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  • 以下这些动词均包含 "忍受" 的意思
  • bear arms
    carry firearms 携带武器 wear or display a coat of arms 佩戴盾形徽号;展示盾形纹章
  • bear the brunt of
  • bear the burden of
    suffer the consequences of 承受…的后果
  • bear someone a grudge
    nurture a feeling of resentment against someone 对某人心怀怨恨
  • bear a hand
    (archaic)help in a task or enterprise (古)出一把力,帮助
  • bear someone malice (或 ill will)
    [with negative]wish someone harm 对某人怀恶意
  • bear a relation (或 relationship) to
    [with negative]be logically consistent with 一致
  • bear a resemblance (或 similarity) to
    resemble 相像
  • bear the stamp of
    strongly resemble in a way that suggests influence 带有…印记
  • bear witness (或 testimony) to
    testify to 证明
  • be borne in upon
    come to be realized by 被认识到
  • bring pressure to bear on
    attempt to coerce 企图强迫
  • bring to bear
    muster and use to effect 应用;使用 aim (a weapon) (用武器)瞄准
  • does not bear thinking about
    is too terrible to contemplate 可怕得难以想像;不堪想像
    I couldn't bear to spend three hours sitting in a train every day.
    A 2012 press release from Statistics Sweden bears the title "Gender Equality in Sweden Treading(踩)Water" and notes: 1、The total income from employment for all ages is lower for women than for men
    Bear the cost of publicising the Company's performance.
    Maybe we need to bear in bear in mind that the right obstacles help lead us to greater achievements.
  • VERB
    If you bear something somewhere, you carry it there or take it there.
    They bore the oblong hardwood box into the kitchen and put it on the table. 他们把那个长方形的硬木箱抬进厨房,放到桌上。
  • VERB
    If you bear something such as a weapon, you hold it or carry it with you.
    ...the constitutional right to bear arms. 宪法规定的携带武器的权利
  • VERB
    If one thing bears the weight of something else, it supports the weight of that thing.
    The ice was not thick enough to bear the weight of marching men. 冰不够厚,承载不了行军队伍的重量。
  • VERB
    If something bears a particular mark or characteristic, it has that mark or characteristic.
    The houses bear the marks of bullet holes. 房子上散布着弹孔。 ...note paper bearing the Presidential seal... 盖有总统印章的便笺
  • VERB
    If you bear an unpleasant experience, you accept it because you are unable to do anything about it.
    They will have to bear the misery of living in constant fear of war... 他们不得不忍受长期生活在战争恐惧中的痛苦。 He bore his sufferings manfully. 他勇敢地面对苦难。
  • VERB
    If you can't bear someone or something, you dislike them very much.
    I can't bear people who make judgements and label me... 我讨厌人们对我品头论足。 I can't bear having to think what I'm going to say... 我不愿意考虑将要说什么话。
  • VERB
    If someone bears the cost of something, they pay for it.
    Patients should not have to bear the costs of their own treatment. 病人不应该自己承担治疗费用。
  • VERB
    If you bear the responsibility for something, you accept responsibility for it.
    If a woman makes a decision to have a child alone, she should bear that responsibility alone. 如果一个女人决定独自抚养孩子,她就必须独自承担所有责任。
  • VERB
    If one thing bears no resemblance or no relationship to another thing, they are not at all similar.
    Their daily menus bore no resemblance whatsoever to what they were actually fed... 他们每天的食谱和他们实际吃到的东西完全不同。 For many software packages, the price bears little relation to cost. 对于很多软件包来说,价钱和成本没有什么联系。
  • VERB
    When a plant or tree bears flowers, fruit, or leaves, it produces them.
    As the plants grow and start to bear fruit they will need a lot of water. 当植物生长并开始结果的时候,它们需要大量的水。
  • VERB
    If something such as a bank account or an investment bears interest, interest is paid on it.
    The eight-year bond will bear annual interest of 10.5%. 这种8年期的债券年利率为10.5%。
  • VERB
    When a woman bears a child, she gives birth to him or her.
    Emma bore a son called Karl... 埃玛生了个儿子叫卡尔。 She bore him a daughter, Suzanna. 她给他生了个女儿,苏珊娜。
  • VERB
    If you bear someone a feeling such as love or hate, you feel that emotion towards them.
    She bore no ill will. If people didn't like her, too bad... 她没有恶意。如果人们不喜欢她,那就太糟糕了。 I have lived with him on the best terms and bear him friendship. 我跟他住在一起,相处得非常不错,我把他当好朋友。
  • VERB
    If you bear yourself in a particular way, you move or behave in that way.
    There was elegance and simple dignity in the way he bore himself. 他举止优雅而庄重。
  • VERB
    If you bear left or bear right when you are driving or walking along, you turn and continue in that direction.
    Go left onto the A107 and bear left into Seven Sisters Road. 向左驶入A107号公路,然后左转进七姐妹路。
    If you bring something to bear on a situation, you use it to deal with that situation.
