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[ləʊd] [loʊd]
  • 复数:loads;
  • 第三人称单数:loads;
  • 过去式:loaded;
  • 过去分词:loaded;
  • 现在分词:loading;
  • 例句
    • vt. & vi.
    • load的反义词之:其他释义
    • 以下这些名词均有"负担,负荷" 的意思
    • get a load of
      (informal)used to draw attention to someone or something (非正式)[用以引起注意]瞧瞧
    • get (或 have) a load on
      (informal, chiefly N. Amer.)become drunk (非正式,主北美)醉了
    • load the bases
      (Baseball)have base-runners on all three bases (棒球)满垒
    • load the dice against/in favour of someone
      put someone at a disadvantage or advantage 作弊;偏向
    • take a (或 the) load off one's feet
      sit or lie down 坐着;躺着
    • take a load off someone's mind
      bring someone relief from anxiety 卸下心中的包袱
    • under load
      subject to a mechanical or electrical load 承受机械(或电力)负荷
      He did serious damage to a loaded truck.
      It provides loads of information to its users.
      More than paradise lost, a perishing rain forest could trigger a domino effect - sending winds and rains kilometers off course and loading the skies with even greater levels of greenhouse gases - that will be felt far beyond the Amazon basin.
      Your course load is set, your grades are set, your test scores are set.
      And though Hu Jintao and the rest of the Chinese leadership aren't inclined to lecture visiting Presidents, he might gently hint that Beijing is getting a little nervous about the value of the dollar-which has fallen 15% since March, in large part because of increasing fears that America's debt load is becoming unmanageable.
    • VERB
      If you load a vehicle or a container, you put a large quantity of things into it.
      The three men seemed to have finished loading the truck... 这3名男子似乎已把东西往卡车上装载完毕。 Mr. Dambar had loaded his plate with lasagne... 丹巴尔先生盛了一大盘千层面。
    • N-COUNT
      A load is something, usually a large quantity or heavy object, which is being carried.
      He drove by with a big load of hay... 他载着一大车干草驶过。 He was carrying a very heavy load. 他身上背着沉甸甸的东西。
    • N-COUNT
      A load is a quantity of clothes or sheets which need washing and which are washed together in a washing machine.
      I put another load in the washing machine. 我把另一堆衣服放进洗衣机。
    • QUANT
      If you refer to a load of people or things or loads of them, you are emphasizing that there are a lot of them.
      I've got loads of money... 我有大把的钱。 His people came up with a load of embarrassing information... 他的部下亮出一大堆令人尴尬的资料来。
    • VERB
      When someone loads a weapon such as a gun, they put a bullet or missile in it so that it is ready to use.
      I knew how to load and handle a gun... 我知道怎么上子弹,也知道枪怎么用。 He carried a loaded gun... 他带了一把子弹上膛的枪。
    • VERB
      To load a camera or other piece of equipment means to put film, tape, or data into it so that it is ready to use.
      A photographer from the newspaper was loading his camera with film... 那家报纸的一名摄影师正往相机里装胶卷。 A technician loads a video tape into one of the machines... 一名技师把一盒录影带装进其中一台机器。
    • N-COUNT
      You can refer to the amount of work you have to do as a load .
      She's taking some of the load off the secretaries. 她在给秘书们减轻一些工作量。
    • N-COUNT
      The load of a system or piece of equipment, especially a system supplying electricity or a computer, is the extent to which it is being used at a particular time.
      An efficient bulb may lighten the load of power stations... 一个节能灯泡也许就能减轻发电站的负荷。 Several processors can share the load of handling data in a single program. 几个处理器可共同分担处理一个程序数据的负荷。
    • N-SING
      The load on something is the amount of weight that is pressing down on it or the amount of strain that it is under.
      Some of these chairs have flattened feet which spread the load on the ground... 这些椅子中有的是平脚的,这样可分散地面所受的压力。 High blood pressure imposes an extra load on the heart. 高血压会给心脏增加额外的负担。
    • n.
      负荷; 负担
      The load on this beam is more than it will bear. 横梁上的负荷比它能承受的要大得多。
      装载, 装载量
      The plane can carry a ten-ton load. 飞机能载重十吨。
    • vt. & vi.
      The goods are hard to load. 这些货物装起来会很困难的。 The stevedores' work is to load and unload ships. 装卸工人的工作是装卸船只。
      This camera loads easily. 这架照相机装胶卷很容易。 Meantime he was loading the pistols. 而同时他在往手枪里装子弹。
    • Noun
      1. weight to be borne or conveyed
      2. a quantity that can be processed or transported at one time;
      "the system broke down under excessive loads"
      3. goods carried by a large vehicle
      4. an amount of alcohol sufficient to intoxicate;
      "he got a load on and started a brawl"
      5. the power output of a generator or power plant
      6. an onerous or difficult concern;
      "the burden of responsibility""that's a load off my mind"
      7. a deposit of valuable ore occurring within definite boundaries separating it from surrounding rocks
      8. the front part of a guided missile or rocket or torpedo that carries the nuclear or explosive charge or the chemical or biological agents
      9. electrical device to which electrical power is delivered
    • Verb
      1. fill or place a load on;
      "load a car""load the truck with hay"
      2. provide with munition;
      "He loaded his gun carefully"
      3. put (something) on a structure or conveyance;
      "load the bags onto the trucks"
    • 体育: 装药剂量;
      公路科技: 荷载;
      力学: 载荷;
      医学: 负荷,负载:指物体或机体可以检测的承受量,如个人所必需完成的工作量(工作负荷);或体内所含水分、盐类或热,特别是其量与正常不同时;
      土木工程: 承重构件;load-bearing member;承载能力;load-carrying capacity, bearing capacity;
      地质学: 载荷;
      机械: 负载;应变仪输出端的外接(匹配)载荷。;
      水利: 荷载;施加在结构上的集中力或分布力。;
      物理学: 负载;
      电力: 负荷开关;load-break switch, load switch;又称“负载”。;
      电子学: 负载;
      电工: 负载;
      航天: 负载;
      药学: 负荷;又称 :负荷(loading);
      通信: 负荷;又称“负载”。(1)器件或电路执行功能时所消耗的功率。(2)网络或信道承载的业务量。;