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[step] [stɛp]
  • 复数:steps;
  • 第三人称单数:steps;
  • 过去式:stepped;
  • 过去分词:stepped;
  • 现在分词:stepping;
  • 例句
    • 以下这两个名词均包含 "步,步态" 的意思
    • break step
      stop walking or marching in step with others 停止齐步走
    • fall into step
      change the way one is walking so that one is walking in step with another person 调整步伐,齐步行进
    • in (或 out of) step
      putting (or not putting) one's feet forward alternately in the same rhythm as the people one is walking, marching, or dancing with (不与他人一起)走齐步(或合拍跳舞)
    • follow (或 tread) in someone's steps
      do as someone else did, especially in making a journey or following a career (尤指旅行或事业上)踏 着…的脚步走;效 法…的样子,步…的后尘
    • keep step
      remain walking, marching, or dancing in step 齐步前进;合拍跳舞
    • mind (或 watch) one's step
      used as a warning to someone to walk or act carefully 走路小心(用作警告)
    • one step ahead
      managing to avoid competition or danger from someone or something 尽量避免同…的竞争;设法避开危险
    • step into the breach
    • step into someone's shoes
      take control of a task or job from another person 接替…的职位(或位置)
    • step on it (或 step on the gas)
      (informal)go faster, typically in a motor vehicle (非正式)赶快;加快车速,踩油门
    • step on someone's toes
    • step out of line
      behave inappropriately or disobediently 偏离常规地做,不合要求地做
    • step aside
      another way of saying step down below 见下面 step down
    • step back
      mentally withdraw from a situation in order to consider it objectively 退一步以便更客观地思考
      However the solution to any problem begins with a step in a direction.
      So when a French submarine (潜水艇) detected the device's homing signal five days later, the discovery marked a huge step toward determining the cause of a tragedy in which 152 passengers were killed.
      Would you like to step this way with me, please?
      Oprah Winfrey's honorary doctorate was a step in the wrong direction.
      But rarely, if ever, do they publicly take the argument a step further, asserting that a growing manufacturing sector encourages craftsmanship and that craftsmanship is, if not a birthright, then a vital ingredient of the American self-image as a can-do, inventive, we-can-make-anything people.
      Taking a step that many professors may view as a bit counterproductive, some colleges and universities are doling out Apple iPhones and Internet-capable iPods to their students
    • N-COUNT
      If you take a step, you lift your foot and put it down in a different place, for example when you are walking.
      I took a step towards him... 我朝他迈了一步。 She walked on a few steps... 她继续走了几步。
    • VERB
      If you step on something or step in a particular direction, you put your foot on the thing or move your foot in that direction.
      This was the moment when Neil Armstrong became the first man to step on the Moon... 就在此刻,内尔·阿姆斯特朗成了首位登上月球的人。 She accidentally stepped on his foot on a crowded commuter train... 她在拥挤的通勤列车上不小心踩到了他的脚。
    • N-COUNT
      Steps are a series of surfaces at increasing or decreasing heights, on which you put your feet in order to walk up or down to a different level.
      This little room was along a passage and down some steps... 这个小房间在沿着走廊再下几级台阶的地方。 A flight of stone steps leads to the terrace. 一段石阶通向露台。
    • N-COUNT
      A step is a raised flat surface in front of a door.
      A little girl was sitting on the step of the end house... 一个小女孩正坐在最顶头那幢房子门前的平台上。 Leave empty milk bottles on the step. 将空奶瓶放在门阶上。
    • N-COUNT
      A step is one of a series of actions that you take in order to achieve something.
      He greeted the agreement as the first step towards peace... 他称该协定是通向和平的第一步。 She is not content with her present lot and wishes to take steps to improve it... 她对自己目前的生活并不满意,希望能采取措施改善它。
    • N-COUNT
      A step in a process is one of a series of stages.
      The next step is to put the theory into practice... 下一步是要将理论付诸实践。 Aristotle took the scientific approach a step further. 亚里士多德将该科学方法向前推进了一步。
    • N-COUNT
      The steps of a dance are the sequences of foot movements which make it up.
    • N-SING
      Someone's step is the way they walk.
      He quickened his step... 他加快了步伐。 There was a real spring in her step. 她的步子非常轻快。
    • N-PLURAL
      同 stepladder
      Steps are the same as a stepladder .
    • PHRASE
      If you stay one step ahead of someone or something, you manage to achieve more than they do or avoid competition or danger from them.
