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[tʌtʃ] [tʌtʃ]
  • 复数:touches;
  • 第三人称单数:touches;
  • 过去式:touched;
  • 过去分词:touched;
  • 现在分词:touching;
  • 例句
    • 以下这两个动词均有"接触" 的意思
    • 以下这些动词均有"感动,打动" 的意思
    • a touch
      to a slight degree; a little 略微;稍许
    • in touch
      in or into communication 联系,接触 possessing up-to-date knowledge 掌握最新知识
    • lose touch
      cease to correspond or be in communication 失去联系 cease to be aware or informed 不再意识到,失去消息
    • out of touch
      lacking knowledge or information concerning current events and developments 缺乏对当前事件和发展的了解
    • to the touch
      used to describe the qualities of something perceived by touching it or the sensations felt by someone who is touched 摸起来
    • touch base (with)
    • touch bottom
      reach the ground below a stretch of water with one's feet or a pole 双脚(或杆)触及水底
    • touch a chord
    • touch of nature
      a display of human feeling with which others sympathize (based on a misinterpretation of Shakespeare's &I{Troilus and Cressida} iii iii. 169) 感情的流露,人情味
    • touch of the sun
      a slight attack of sunstroke 轻度中暑 some time spent in the sunlight 日晒时间
    • touch wood
    • would not touch something with a bargepole
    • touch at
      (of a ship or someone in it) call briefly at (a port) (船,乘客)短暂停靠(港口)
    • touch something off
      cause something to ignite or explode by touching it with a match 用火柴点燃(或引爆) (of a racehorse) defeat another horse in a race by a short margin (赛马)险胜
      Some people are still in favor of printed books because of the sense of touch they can provide.
      The advisers also meet with students privately and stay in touch with parents, so they are deeply invested in the students'uccess
      From here, the mountains look as if you could just reach out and touch them.
      It does not really touch on anything serious.
      Smith touches on construction methods, the revolutionary invention of the automatic lift, the practicalities of living in the sky and the likelihood that, as cities become more crowded, apartment living will become the norm.
      The University of Maryland at College Park is proceeding cautiously, giving the iPhone or iPod Touch to 150 students, said Jeffrey Huskamp, vice president and chief information officer at the university.
    • VERB
      If you touch something, you put your hand onto it in order to feel it or to make contact with it.
      Her tiny hands gently touched my face... 她的小手轻轻触摸我的脸庞。 Don't touch that dial… 不要碰那个刻度盘。
      If two things are touching, or if one thing touches another, or if you touch two things, their surfaces come into contact with each other.
      Their knees were touching ... 他们的膝盖挨着。 A cyclist crashed when he touched wheels with another rider... 一个骑车人与另一辆自行车车轮相碰后摔倒在地。
      Your sense of touch is your ability to tell what something is like when you feel it with your hands.
      The evidence suggests that our sense of touch is programmed to diminish with age. 有证据表明,我们的触觉会随着年龄的增长而减损。 …boys and girls who are blind and who want to be able to read and write by touch. 想通过触觉读写的失明的男孩和女孩
    • VERB
      To touch something means to strike it, usually quite gently.
      He scored the first time he touched the ball… 他第一次触球就得分了。 As the aeroplane went down the runway the wing touched a pile of rubble. 飞机降落沿跑道滑行的时候机翼擦到了一堆碎石。
    • VERB
      If something has not been touched, nobody has dealt with it or taken care of it.
      When John began to restore the house in the 1960s, nothing had been touched for 40 years. 约翰 20 世纪 60 年代开始整修那幢房子时,它已有 40 年都无人照管了。
    • VERB
      If you say that you did not touch someone or something, you are emphasizing that you did not attack, harm or destroy them, especially when you have been accused of doing so.
      Pearce remained adamant, saying 'I didn't touch him'... 皮尔斯仍旧坚定不移地说:“我没有碰过他。” I was in the garden. I never touched the sandwiches. 我那时在花园里。我根本没动三明治。
    • VERB
      You say that you never touch something or that you have not touched something for a long time to emphasize that you never use it, or you have not used it for a long time.
      He doesn't drink much and doesn't touch drugs... 他喝酒不多,也不沾毒品。 His diet is vegetarian, and he hasn't touched meat for six years… 他吃素,已经 6 年不知肉味了。
    • VERB
      If you touch on a particular subject or problem, you mention it or write briefly about it.
      The film touches on these issues, but only superficially... 这部电影涉及了这些问题,但却流于表面。 She writes about women's idealisation of men, touching briefly on the topic of women's fantasy life. 她写女人心目中理想化的男人,其中简单涉及了女人所幻想的生活的话题。
    • VERB
      If something touches you, it affects you in some way for a short time.
