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[brʌʃ] [brʌʃ]
  • 复数:brushes;
  • 第三人称单数:brushes;
  • 过去式:brushed;
  • 过去分词:brushed;
  • 现在分词:brushing;
  • 例句
    • brush up
      To refresh one's memory. 重温,再练 To renew a skill. 更新技术,改善
    • brush someone back
      (Baseball, informal)(of a pitcher) force a batter to step back to avoid being hit by a ball pitched close to the body (棒球 非正式)(投球手)迫使击球手后退以免被投出的近身球击中
    • brush up on (或 brush something up)
      improve one's previously good knowledge of or skill at a particular thing 温习,复习
      While Gail Obcamp, an American artist was giving a speech on the art of Japanese brush painting to an audience that included visitors from Japan, she was confused to see that many of her Japanese listeners have their eyes closed.
      While Gail Obcamp, an American artist was giving a speech on the art of Japanese brush painting to an audience that included visitors from Japan, she was confused to see that many of her Japanese listeners have their eyes closed.
    • N-COUNT
      A brush is an object which has a large number of bristles or hairs fixed to it. You use brushes for painting, for cleaning things, and for tidying your hair.
      We gave him paint and brushes... 我们给了他油漆和几把刷子。 Stains are removed with buckets of soapy water and scrubbing brushes. 污渍是用几桶肥皂水和几把硬毛刷除去的。
    • VERB
      If you brush something or brush something such as dirt off it, you clean it or tidy it using a brush.
      Have you brushed your teeth?... 你刷牙了吗? She brushed the powder out of her hair... 她把头发上的粉末刷掉了。
    • VERB
      If you brush something with a liquid, you apply a layer of that liquid using a brush.
      Take a sheet of filo pastry and brush it with melted butter. 取一张擀得很薄的油酥面皮,上面刷上一层熔化的牛油。
    • VERB
      If you brush something somewhere, you remove it with quick light movements of your hands.
      He brushed his hair back with both hands... 他用两手把头发往后捋。 She brushed away tears as she spoke of him... 谈到他时,她拭去了脸上的泪水。
    • V-ERG
      If one thing brushes against another or if you brush one thing against another, the first thing touches the second thing lightly while passing it.
      Something brushed against her leg... 有什么东西扫了一下她的腿。 I felt her dark brown hair brushing the back of my shoulder... 我感觉到她深褐色的头发拂过我的肩。
    • VERB
      If you brush past someone or brush by them, you almost touch them as you go past them.
      My father would burst into the kitchen, brushing past my mother... 我父亲会紧贴着母亲擦身而过,冲进厨房。 He brushed by with a perfunctory wave to the crowd. 他擦身而过,朝人群敷衍地挥了挥手。
    • N-COUNT
      If you have a brush with someone, you have an argument or disagreement with them. You use brush when you want to make an argument or disagreement sound less serious than it really is.
      My first brush with a headmaster came six years ago... 我跟校长的第一次冲突发生在6年前。 It is his third brush with the law in less than a year. 这已是他在不到一年的时间里第三次触犯法律了。
    • N-COUNT
      If you have a brush with a particular situation, usually an unpleasant one, you almost experience it.
      ...the trauma of a brush with death... 和死神擦肩而过的心灵创伤 The corporation is fighting to survive its second brush with bankruptcy. 公司正在努力摆脱自身遭遇的第二次破产危机。
      Brush is an area of rough open land covered with small bushes and trees. You also use brush to refer to the bushes and trees on this land.
      ...the brush fire that destroyed nearly 500 acres. 焚毁了近500亩灌木丛的大火 ...a meadow of low brush and grass. 长有低矮灌木和草的牧场
    • n.
      刷子; 画笔; 毛笔
      This is not my writing brush. 这不是我的画笔。 He sells brushes. 他卖刷子。
      擦, 吹拂; 刷, 轻擦, 掠过
      I'll have to give my shoes a brush. 我必须把我的鞋擦一下。 She ran a brush over her hair again and again. 她把头发梳了又梳。
      小冲突, 小争执, 小摩擦, 稍有不快的场合
      There was a brush between patrols that night. 那天夜里巡逻队之间发生了一场冲突。 He had a brush with the customs men. 他和海关人员发生了小冲突。
    • vt. & vi.
      擦; 刷; (用刷子)刷净, 刷亮, 刷平顺
      Brush after each meal. 饭后刷牙。 She likes to brush her hair. 她喜欢梳头发。 He's brushing the chair clean. 他正把椅子刷洗干净。
      轻触, 掠过
      The bicycle just brushed me as it passed. 那辆自行车与我擦身而过。
    • Noun
      1. a dense growth of bushes
      2. an implement that has hairs or bristles firmly set into a handle
      3. momentary contact
      4. conducts current between rotating and stationary parts of a generator or motor
      5. a minor short-term fight
      6. the act of brushing your teeth;
      "the dentist recommended two brushes a day"
      7. the act of brushing your hair;
      "he gave his hair a quick brush"
      8. contact with something dangerous or undesirable;
      "I had a brush with danger on my way to work""he tried to avoid any brushes with the police"
    • Verb
      1. rub with a brush, or as if with a brush;
      "Johnson brushed the hairs from his jacket"
      2. touch lightly and briefly;
      "He brushed the wall lightly"
      3. clean with a brush;
      "She brushed the suit before hanging it back into the closet"
      4. sweep across or over;
      "Her long skirt brushed the floor""A gasp swept cross the audience"
      5. remove with or as if with a brush;
      "brush away the crumbs""brush the dust from the jacket""brush aside the objections"
      6. cover by brushing;
      "brush the bread with melted butter"
    • 体育: 掠过;削踢;马刷;摩擦;非正式赛马;
      医学: 刷〔子〕:由成束的须、毛或其他柔软材料制成,固定在一只把手上;
      机械: 碳刷磨损报警;brush-wear warning 离心机驱动电机的碳刷磨损至需要更换时发出信号的功能。;
      电力: 电刷;
      电工: 电刷;
      铁道: 电刷;