    British scientists have brought computer science to bear on this problem. 英国的科学家们已经应用计算机科学来解决这个问题。
    If you bring pressure or influence to bear on someone, you use it to try and persuade them to do something.
    His companions brought pressure to bear on him, urging him to stop wasting money. 他的伙伴们给他施加压力,劝他不要再浪费钱。
  • vt.
    She bore gossips. 她散布流言蜚语。
    Her claim can bear close examination. 她的要求经得起仔细检查。
    The demonstrators were borne back by the police. 示威者被警察驱赶回去了。
    The boy bears himself erectly. 这男孩站得笔直。
    This matter bears investigation. 这件事情需要调查。
    The traffic accident was born almost accidentally. 这个交通事故的发生几乎纯属偶然。
  • vt. & vi.
    承担, 负担
    His shoulders can bear a heavy load. 他的肩膀能挑重担。 A camel can bear burden. 骆驼能驮重。 Three helping one another bear the burden of six. 三人互相帮忙, 能挑得起六个人的担子。 This beam bears the whole weight of the upper floor. 这根大梁承受了上面那一层的全部重量。 The delicate handicraft works will not bear rough handling. 精致的手工艺品经不起粗鲁的摆弄。 The ice is too thin to bear your weight. 冰太薄, 承受不了你的重量。
    忍受, 容忍
    She was unable to bear. 她忍受不了啦。 I can't bear to see you like this. 我不忍看你这样。 Oh, I can't bear to think of it! 啊, 我简直不忍心去想它。 She couldn't bear to turn around again. 她不忍心再转回身去。 She couldn't bear to see others suffer. 她不忍看见别人受苦。 She couldn't bear to see animals treated cruelly. 她不忍见动物受虐待。 I cannot bear to leave him alone. 我不忍心让他独自留下。 He can't bear to be laughed at. 他不能忍受被取笑。 She can't bear to watch them suffer. 她不忍看他们受折磨。 Can you bear hearing about it again? 再听到这种事情, 你能容忍吗? He could not bear that his friends should laugh at him. 他受不了朋友们的嘲笑。 He could not bear that they should be so conceited. 他受不了他们这样自高自大。 I couldn't bear that Mother should scold me in the face of my friends. 母亲当着我朋友们的面骂我, 我受不了。 I can't bear him to do this. 我不能容忍他做这种事。 The old man can't bear anyone in the family to oppose him. 这位老人绝不能容忍家里有人违抗他。 She could not bear me to be away. 她不忍我离去。
    生(孩子); 结(果实)
    This tree bears well. 这棵树果实累累。 Some of the new planted apple orchards have also begun to bear. 有些新开的苹果园也开始结苹果了。 The peach tree bears well. 这棵桃树结果子很多。 The peach trees are not going to bear well this year. 今年桃树结果不会多。
  • n.
    He is a bear at mathematics. 他是个数学天才。
  • vi.
    Bear left at the traffic light. 在交通灯处向左拐弯。
    The gun doesn't bear on the mark. 炮口没有对准目标。
    与…有关,关于,涉及;对…有影响 (常与on或upon连用)
    This information bears strongly on the matter under discussion. 这消息对正在讨论中的事情产生很大影响。
    Grief bears heavily on her. 悲伤使她痛苦不堪。
  • Noun
    1. massive plantigrade carnivorous or omnivorous mammals with long shaggy coats and strong claws
    2. an investor with a pessimistic market outlook; an investor who expects prices to fall and so sells now in order to buy later at a lower price
  • Verb
    1. have;
    "bear a resemblance""bear a signature"
    2. give birth (to a newborn);
    "My wife had twins yesterday!"
    3. put up with something or somebody unpleasant;
    "I cannot bear his constant criticism""The new secretary had to endure a lot of unprofessional remarks""he learned to tolerate the heat""She stuck out two years in a miserable marriage"
    4. move while holding up or supporting;
    "Bear gifts""bear a heavy load""bear news""bearing orders"
    5. bring forth, "The apple tree bore delicious apples this year";
    "The unidentified plant bore gorgeous flowers"
    6. take on as one's own the expenses or debts of another person;
    "I'll accept the charges""She agreed to bear the responsibility"
    7. contain or hold; have within;
    "The jar carries wine""The canteen holds fresh water""This can contains water"
    8. bring in;
    "interest-bearing accounts""How much does this savings certificate pay annually?"
    9. have on one's person;
    "He wore a red ribbon""bear a scar"
    10. behave in a certain manner;
    "She carried herself well""he bore himself with dignity""They conducted themselves well during these difficult times"
    11. have rightfully; of rights, titles, and offices;
    "She bears the title of Duchess""He held the governorship for almost a decade"
    12. support or hold in a certain manner;
    "She holds her head high""He carried himself upright"
    13. be pregnant with;
    "She is bearing his child""The are expecting another child in January""I am carrying his child"
  • 法律: 承担;负担;