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[rəʊl] [roʊl]
  • 复数:rolls;
  • 过去式:rolled;
  • 过去分词:rolled;
  • 现在分词:rolling;
  • 第三人称单数:rolls;
  • 例句
    • 以下这些名词均包含 "名单,目录,表格" 的意思
      catalog(ue) : 指列出有全部队名、物名或项目等的目录,有时附有简要说明的分类名单或一览表。
    • 以下这些动词均有"转动,旋转" 的意思
    • roll back
      To reduce (prices or wages, for example) to a previous lower level. 使回降:把(例如,价格或工资)降回到原先较低的水平 To cause to turn back or retreat. 使倒转:使回转或撤退
    • roll out
      To get out of bed. 起床,起身 &I{Football} To execute a rollout. &I{【橄榄球】} 前卫的横移突破
    • roll over
      To defer or postpone payment of (an obligation). 延期付款:缓期或拖延(债券)的付款 To renegotiate the terms of (a financial deal). 磋商:重议(金融协定)条款 To reinvest (funds from a maturing security) into a similar security. 投资:把(从到期证券中得来的资金)再投资到类似的证券中
    • roll up
      To arrive in a vehicle. 乘车到达 To accumulate; amass 积累;储蓄
    • a roll in the hay (或 the sack)
      (informal)an act of sexual intercourse (非正式)性交,野合
    • be rolling (in money)
      (informal)be very rich (非正式)非常富有,在钱里打滚
    • on a roll
      (informal)experiencing a prolonged spell of success or good luck (非正式)连连获胜;连续交好运
    • rolled into one
      (of characteristics drawn from different people or things) combined in one person or thing (把不同的人或物的特点)合为一体的
    • rolling drunk
      so drunk as to be swaying or staggering 醉得步态蹒跚
    • rolling in the aisles
      (informal)(of an audience) laughing uncontrollably (非正式)(观众)笑得东倒西歪;捧腹大笑
    • roll of honour
      a list of people whose deeds or achievements are honoured 荣誉名册
    • roll one's own
      (informal)make one's own cigarettes from loose tobacco (非正式)自己卷纸烟
    • roll up one's sleeves
      prepare to fight or work 准备战斗;准备大干
    • roll with the punches
      (of a boxer) move one's body away from an opponent's blows so as to lessen the impact (拳击手)避让对方打击以减轻受打击的力
      Thanks to men like Curtice, "the bonds of scarcity" had been broken and America was rolling "to an all-time high of prosperity".
      It's not like just sitting down somewhere and watching the clouds roll by.
      If this were a Hollywood movie, the courageous old Indiana farmer would beat the profit-minded corporation before the credits rolled.
      It was a method of refrigeration which rolls from his work in low temperature physics.
    • V-ERG
      When something rolls or when you roll it, it moves along a surface, turning over many times.
      The ball rolled into the net... 球滚进了网中。 Their car went off the road and rolled over... 他们的车冲出公路,翻倒在一旁。
    • VERB
      If you roll somewhere, you move on a surface while lying down, turning your body over and over, so that you are sometimes on your back, sometimes on your side, and sometimes on your front.
      When I was a little kid I rolled down a hill and broke my leg... 我小时候从一座山坡上滚了下来,把腿摔断了。 They just rolled about on the floor punching each other like schoolboys... 他们像小学生一样,在地板上滚来滚去,互相挥着拳头揍对方。
    • VERB
      When vehicles roll along, they move along slowly.
      The lorry quietly rolled forward. 卡车静静地缓慢前行。
    • VERB
      If a machine rolls, it is operating.
      He slipped and fell on an airplane gangway as the cameras rolled... 在摄像时他不慎滑倒在飞机座位间的通道上。 The newspaper presses are rolling in Pittsburgh again today. 今天,匹兹堡的报纸又开始印刷了。
    • VERB
      If drops of liquid roll down a surface, they move quickly down it.
      She looked at Ginny and tears rolled down her cheeks. 她看着金尼,泪水滑落脸庞。
    • VERB
      If you roll something flexible into a cylinder or a ball, you form it into a cylinder or a ball by wrapping it several times around itself or by shaping it between your hands.
      He took off his sweater, rolled it into a pillow and lay down on the grass... 他脱下毛衣,将它卷成一个枕头,然后在草地上躺了下来。 He rolled and lit another cigarette. 他又卷了一支烟并点着了。
    • N-COUNT
      A roll of paper, plastic, cloth, or wire is a long piece of it that has been wrapped many times around itself or around a tube.
      The photographers had already shot a dozen rolls of film. 摄影师们已经照了一打胶卷了。 ...a roll of blue insulated wire. 一卷蓝色的绝缘电线
    • VERB
      If you roll up something such as a car window or a blind, you cause it to move upwards by turning a handle. If you roll it down, you cause it to move downwards by turning a handle.
      In mid-afternoon, shopkeepers began to roll down their shutters... 下午三时左右,店主们开始放下百叶窗。 She rolled up the window and drove on... 她把车窗摇上来,继续开车。
    • V-ERG
      If you roll your eyes or if your eyes roll, they move round and upwards. People sometimes roll their eyes when they are frightened, bored, or annoyed.
      People may roll their eyes and talk about overprotective, interfering grandmothers... 人们可能会翻着白眼谈论那些溺爱儿孙、样样都要插手的祖母。 His eyes rolled and he sobbed. 他转了转眼睛,呜咽起来。
    • N-COUNT
      A roll is a small piece of bread that is round or long and is made to be eaten by one person. Rolls can be eaten plain, with butter, or with a filling.
      He spread butter on a roll. 他把黄油抹在小圆面包上。
    • N-COUNT
      A roll of drums is a long, low, fairly loud sound made by drums.
