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  • 行业词典释义
  • be looking over one's shoulders
    be anxious or insecure about a possible danger 小心提防
  • put one's shoulder to the wheel
    set to work vigorously 全力以赴
  • shoulder arms
    hold a rifle against the right side of the body, barrel upwards 枪上肩
  • a shoulder to cry on
    someone who listens sympathetically to someone's problems 能提供慰藉的人
  • put (one's) shoulder to the wheel
    To apply oneself vigorously; make a concentrated effort. 精力充沛地致力于…;倾尽全力
  • shoulder to shoulder
    In close proximity; side by side. 距离非常贴近地;肩并肩地 In close cooperation. 密切合作地
  • straight from the shoulder
    Delivered directly from the shoulder. Used of a punch. 从正面:直接被从肩部出的一拳击中的。用于拳击 Honestly; candidly. 诚实地;坦率地
    You might strain your shoulder.
    See a doctor about her strained shoulder
    Some tables will arrive on a Sunday, order a whole chicken and a shoulder of lamb or a baby pig, and just stay for hours enjoying everything we bring out for them.
    I happened to meet with a youngish-looking man with a 3-year-old boy around his shoulders.
    Obama's success isn't all good news for black Americans As Erin White watched the election results head towards victory for Barack Obama, she felt a burden lifting from her shoulders
    Your shoulders are between your neck and the tops of your arms.
    She led him to an armchair, with her arm round his shoulder... 她揽着他的肩膀,将他领到一把扶手椅旁。 He glanced over his shoulder and saw me watching him. 他扭头瞥了一眼,看见我正看他。
    The shoulders of a piece of clothing are the parts that cover your shoulders.
    ...extravagant fashions with padded shoulders. 带垫肩的华丽时装
    When you talk about someone's problems or responsibilities, you can say that they carry them on their shoulders .
    No one suspected the anguish he carried on his shoulders... 没人觉察出他所承担的痛苦。 I fervently hope he recognizes and understands the burden that's on his shoulders. 我热诚地希望他能认识到并懂得自己肩负的重任。
  • VERB
    If you shoulder the responsibility or the blame for something, you accept it.
    He has had to shoulder the responsibility of his father's mistakes... 他得为他父亲的过错承担责任。 Some of the blame for the disastrous night must be shouldered by the promoters. 筹办方必须为那个灾难性的夜晚承担一部分责任。
  • VERB
    If you shoulder something heavy, you put it across one of your shoulders so that you can carry it more easily.
    The rest of the group shouldered their bags, gritted their teeth and set off... 那群人中其余的人扛起包,咬着牙出发了。 He shouldered his bike and walked across the finish line. 他扛着自行车走过了终点线。
  • VERB
    If you shoulder someone aside or if you shoulder your way somewhere, you push past people roughly using your shoulder.
    The policemen rushed past him, shouldering him aside... 警察从他身边匆匆而过,把他挤到一边。 She could do nothing to stop him as he shouldered his way into the house... 他使劲往屋子里挤,她根本没法儿阻止他。
  • N-VAR
    A shoulder is a joint of meat from the upper part of the front leg of an animal.
    ...shoulder of lamb. 小羊的前腿连肩肉
    If someone offers you a shoulder to cry on or is a shoulder to cry on, they listen sympathetically as you talk about your troubles.
    Mrs Barrantes longs to be at her daughter's side to offer her a shoulder to cry on... 巴兰特斯夫人很希望能在女儿身边听她倾诉。 Roland sometimes saw me as a shoulder to cry on. 罗兰有时把我看作是一个可以倾诉的对象。
    If you say that someone or something stands head and shoulders above other people or things, you mean that they are a lot better than them.
    The two candidates stood head and shoulders above the rest... 这两名候选人从所有人中脱颖而出。 I am very impressed by your magazine. It is head and shoulders above any other. 我对你们的杂志印象非常深刻。感觉比其他杂志好多了。
    If you say that someone is looking over their shoulder, you mean that they feel anxious all the time about what someone may do to them.
    When a company keeps making people redundant, those who are left behind might start looking over their shoulder. 当一家公司不停地裁员时,那些留下来的员工也会开始惴惴不安了。
    If two or more people stand shoulder to shoulder, they are standing next to each other, with their shoulders touching.
    They fell into step, walking shoulder to shoulder with their heads bent against the rain... 他们开始迈着一致的步伐并肩而行,低着头躲避雨水。 We went on board and saw these people packed shoulder to shoulder on the decks. 我们上了船,看见这些人在甲板上肩挨着肩挤在一起。
    If people work or stand shoulder to shoulder, they work together in order to achieve something, or support each other.
    They could fight shoulder-to-shoulder against a common enemy... 他们可以同心协力,对抗共同的敌人。 We will need you and the chairman standing shoulder to shoulder on basic positions. 我们需要你和主席在一些基本立场上共同进退。
  • n.
    肩, 肩部, 肩膀, 肩胛
    I feel a dull ache in the shoulder. 我的肩膀感到隐约疼痛。
    His shoulders bowed with age. 他因年老而佝偻了。
  • vt.
    用肩顶…, (用肩膀)推开, 顶开
    The boy shouldered a basket of fruits. 这个男孩扛了一筐水果。
    承担, 担负
    The oldest son should shoulder the burdens of the family. 长子该担负起家庭的重担。
  • Noun
    1. the part of the body between the neck and the upper arm
    2. a cut of beef from the shoulder of the animal
    3. a ball-and-socket joint between the head of the humerus and a cavity of the scapula
    4. narrow edge of land (usually unpaved) along the side of a road
  • Verb
    1. lift onto one's shoulders
    2. push with the shoulders;
    "He shouldered his way into the crowd"
    3. carry a burden, either real or metaphoric;
    "shoulder the burden"
  • 体育: 弹头肩;复合肩部训练机;
    公路科技: 路肩;又称 :路肩(verge );
    医学: 肩:臂与躯干连接处,也指背部肩胛骨所围;
    土木工程: 路肩;
    法律: 负担;
    船舶: 肩,指进流段或去流段紧邻平行中体的部分,与进流段紧邻部分称“前肩(forward shoulder)”,与去流段紧邻部分称“后肩(after shoulder)”。;
    药学: 肩台;
    解剖学: 肩,又称:肩(Omia(拉));