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  • 以下这些动词均有"转动,旋转" 的意思
  • spin one's wheels
    (N. Amer. informal)waste one's time or efforts (北美,非正式)浪费时间(或精力)
  • spin a yarn
    tell a long, far-fetched story 东扯西拉
  • spin something off
    (of a parent company) turn a subsidiary into a new and separate company (母公司)将子公司转化为独立的新公司
  • spin something out
    make something last as long as possible 尽可能地拖长…的时间 (spin someone/thing out)(Cricket)dismiss a batsman or side by spin bowling (板球)投旋转球使击球手退场
  • spin off
    To derive (a company or product, for example) from something larger. 分割:从更大的实体中派生出(如公司或产品)
  • spin out
    To rotate out of control, as a skidding car leaving a roadway. 翻滚:打滑失控,如汽车打滑而冲出路面
  • spin (one's) wheels【非正式用语】
    To expend effort with no result. 徒劳无益
    The boot time is pretty fast, and he navigates through (浏览 ) a few chapters before swiping into a fully rendered 3D molecule that can be spun around to view its various building blocks.
  • V-ERG
    If something spins or if you spin it, it turns quickly around a central point.
    The latest discs, used for small portable computers, spin 3600 times a minute... 用在小型便携式计算机上的最新光盘转速为每分钟 3,600 转。 The Earth spins on its own axis... 地球绕着地轴自转。
  • VERB
    When you spin washing, it is turned round and round quickly in a spin drier or a washing machine to get the water out.
    Just spin the washing and it's nearly dry. 只需要将洗好的衣物脱水,它就差不多干了。
  • VERB
    If your head is spinning, you feel unsteady or confused, for example because you are drunk, ill, or excited.
    My head was spinning from the wine... 我喝了葡萄酒后晕乎乎的。 All those figures make my poor head spin. 那么多数字把我搞得头昏脑胀。
  • N-SING
    If someone puts a certain spin on an event or situation, they interpret it and try to present it in a particular way.
    He interpreted the vote as support for the constitution and that is the spin his supporters are putting on the results today. 他把这次投票解释为对宪法的支持,这也是他的支持者对今天的投票结果所作的解释。 ...the wholly improper political spin given to the report, particularly by The New York Times. 报道中带有的根本不恰当的政治倾向,特别是《纽约时报》的报道
    In politics, spin is the way in which political parties try to present everything they do in a positive way to the public and the media.
    The public is sick of spin and tired of promises. It's time for politicians to act. 公众厌烦了那些有倾向性的报道和种种许诺。该是用政绩说话的时候了。
  • N-SING
    If you go for a spin or take a car for a spin, you make a short journey in a car just to enjoy yourself.
  • VERB
    If someone spins a story, they give you an account of something that is untrue or only partly true.
    He was surprised, and annoyed that she had spun a story which was too good to be condemned as a simple lie. 他很惊讶,也很生气,因为她编的故事太真实了,甚至不能被斥为一个简单的谎言。
  • VERB
    When people spin, they make thread by twisting together pieces of a fibre such as wool or cotton using a device or machine.
    Michelle will also spin a customer's wool fleece to specification at a cost of $2.25 an ounce. 米歇尔也会按顾客的要求为其纺羊毛呢,每盎司收费 2.25 美元。
  • N-SING
    If a plane goes into a spin, it falls very rapidly towards the ground in a spiral movement.
    In a game such as tennis or cricket, if you put spin on a ball, you deliberately make it spin rapidly when you hit it or throw it.
    If you say that someone is in a spin or in a flat spin, you mean that they are confused and unable to act sensibly because of something that has happened.
    Poor Jane was in rather a spin about the party. 可怜的简对这次聚会真有些不知所措。
  • vt. & vi.
    She got up and spun a little turn. 她站起来转了一小圈。
  • vt.
    The explorer spun many fantastic tales about his adventures in the primeval forests. 那探险家杜撰了许多他在原始森林里历险的离奇故事。 His grandmother spun him a yarn at the fire. 他奶奶在火炉边给他讲故事。
  • Noun
    1. a swift whirling motion (usually of a missile)
    2. the act of rotating rapidly;
    "he gave the crank a spin""it broke off after much twisting"
    3. a short drive in a car;
    "he took the new car for a spin"
    4. rapid descent of an aircraft in a steep spiral
    5. a distinctive interpretation (especially as used by politicians to sway public opinion);
    "the campaign put a favorable spin on the story"
  • Verb
    1. revolve quickly and repeatedly around one's own axis;
    "The dervishes whirl around and around without getting dizzy"
    2. stream in jets, of liquids;
    "The creek spun its course through the woods"
    3. cause to spin;
    "spin a coin"
    4. make up a story;
    "spin a yarn"
    5. form a web by making a thread;
    "spiders spin a fine web"
    6. work natural fibers into a thread;
    "spin silk"
    7. twist and turn so as to give an intended interpretation;
    "The President's spokesmen had to spin the story to make it less embarrasing"
    8. prolong or extend;
    "spin out a visit"
  • 体育: 旋转球;
    化学: 自旋;
    物理学: 自旋极化泛函;spin-polarized functional;自旋轨道分裂;spin-orbit splitting;自旋轨道耦合;spin-orbit coupling;
    航空: 尾旋;航空器在持续的失速状态下,以很小的半径沿很陡的螺旋线航迹面旋转,同时急剧下降的运动。;