      As the town clock struck two, they heard the roll of drums. 当小镇的时钟敲响两点钟时,他们听到了隆隆的鼓声。
    • N-COUNT
      A roll is an official list of people's names.
      ...the electoral roll. 选民名单
    • PHRASE
      If someone is on a roll, they are having great success which seems likely to continue.
      I made a name for myself and I was on a roll, I couldn't see anything going wrong. 我靠自己的能力成名了,接二连三地获得成功,我觉得一切似乎一帆风顺。
    • PHRASE
      If you say roll on something, you mean that you would like it to come soon, because you are looking forward to it.
      Roll on the day someone develops an effective vaccine against malaria. 盼望有一天有人会研制出一种能有效预防疟疾的疫苗。
    • PHRASE
      If something is several things rolled into one, it combines the main features or qualities of those things.
      Experts claimed that teachers had to be Einstein, Marie Curie and Linford Christie rolled into one to help children grasp the new national curriculum... 专家们称老师必须集爱因斯坦、居里夫人和林弗德·克里斯蒂的本领于一身,才能帮助孩子们掌握新的国家课程大纲。 This is our kitchen, sitting and dining room all rolled into one. 这既是我们的厨房,又是客厅和餐厅。
    • vt. & vi.
      (使)打滚, (使)转动, 滚动
      Round things roll easily. 圆的东西容易滚动。 The child was rolling a hoop. 那个孩子在滚铁环。
      卷, 把…卷成筒状
      The wire rolled easily. 这种金属线便于卷绕。 He rolled a cigarette for me. 他给我卷了一支烟。
    • vt.
      The lawn should be well rolled. 这草地该好好地碾一碾了。 Roll the road surface flat! 把路面碾平!
      The school bus rolled us to the airport. 校车载送我们到机场。
      The high waves rolled the little boat from side to side. 巨浪使小船左右摇晃。
      The boy rolled his eyes in amazement. 男孩惊愕得眼珠上下打转。
    • vi.
      左右摇晃, 摇摆
      The ship was rolling badly. 船左右摇晃得厉害。
      The drums rolled. 鼓声隆隆。
      Are the cameras rolling? 拍摄开始了没有?
      The train was rolling at high speed. 火车在高速行驶。
      Lucy's tears rolled down her face. 露西的眼泪从她的脸上滚了下来。
      Dark smoke was rolling up from the chimney. 黑烟从烟囱里袅袅上升。
      A black car rolled down the hill. 一辆黑色汽车从山坡上翻滚下来。
    • n.
      面包卷, 圆面包
      Six brown rolls, please. 请给我来六卷黑面包。
      The teacher read the roll of graduates. 教师宣读毕业生名单。
      打滚; 滚动
      Our dog loves a roll on the grass. 我们的狗喜爱在草地上打滚。
      We heard the distant roll of the big guns. 我们听到远处的隆隆的大炮声。
    • Noun
      1. rotary motion of an object around its own axis;
      "wheels in axial rotation"
      2. a list of names;
      "his name was struck off the rolls"
      3. a long heavy sea wave as it advances towards the shore
      4. photographic film rolled up inside a container to protect it from light
      5. a round shape formed by a series of concentric circles
      6. a roll of currency notes (often taken as the resources of a person or business etc.);
      "he shot his roll on a bob-tailed nag"
      7. small rounded bread either plain or sweet
      8. a deep prolonged sound (as of thunder or large bells)
      9. the sound of a drum (especially a snare drum) beaten rapidly and continuously
      10. a document that can be rolled up (as for storage)
      11. anything rolled up in cylindrical form
      12. the act of throwing dice
      13. walking with a rolling gait
      14. a flight maneuver; aircraft rotates about its longitudinal axis without changing direction or losing altitude
      15. the act of rolling something (as the ball in bowling)
    • Verb
      1. move by turning over or rotating;
      "The child rolled down the hill""turn over on your left side"
      2. move along on or as if on wheels or a wheeled vehicle;
      "The President's convoy rolled past the crowds"
      3. occur in soft rounded shapes;
      "The hills rolled past"
      4. flatten or spread with a roller;
      "roll out the paper"
      5. emit, produce, or utter with a deep prolonged reverberating sound;
      "The thunder rolled""rolling drums"
      6. wrap or coil around;
      "roll your hair around your finger""Twine the thread around the spool"
      7. begin operating or running;
      "The cameras were rolling""The presses are already rolling"
      8. shape by rolling;
      "roll a cigarette"
      9. execute a roll, in tumbling;
      "The gymnasts rolled and jumped"
      10. sell something to or obtain something from by energetic and especially underhanded activity
      11. move in a wavy pattern or with a rising and falling motion;
      "The curtains undulated""the waves rolled towards the beach"
      12. move about aimlessly or without any destination, often in search of food or employment;
      "The gypsies roamed the woods""roving vagabonds""the wandering Jew""The cattle roam across the prairie""the laborers drift from one town to the next""They rolled from town to town"
      13. move, rock, or sway from side to side;
      "The ship rolled on the heavy seas"
      14. cause to move by turning over or in a circular manner of as if on an axis;
      "She rolled the ball""They rolled their eyes at his words"
      15. pronounce with a roll, of the phoneme /r/;
      "She rolls her r's"
      16. boil vigorously;
      "The liquid was seething""The water rolled"
      17. take the shape of a roll or cylinder;
      "the carpet rolled out""Yarn rolls well"
      18. show certain properties when being rolled;
      "The carpet rolls unevenly""dried-out tobacco rolls badly"
    • 体育: 船身左右摇晃;
      冶金学: 轧辊;
      力学: 侧滚;
      医学: 卷:圆柱状结构;
      法律: 档案;盗窃;
      海洋科学: 横摇;
      石油: 横摇;
      金融: 一卷钞票;