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[mæs] [mæs]
  • 复数:masses;
  • 第三人称单数:masses;
  • 过去式:massed;
  • 过去分词:massed;
  • 现在分词:massing;
  • 形容词:massed;
  • 例句
    • n.
    • mass的反义词之:其他释义
    • be a mass of
      be completely covered with 遍布
    • in mass
      as a body 总体,作为整体
    • in the mass
      as a whole 整个,整体
      Mass market paperbacks, which have been declining for years anyway, will probably disappear, as will hardbacks for mysteries, thrillers, "romance fiction," etc.
      Mass layoffs and plant closings have drawn plenty of headlines and public debate over the years, and they still occasionally do.
      As a young man, he began walking over tens of thousands of miles during his lifetime, through the south to Florida, the west to California and north to Alaska, where readers are taken a long and particularly hair-raising adventure on a large mass of floating ice
      Supporters of home education claim that it is less expensive and far more efficient than mass public education.
    • N-SING
      A mass of things is a large number of them grouped together.
      On his desk is a mass of books and papers. 他的书桌上有大堆的书籍和文件。
    • N-SING
      A mass of something is a large amount of it.
      She had a mass of auburn hair. 她有一头浓密的棕发。
    • QUANT
      Masses of something means a great deal of it.
      There's masses of work for her to do... 她有一大堆的工作要做。 It has masses of flowers each year. 它每年都开许多花。
    • ADJ
      Mass is used to describe something which involves or affects a very large number of people.
      ...ideas on combating mass unemployment... 对付大量失业的点子 All the lights went off, and mass hysteria broke out. 所有的灯都熄灭了,大家都变得歇斯底里起来。
    • N-COUNT
      A mass of a solid substance, a liquid, or a gas is an amount of it, especially a large amount which has no definite shape.
      ...before it cools and sets into a solid mass... 在它冷却成为固态之前 The fourteenth century cathedral was reduced to a mass of rubble. 这座14世纪的大教堂变成了一堆瓦砾。
    • N-PLURAL
      If you talk about the masses, you mean the ordinary people in society, in contrast to the leaders or the highly educated people.
      His music is commercial. It is aimed at the masses... 他的音乐走商业化路线,针对的是一般大众。 This issue has aroused much resentment among the masses. 这个问题在民众中间引起了强烈的不满。
    • N-SING
      The mass of people are most of the people in a country, society, or group.
      The 1939-45 world war involved the mass of the population... 1939至1945年间的世界大战使大多数民众卷入其中。 Schools allowed the mass of children to leave school at 16 with poor qualifications. 学校允许大部分考试成绩差的学生16岁时毕业离校。
    • N-COUNT
      A mass of people is a large crowd of them.
      ...masses of excited people clogged the streets. 情绪激动的人群挤满了街道。 ...a mass of grinning teenage faces. 一张张少年的笑脸
    • V-ERG
      When people or things mass, or when you mass them, they gather together into a large crowd or group.
      Shortly after the workers went on strike, police began to mass at the shipyard... 工人们罢工后不久,警察就开始在船厂集结。 The clouds massed, whipped up by the wind... 云卷云舒随风起。
    • N-SING
      If you say that something is a mass of things, you mean that it is covered with them or full of them.
      His body was a mass of sores... 他遍体鳞伤。 In the spring, the meadow is a mass of daffodils. 春天,草地上开满了黄水仙。
    • N-VAR
      In physics, the mass of an object is the amount of physical matter that it has.
      Astronomers know that Pluto and Triton have nearly the same size, mass, and density. 天文学家知道冥王星与海卫一拥有几乎相同的体积、质量与密度。
    • N-VAR
      Mass is a Christian church ceremony, especially in a Roman Catholic or Orthodox church, during which people eat bread and drink wine in order to remember the last meal of Jesus Christ.
      She attended a convent school and went to Mass each day. 她上的是教会学校,每天都去做弥撒。
    • N-COUNT
      A Mass is a piece of music which uses the prayers from the Christian ceremony of Mass as the words that are sung.
    • n.
      (聚成一体的)团, 块, 堆, 群, 片
      The aircraft came down in flames, and the heat fused most of the parts together into a solid mass. 飞机冒着火坠落了, 大多数部件因高温而熔成一团。 There is a mass of stones in the yard. 院子里堆放着一大堆石头。
      大量, 大批; 众多
      I have masses of work to do. 我有大量工作要做。
      [常作the masses]平民,群众,大批人群
      The masses have boundless creative power. 群众有无限的创造力。
      This particle has very small mass. 这种粒子的质量很小。 Energy and mass are equal and interchangeable. 能量与质量相等而又是可以互相转换的。
    • vt. & vi.
      (使)集中; 聚集
      Troops are mass-ing on the frontier. 部队在边境集结。 They massed well-equipped troops on the frontier. 他们在边境上集结了装备精良的军队。
    • adj.
      许多的, 大量的, 大规模的, 群众的, 民众的,群众性的,普及的,普通的
      These precise instruments have already gone into mass production. 这些精密仪器已经大规模投入生产。 The grand mass rally was held on the square. 广场上举行了盛大的群众集会。
    • Noun
      1. the property of a body that causes it to have weight in a gravitational field
      2. (often followed by `of') a large number or amount or extent;
      "a batch of letters""a deal of trouble""a lot of money""he made a mint on the stock market""it must have cost plenty"
      3. an ill-structured collection of similar things (objects or people)
      4. a body of matter without definite shape;
      "a huge ice mass"
      5. the common people generally;
      "separate the warriors from the mass""power to the people"
      6. the property of something that is great in magnitude;
      "it is cheaper to buy it in bulk""he received a mass of correspondence""the volume of exports"
    • Verb
      1. join together into a mass or collect or form a mass;
      "Crowds were massing outside the palace"
    • Adjective
      1. occurring widely (as to many people);
      "mass destruction"
      2. gathered or tending to gather into a mass or whole;
      "aggregate expenses include expenses of all divisions combined for the entire year""the aggregated amount of indebtedness"
    • 体育: 质量块;团;体;团体;
      医学: 质,物质;块,丸块,团;质量;
      哲学: 质量;
      土木工程: 质量;
      建筑: 体量;
      旅游: 弥撒;
      机械: 质荷比;mass-to-charge ratio 离子质量与电荷的比值,常用符号m/e表示。;
      物理学: 质量衰减系数: mass-attenuation coefficient;质量数守恒: mass-number conservation;质能等价性: mass-energy equivalence;质能关系: mass-energy relation;