      ...a guilt that in some sense touches everyone... 在某种意义上影响到每个人的负罪感 Nor had the benefits of the war years touched all sectors of the population. 战争年代的救济金也没有惠及所有的人。
    • VERB
      If something that someone says or does touches you, it affects you emotionally, often because you see that they are suffering a lot or that they are being very kind.
      It has touched me deeply to see how these people live... 看到这些人的生活境况,我深受触动。 Her enthusiasm touched me. 她的热情打动了我。
    • VERB
      If something is touched with a particular quality, it has a certain amount of that quality.
      His crinkly hair was touched with grey... 他卷曲的头发有些花白。 The boy was touched with genius. 那个男孩透着点天分。
    • VERB
      If you say about someone that nobody can touch him or her for a particular thing, you mean that he or she is much better at it than anyone else.
      No one can touch these girls for professionalism. 就职业素养来说,没人能比得上这些姑娘。
    • VERB
      To touch a particular level, amount, or score, especially a high one, means to reach it.
      By the third lap Kinkead had touched 289 m.p.h. 到第三圈时,金基德的车速达到了每小时 289 英里。 The winds had touched storm-force the day before. 风力前一天就已达到了狂风级。
    • VERB
      If you touch someone for money, you ask them to give it to you.
      Now is the time to touch him for a loan. 现在是向他借笔钱的时候了。
    • N-COUNT
      A touch is a detail which is added to something to improve it.
      They called the event 'a tribute to heroes', which was a nice touch... 他们把这一活动称为“向英雄致敬”,这可是加分之举。 Small touches to a room such as flowers can be what gives a house its vitality. 房间里放些诸如鲜花之类的小点缀可以给家里带来生气。
    • N-SING
      If someone has a particular kind of touch, they have a particular way of doing something.
      The dishes he produces all have a personal touch... 他做的菜全都带有其个人风格。 The striker was unable to find his scoring touch. 那个前锋找不到进球的感觉。
    • QUANT
      A touch of something is a very small amount of it.
      She thought she just had a touch of flu... 她认为自己仅仅有点感冒。 At university he wrote a bit, did a touch of acting, and indulged in internal college politics. 在大学期间他写过一点东西,小试过表演,并迷恋于校内政治活动。
    • PHRASE
      You can use a touch to mean slightly or to a small extent, especially in order to make something you say seem less extreme. For example, if you say that something is a touch expensive, you might really think that it is very expensive.
      We were all a touch uneasy, I think... 我想我们都稍有点不自在。 I found it a touch distasteful. 我觉得这略有点让人反感。
    • PHRASE
      You use at the touch of in expressions such as at the touch of a button and at the touch of a key to indicate that something is possible by simply touching a switch or one of the keys of a keyboard.
      Staff will be able to trace calls at the touch of a button. 工作人员一摁按钮便可以追踪电话。 …seats that flip out at the touch of a lever. 一按控制杆就会翻开的座位
    • PHRASE
      If you say that someone has the common touch, you mean that they have the natural ability to have a good relationship with ordinary people and be popular with them.
      Unlike many senior judges, he has consistently shown that he has the common touch. 与很多高级法官不同,他一贯表现得平易近人。
    • PHRASE
      If you get in touch with someone, you contact them by writing to them or telephoning them. If you are, keep, or stay in touch with them, you write, phone, or visit each other regularly.
      I will get in touch with solicitors about this… 我会就此事与律师联系。 The organisation would be in touch with him tomorrow... 该组织明天就会和他联络。
    • PHRASE
      If you are in touch with a subject or situation, or if someone keeps you in touch with it, you know the latest news or information about it. If you are out of touch with it, you do not know the latest news or information about it.
      You'll also be kept in touch with local Oxfam events. 您还将随时获得乐施会在当地的最新活动信息。 ...keeping the unemployed in touch with the labour market... 使失业者即时了解劳动力市场的最新动态
      If you lose touch with someone, you gradually stop writing, telephoning, or visiting them.
      In my job one tends to lose touch with friends... 干我这行,往往会与朋友失去联系。 We lost touch after that. 我们自那以后就失去了联络。
    • PHRASE
      If you lose touch with something, you no longer have the latest news or information about it.
      Their leaders have lost touch with what is happening in the country. 他们的领导人不再了解该国正发生的一切。
    • PHRASE
      If you say that something is touch and go, you mean that you are uncertain whether it will happen or succeed.
      It was touch and go whether we'd go bankrupt. 我们是否会破产还很难说。
    • PHRASE
      If you say that someone is a soft touch or an easy touch, you mean that they can easily be persuaded to lend you money or to do things for you.
