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['hju:mə] [ˈhjumɚ]
  • 过去式:humored;
  • 过去分词:humored;
  • 现在分词:humoring;
  • 第三人称单数:humors;
  • 例句
    • out of humor
      In a bad mood; irritable. 情绪不好的;易发怒的
      It adds to the humor of the text
      In to day's personality stakes, nothing is more highly valued than the sense of humor.
      This attitude would have surprised the ancient Greeks,who believed humor to be essentially aggressive
    • Noun
      1. a message whose ingenuity or verbal skill or incongruity has the power to evoke laughter
      2. the trait of appreciating (and being able to express) the humorous;
      "she didn't appreciate my humor""you can't survive in the army without a sense of humor"
      3. a characteristic (habitual or relatively temporary) state of feeling;
      "whether he praised or cursed me depended on his temper at the time""he was in a bad humor"
      4. the quality of being funny;
      "I fail to see the humor in it"
      5. (Middle Ages) one of the four fluids in the body whose balance was believed to determine your emotional and physical state;
      "the humors are blood and phlegm and yellow and black bile"
      6. the liquid parts of the body
    • Verb
      1. put into a good mood
    • 医学: [拉]〔复humors,humores〕液;体液:解剖学术语,表示体内某些液状物质。另见humoralism项下;