held devices that can determine their location.
    The big money is in fields like finance.
    A field is an area of grass, for example in a park or on a farm. A field is also an area of land on which a crop is grown.
    ...a field of wheat... 麦田 They went for walks together in the fields. 他们一起在田野里漫步。
    A sports field is an area of grass where sports are played.
    ...a football field... 足球场 He was the fastest thing I ever saw on a baseball field... 他是我在棒球场上见过的跑得最快的家伙。
    A field is an area of land or sea bed under which large amounts of a particular mineral have been found.
    ...an extensive natural gas field in Alaska. 阿拉斯加一个巨大的天然气田
    A magnetic, gravitational, or electric field is the area in which that particular force is strong enough to have an effect.
    Some people are worried that electromagnetic fields from electric power lines could increase the risk of cancer. 有些人担心输电线的电磁场可能增加致癌几率。
    A particular field is a particular subject of study or type of activity.
    Exciting artistic breakthroughs have recently occurred in the fields of painting, sculpture and architecture... 绘画、雕塑和建筑领域最近出现了激动人心的艺术突破。 Each of the authors of the tapes is an expert in his field. 每盘磁带的撰稿人都是其研究领域的专家。
    A field is an area of a computer's memory or a program where data can be entered, edited, or stored.
    Go to a site like Yahoo! Finance and enter 'AOL' in the Get Quotes field. 登录诸如“雅虎财经”这样的站点,在“股票行情”栏输入“美国在线”。
    You can refer to the area where fighting or other military action in a war takes place as the field or the field of battle .
    We never defeated them on the field of battle. 我们从未在战场上打败过他们。 ...the need for politicians to leave day-to-day decisions to commanders in the field. 政治家允许战地指挥官自主做出日常决定的必要
    Your field of vision or your visual field is the area that you can see without turning your head.
    Our field of vision is surprisingly wide. 我们的视野出人意料地开阔。
    The field is a way of referring to all the competitors taking part in a particular race or sports contest.
    Going into the fourth lap, the two most broadly experienced riders led the field... 进入第四圈时,两名身经百战的骑手开始领先。 The field were so close that they would have caught us if I hadn't begun the sprint. 其他参赛选手紧随身后,如果不是我开始冲刺,他们就会赶上我们了。
  • ADJ
    You use field to describe work or study that is done in a real, natural environment rather than in a theoretical way or in controlled conditions.
    I also conducted a field study among the boys about their attitude to relationships... 我还对男孩子们进行了一项有关两性关系态度的实地调查。 Our teachers took us on field trips to observe plants and animals, firsthand... 老师带我们去野游,对动植物进行实地观察。
  • VERB
    In a game of cricket, baseball, or rounders, the team that is fielding is trying to catch the ball, while the other team is trying to hit it.
    When we are fielding, the umpires keep looking at the ball. 我们防守的时候,裁判们一直看着球。
  • VERB
    If you say that someone fields a question, you mean that they answer it or deal with it, usually successfully.
    He was later shown on television, fielding questions. 他后来出现在电视上,答复问题。
  • VERB
    If a sports team fields a particular number or type of players, the players are chosen to play for the team on a particular occasion.
    England intend fielding their strongest team in next month's World Youth Championship. 英格兰意欲在下月的世界青年锦标赛中推出他们的最强阵容。
  • VERB
    If a candidate in an election is representing a political party, you can say that the party is fielding that candidate.
    There are signs that the new party aims to field candidates in elections scheduled for February next year. 有迹象表明新党意欲推举候选人参加定于明年 2 月举行的选举。
    If someone is having a field day, they are very busy doing something that they enjoy, even though it may be hurtful for other people.
    In our absence the office gossips are probably having a field day... 我们不在的时候,办公室里大概谣言四起了吧。 I suspect that the lawyers are going to have a field day before it's all sorted out. 我想律师们要好好忙活一通才能把一切都弄停当了。
    Work or study that is done in the field is done in a real, natural environment rather than in a theoretical way or in controlled conditions.
    The zoo is doing major conservation work, both in captivity and in the field. 无论在圈养场还是在野外,动物园在动物保护方面都承担了主要的工作。
    If you say that someone leads the field in a particular activity, you mean that they are better, more active, or more successful than everyone else who is involved in it.
    When it comes to picking up awards they lead the field by miles. 他们在拿奖方面遥遥领先。
    If someone plays the field, they have a number of different romantic or sexual relationships.
    He gave up playing the field and married a year ago. 他不再处处留情,一年前结了婚。
  • n.
    田, 地, 牧场
    They are working in the field. 他们正在地里干活。
    (作某种用途的)场地, 场所
    You'll find Billy on the football field. 在足球场上能找到比利。 He didn't want to lose his life in[on] the battle field. 他不想在战场上送命。
    Capital construction is under way at several gas fields. 几个天然气田正在进行基本建设。
    What are his main fields of interest? 他感兴趣的主要领域是什么?
  • vi.
    He fields well. 他接守得很好。
  • vt.
    【棒 球、板球等】按(或截)(球);守(球)
    He fielded the ball smartly. 他机敏地截住球。
  • Noun
    1. a piece of land cleared of trees and usually enclosed;
    "he planted a field of wheat"
    2. a region where a battle is being (or has been) fought;
    "they made a tour of Civil War battlefields"
    3. somewhere (away from a studio or office or library or laboratory) where practical work is done or data is collected;
    "anthropologists do much of their work in the field"
    4. a branch of knowledge;
    "in what discipline is his doctorate?""teachers should be well trained in their subject""anthropology is the study of human beings"
    5. the space around a radiating body within which its electromagnetic oscillations can exert force on another similar body not in contact with it
    6. a particular kind of commercial enterprise;
    "they are outstanding in their field"
    7. a particular environment or walk of life;
    "his social sphere is limited""it was a closed area of employment""he's out of my orbit"
    8. a piece of land prepared for playing a game;
    "the home crowd cheered when Princeton took the field"
    9. extensive tract of level open land;
    "they emerged from the woods onto a vast open plain""he longed for the fields of his youth"
    10. (mathematics) a set of elements such that addition and multiplication are commutative and associative and multiplication is distributive over addition and there are two elements 0 and 1;
    "the set of all rational numbers is a field"
    11. a region in which active military operations are in progress;
    "the army was in the field awaiting action""he served in the Vietnam theater for three years"
    12. all of the horses in a particular horse race
    13. all the competitors in a particular contest or sporting event
    14. a geographic region (land or sea) under which something valuable is found;
    "the diamond fields of South Africa"
    15. (computer science) a set of one or more adjacent characters comprising a unit of information
    16. the area that is visible (as through an optical instrument)
    17. a place where planes take off and land
  • Verb
    1. catch or pick up (balls) in baseball or cricket
    2. play as a fielder
    3. answer adequately or successfully;
    "The lawyer fielded all questions from the press"
    4. select (a team or individual player) for a game;
    "The Patriots fielded a young new quarterback for the Rose Bowl"
  • 体育: 使球员上场;守队队员;球场;
    动物学: 场;
    医学: 区,野,场:区域或开阔的空间,如手术野或视野;领域,范围:知识、学科和职业的专业范围;生成区:胚胎学中,指一系列修饰因子发育的区域;
    哲学: 场;
    建筑: 场地;
    数学: 域;场;
    旅游: 场地;足球场;
    机械: 视场数, field of view number 目镜线视场的大小(单位:mm)。它等于目镜的视场光阑的直径(当视场光阑位于场镜前)或视场光阑被场镜所成像的直径(当视场光阑位于场镜后)。;
    法律: 领域;
    物理学: 场流关系, field-current relation;
    电工: 场;