      Mr Wilson is no soft touch 威尔逊先生绝不会轻易借钱给别人。 Pamela was an easy touch when she needed some cash. 她缺钱花的时候,帕梅拉总是有求必应。
    • vt. & vi.
      接触; 触摸
      Their shoulders touched. 他们的肩膀碰到一起。 Don't touch it; it breaks easily. 不要碰它, 它容易破碎。
    • vt.
      伤害, 触犯
      This touched his self-esteem. 这伤害了他的自尊心。
      涉及, 关系到
      The new law doesn't touch his case. 新法律与他的案子无关。
      感动, 打动
      That woman's sad story touched our hearts. 那位妇女的悲惨经历触动了我们的心弦。
      吃; 喝
      I don't touch garlic. 我不吃大蒜。 You haven't even touched your wine. 你的酒沾都没沾。
      No one in our class can touch her in music. 在音乐方面, 我们班上无人能比得上她。
      Our cottage touches a stream. 我们的小别墅在小溪边。
      Water won’t touch these grease spots. 水洗不掉这些油斑。
      Their ship touched land a month later. 一个月以后他们的船靠了岸。
    • n.
      The blind have keen touch. 盲人有敏锐的触觉。
      触, 碰, 摸
      I felt a touch on my arm. 我觉得有人摸了一下我的手臂。
      This material was soft to the touch. 这种料子手感很柔软。
      微恙, 一点小病
      She was off work with a touch of flu. 她因为有点感冒而没有上班。
      修饰, 润色
      This painting lacks the finishing touches. 这幅画尚欠润色。
      功力, 特殊能力
      Your recent work's been bad; I hope you're not losing your touch. 你最近的作品差了, 我希望你能保持你的艺术功力。
      The soup wants a touch of salt. 汤里少了些盐。
      The ball is out of touch. 球已出边线。
    • vi.
      The ship will touch at 3 ports on the return voyage. 这艘船在返航时要在3个港口停靠。
    • Noun
      1. the event of something coming in contact with the body;
      "he longed for the touch of her hand""the cooling touch of the night air"
      2. the faculty of touch;
      "only sight and touch enable us to locate objects in the space around us"
      3. a suggestion of some quality;
      "there was a touch of sarcasm in his tone""he detected a ghost of a smile on her face"
      4. a distinguishing style;
      "this room needs a woman's touch"
      5. the act of putting two things together with no space between them;
      "at his touch the room filled with lights"
      6. a slight but appreciable addition;
      "this dish could use a touch of garlic"
      7. a communicative interaction;
      "the pilot made contact with the base""he got in touch with his colleagues"
      8. a slight attack of illness;
      "he has a touch of rheumatism"
      9. the act of soliciting money (as a gift or loan);
      "he watched the beggar trying to make a touch"
      10. the sensation produced by pressure receptors in the skin;
      "she likes the touch of silk on her skin""the surface had a greasy feeling"
      11. deftness in handling matters;
      "he has a master's touch"
      12. the feel of mechanical action;
      "this piano has a wonderful touch"
    • Verb
      1. make physical contact with, come in contact with;
      "Touch the stone for good luck""She never touched her husband"
      2. perceive via the tactile sense;
      "Helen Keller felt the physical world by touching people and objects around her"
      3. affect emotionally;
      "A stirring movie""I was touched by your kind letter of sympathy"
      4. have to do with or be relevant to;
      "There were lots of questions referring to her talk""My remark pertained to your earlier comments"
      5. be in direct physical contact with; make contact;
      "The two buildings touch""Their hands touched""The wire must not contact the metal cover""The surfaces contact at this point"
      6. have an effect upon;
      "Will the new rules affect me?"
      7. deal with; usually used with a form of negation;
      "I wouldn't touch her with a ten-foot pole""The local Mafia won't touch gambling"
      8. cause to be in brief contact with;
      "He touched his toes to the horse's flanks"
      9. to extend as far as;
      "The sunlight reached the wall""Can he reach?" "The chair must not touch the wall"
      10. be equal to in quality or ability;
      "Nothing can rival cotton for durability""Your performance doesn't even touch that of your colleagues""Her persistence and ambition only matches that of her parents"
      11. tamper with;
      "Don't touch my CDs!"
      12. make a more or less disguised reference to;
      "He alluded to the problem but did not mention it"
      13. comprehend;
      "He could not touch the meaning of the poem"
      14. consume;
      "She didn't touch her food all night"
      15. dye with a color
    • 体育: 触球;
      医学: 触觉:能籍接触识别物体某些特性的感觉;触诊,指诊;