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[tred] [trɛd]
  • 第三人称单数:treads;
  • 过去式:trod;
  • 过去分词:trodden;
  • 现在分词:treading;
  • 例句
    • tread the boards (或 stage)
      见 board
    • tread on air
    • tread (或 step) on someone's toes
      offend someone by encroaching on their area of responsibility (因侵犯某人权责范围而)冒犯某人
    • tread the boards
      To act on the stage 表演:在舞台上表演
    • tread water
      To keep the head above water while in an upright position by pumping the legs. 踩水:身体直立时通过蹬脚使头部露在水面以上 To expend effort but make little or no progress to achievement of a goal or an end. 白费力气:花了很多力气,但是对达到一个目标或目的起的作用很小
    • VERB
      If you tread on something, you put your foot on it when you are walking or standing.
      Oh, sorry, I didn't mean to tread on your foot... 哦,对不起,我不是故意踩你脚的。 I had white rugs on the floor, but people were scared to tread on them in case they marked. 我在地板上铺了白色小地毯,但大家都不敢往上踩,以免在上面留下脚印。
    • VERB
      If you tread in a particular way, you walk that way.
      She trod casually, enjoying the touch of the damp grass on her feet. 她信步而行,享受着湿漉漉的草地触及双脚的感觉。
    • N-SING
      A person's tread is the sound that they make with their feet as they walk.
      We could now very plainly hear their heavy tread. 我们现在可以非常清楚地听到他们沉重的脚步声。
    • VERB
      If you tread carefully, you behave in a careful or cautious way.
      If you are hoping to form a new relationship tread carefully and slowly to begin with... 如果你希望建立新的关系,首先要慎重行事,不要着急。 There are three reasons for treading warily in such matters. 这种事情需要谨慎行事有 3 个原因。
    • N-COUNT
      The tread of a step or stair is its flat upper surface.
      He walked up the stairs. The treads were covered with a kind of rubber and very quiet. 他走上楼梯。梯面上铺了一种橡胶,因此没有什么声响。
    • N-VAR
      The tread of a tyre or shoe is the pattern of thin lines cut into its surface that stops it slipping.
      The fat, broad tyres had a good depth of tread. 这种宽大的轮胎有很深的胎面花纹。
    • PHRASE
      If someone is treading a fine line or path, they are acting carefully because they have to avoid making a serious mistake, especially in a situation where they have to deal with two opposing demands.
      They have to tread the delicate path between informing children and boring them... 他们既要让孩子们了解情况,又不能让他们产生厌烦情绪,不得不小心把握分寸。 The President will therefore have to tread a very fine line when he addresses the parliament. 因此,总统在向议会演讲时将不得不仔细拿捏分寸。
    • PHRASE
      If you tread a particular path, you take a particular course of action or do something in a particular way.
      He continues to tread an unconventional path... 他还是不按传统方式行事。 Stylistically, Weller is treading a similar path to that of Lenny Kravitz. 在风格上,韦勒与伦尼·克拉维茨走着相似的路子。
    • PHRASE
      If someone who is in deep water treads water, they float in an upright position by moving their legs slightly.
    • PHRASE
      If you say that someone is treading water, you mean that they are in an unsatisfactory situation where they are not progressing, but are just continuing doing the same things.
      I could either tread water until I was promoted, which looked to be a few years away, or I could change what I was doing. 我要么原地踏步直到获得晋升(这看来得是几年以后的事了),要么改变现在正做的事情。
    • vi.
      踩, 踏
      He accidentally trod on her foot. 他不小心踩了她的脚。
    • vt.
      踩成, 踏出
      Cattle had trodden a path to the pond. 牛踩出了一条通向池塘的路。
      步行于, 在…上走
      Every day he trod the same path through the woods. 他每天沿同一条路走过森林。
      踩(烂), 践踏
      He trod the golden beetle underfoot. 他把一只金色的甲虫踩在脚下。 The people have been trodden down for too long. 人民受践踏的时间太久了。
    • n.
      踏, 踩, 步态, 足音
      We heard father's tread on the steps. 我们听到台阶上父亲的脚步声。
      (楼梯的)踏板, 梯面
      The stair treads were covered with rubber to prevent slipping. 楼梯踏板上覆盖着橡胶以防滑。
      轮胎接触地面的部分, 胎面,外胎花纹
      The back tyre tread is worn a little. 后车胎胎面有点磨损。
    • Noun
      1. a step in walking or running
      2. the grooved surface of a pneumatic tire
      3. the part (as of a wheel or shoe) that makes contact with the ground
      4. structural member consisting of the horizontal part of a stair or step
    • Verb
      1. put down or press the foot, place the foot;
      "For fools rush in where angels fear to tread""step on the brake"
      2. tread or stomp heavily or roughly;
      "The soldiers trampled across the fields"
      3. crush as if by treading on;
      "tread grapes to make wine"
      4. brace (an archer's bow) by pressing the foot against the center
      5. apply (the tread) to a tire
      6. mate with;
      "male birds tread the females"
    • 体育: 阶台面小径表面;
      医学: 践伤:马蹄冠因对侧蹄铁践踏所致损伤;