      Successful travel is partly a matter of keeping one step ahead of the crowd... 成功的旅行在某种程度上就是要比人群先走一步。 Businessmen cluster together to get ideas, tips, personal contacts anything to get a step ahead of the computer. 商人们聚集在一起寻求创意、建议、人际关系等,以便能比计算机领先一步。
    • PHRASE
      If people who are walking or dancing are in step, they are moving their feet forward at exactly the same time as each other. If they are out of step, their feet are moving forward at different times.
      They were almost the same height and they moved perfectly in step... 他们几乎一样高,而且走路时步调完全一致。 They jogged in silence a while, faces lowered, out of step... 他们低着头,一言不发地慢跑了一会儿,步伐也不一致。
    • PHRASE
      If people are in step with each other, their ideas or opinions are the same. If they are out of step with each other, their ideas or opinions are different.
      Moscow is anxious to stay in step with Washington... 俄罗斯政府迫切希望和美国政府保持一致。 The British Government is once more out of step with world opinion. 英国政府的观点再一次和世界舆论出现分歧。
    • PHRASE
      If you tell someone to step on it, you are telling them to go faster or hurry up.
      We've only got thirty-five minutes so step on it. 我们只有 35 分钟了,快点。
    • PHRASE
      If you do something step by step, you do it by progressing gradually from one stage to the next.
      I am not rushing things and I'm taking it step by step... 我不会仓促行事,我会一步一步地来。 Follow our simple step-by-step instructions. 按照我们简单的说明,一步一步来。
    • PHRASE
      If someone tells you to watch your step, they are warning you to be careful about how you behave or what you say so that you do not get into trouble.
    • n.
      脚步, 步
      I won't venture a step farther. 我不敢再往前走一步。
      一步的距离, 短距离
      He stood within five steps of me. 他站在离我不到五步远的地方。
      楼梯, 台阶
      She was standing on the church steps. 她正站在教堂门前的台阶上。
      级别, 等级; 阶段
      A colonel is three steps above a captain. 上校比上尉的级别高三级。
      步骤, 措施
      He will approve such steps. 他会同意这些措施的。
    • vt. & vi.
      举步, 行走, 跨步, 迈步, 踏
      He stepped backward and fell over the cliff. 他向后退了一步就从悬崖上掉下去了。 He steps the pavements. 他在人行道上行走。
    • vi.
      She stepped briskly out of the club. 她快步走出了夜总会。
      He has stepped along. 他已经走了。
    • Noun
      1. any maneuver made as part of progress toward a goal;
      "the situation called for strong measures""the police took steps to reduce crime"
      2. the distance covered by a step;
      "he stepped off ten paces from the old tree and began to dig"
      3. the act of changing location by raising the foot and setting it down;
      "he walked with unsteady steps"
      4. support consisting of a place to rest the foot while ascending or descending a stairway;
      "he paused on the bottom step"
      5. relative position in a graded series;
      "always a step behind""subtle gradations in color""keep in step with the fashions"
      6. a short distance;
      "it's only a step to the drugstore"
      7. the sound of a step of someone walking;
      "he heard footsteps on the porch"
      8. a musical interval of two semitones
      9. a mark of a foot or shoe on a surface;
      "the police made casts of the footprints in the soft earth outside the window"
      10. a solid block joined to the beams in which the heel of a ship's mast or capstan is fixed
      11. a sequence of foot movements that make up a particular dance;
      "he taught them the waltz step"
    • Verb
      1. shift or move by taking a step;
      "step back"
      2. put down or press the foot, place the foot;
      "For fools rush in where angels fear to tread""step on the brake"
      3. cause (a computer) to execute a single command
      4. treat badly;
      "This boss abuses his workers""She is always stepping on others to get ahead"
      5. furnish with steps;
      "The architect wants to step the terrace"
      6. move with one's feet in a specific manner;
      "step lively"
      7. walk a short distance to a specified place or in a specified manner;
      "step over to the blackboard"
      8. place (a ship's mast) in its step
      9. measure (distances) by pacing;
      "step off ten yards"
      10. move or proceed as if by steps into a new situation;
      "She stepped into a life of luxury""he won't step into his father's footsteps"
    • 体育: 踏板操;负重踏步机;
      医学: 阶梯,步级,梯级:不同水平上的一系列脚踏板,或类似的结构;
      建筑: 踏垛;踏步;
      机械: 工步;在加工表面(或装配时的连接面)和加工(或装配)工具、主轴转速及进给量不变的情况下,所连续完成的那一部分作业。;
      法律: 措施;
      物理学: 阶跃折射率光纤;step-index fiber;
      电力: 升降法, step-up and down method;降压变压器, step-down transformer;升压变压器, step-up transformer;