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  • vt. & vi.
  • ride的反义词之:其他释义
  • 以下这两个动词均含有"乘,骑" 的意思
  • ride out
    To survive or outlast 安然渡过,经受得住
  • be riding for a fall
    (informal)be acting in a reckless or arrogant way that invites defeat or failure (非正式)因莽撞(或傲慢)行动招致失败;自讨苦吃;自找麻烦
  • for the ride
    for pleasure or interest, rather than any serious purpose 寻开心,出于兴趣
  • let something ride
    take no immediate action over something 听任自然发展
  • ride the clutch
    partially depress the clutch pedal of a vehicle while driving (驾车时)半踩离合器踏板
  • ride the pine (或 bench)
    (N. Amer. informal)(of an athlete) sit on the sidelines rather than participate in a game or event (北美,非正式)(运动员)做替补,坐冷板凳
  • ride the rods (或 rails)
    (Canadian, informal)ride on a freight train surreptitiously without paying (加,非正式)逃票偷乘运货火车
  • — rides again
    used to indicate that someone or something has reappeared unexpectedly and with new vigour (人或事物)出人意料地以新的活力重新出现
  • ride to hounds
    (chiefly Brit.)go fox-hunting on horseback (主英)骑马猎狐
  • a rough (或 easy) ride
    a difficult (or easy) time doing something 艰难(或顺畅)的进程
  • take someone for a ride
    (informal)deceive or cheat someone (非正式)诈骗,欺骗
  • ride someone down
    trample or overtake someone while on horseback 骑马撞倒某人;骑马超过某人
  • ride on
    depend on 依靠
  • ride something out
    come safely through something, especially a storm or a period of danger or difficulty 安然渡过(尤指风暴、危险或困难)
    Axelrod of Home Depot, people are trying to ride out the recession by doing more themselves.
  • VERB
    When you ride a horse, you sit on it and control its movements.
    I saw a girl riding a horse... 我看见一个骑马的女孩。 Can you ride?... 你会骑马吗?
  • VERB
    When you ride a bicycle or a motorcycle, you sit on it, control it, and travel along on it.
    Riding a bike is great exercise... 骑自行车是很好的运动。 Two men riding on motorcycles opened fire on him... 两个骑摩托车的男人向他开了枪。
  • VERB
    When you ride in a vehicle such as a car, you travel in it.
    He prefers travelling on the Tube to riding in a limousine... 他更愿意乘地铁出行,不愿坐豪华轿车。 I was riding on the back of a friend's bicycle... 我当时坐在一个朋友的自行车后座上。
    A ride is a journey on a horse or bicycle, or in a vehicle.
    She took some friends for a ride in the family car... 她开着自己的家庭轿车载着几个朋友出去兜了一圈。 Would you like to go for a ride?... 你想出去兜风吗?
    In a fairground, a ride is a large machine that people ride on for fun.
  • VERB
    If you say that one thing is riding on another, you mean that the first thing depends on the second thing.
    Billions of pounds are riding on the outcome of the election... 几十亿英镑都取决于这次选举的结果。 Everything rides on the judgment of these few men. 一切都取决于对这几个人的判决。
    If you say that someone or something is riding high, you mean that they are popular or successful at the present time.
    He was riding high in the public opinion polls... 他在民意调查中支持率颇高。 His team is riding high. 他的团队正春风得意。
    If you say that someone faces a rough ride, you mean that things are going to be difficult for them because people will criticize them a lot or treat them badly.
    The Chancellor could face a rough ride unless the plan works... 除非这个计划能够奏效,否则财政大臣将举步维艰。 The woman who is brave enough to pursue her own path must prepare herself for a rough ride. 勇于走自己道路的女人就必须准备好面对外界的非难。
    If you say that someone has been taken for a ride, you mean that they have been deceived or cheated.
    When he had not returned with my money an hour later I realized that I had been taken for a ride. 1个小时后他没有带着我的钱回来,我才意识到自己上当受骗了。
  • vt. & vi.
    乘, 骑, 驾, 驾驭马匹, 骑马
    His horse rides well. 他的马好骑。 She rides easy in the saddle. 她在马鞍上骑得很轻松。 We ride our horses in the park each morning. 我们每天早晨在公园里骑马。
  • n.
    乘骑, 乘坐, 搭乘
    I had a ride on a horse for an hour. 我骑马骑了一个小时。 The luxury model gives a smoother ride. 坐这种豪华型汽车感觉很平稳。
  • Noun
    1. a journey in a vehicle driven by someone else;
    "he took the family for a drive in his new car"
    2. a mechanical device that you ride for amusement or excitement
  • Verb
    1. sit and travel on the back of animal, usually while controlling its motions;
    "She never sat a horse!""Did you ever ride a camel?""The girl liked to drive the young mare"
    2. be carried or travel on or in a vehicle;
    "I ride to work in a bus""He rides the subway downtown every day"
    3. continue undisturbed and without interference;
    "Let it ride"
    4. move like a floating object;
    "The moon rode high in the night sky"
    5. harass with persistent criticism or carping;
    "The children teased the new teacher""Don't ride me so hard over my failure""His fellow workers razzed him when he wore a jacket and tie"
    6. be sustained or supported or borne;
    "His glasses rode high on his nose""The child rode on his mother's hips""She rode a wave of popularity""The brothers rode to an easy victory on their father's political name"
    7. have certain properties when driven;
    "This car rides smoothly""My new truck drives well"
    8. be contingent on;
    "The outcomes rides on the results of the electin""Your grade will depends on your homework"
    9. lie moored or anchored;
    "Ship rides at anchor"
    10. sit on and control a vehicle;
    "He rides his bicycle to work every day""She loves to ride her new motorcycle through town"
    11. climb up on the body;
    "Shorts that ride up""This skirt keeps riding up my legs"
    12. ride over, along, or through;
    "Travel the highways of America""Ride the freeways of California"
    13. keep partially engaged by slightly depressing a pedal with the foot;
    "Don't ride the clutch!"
    14. copulate with;
    "The bull was riding the cow"
  • 体育: 习惯性跟随;