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  • 以下这些动词均有"帮助" 的意思
    aid :正式用词,指帮助他人脱离危险或战胜困难,着重强者对急需帮助的弱者的帮助。
    assist :强调在提供帮助时,以受助者为主,所给的帮助起第二位或从属的作用。
    help :最普通用词,含义广泛。指一般性的或迫切需要的帮助,侧重积极地为他人提供物质、精神或其他方面的帮助。
  • 以下这些名词均有"帮助,支持" 的意思
  • a helping hand
    assistance 助手,援助之手
  • so help me (God)
    used to emphasize that one means what one is saying (上帝)作证(用于强调某人说话算话)
  • there is no help for it
    there is no way of avoiding or remedying a situation (情形、处境)无可避免,无法补救
  • help (oneself) to
    To serve or provide oneself with 自用:用…招待自己或提供…给自己 &I{Informal} To take (something) without asking permission 【非正式用语】 偷窃,窃取:没有得到允许而拿取(某物)
  • VERB
    If you help someone, you make it easier for them to do something, for example by doing part of the work for them or by giving them advice or money.
    He has helped to raise a lot of money... 他帮着筹集了很多钱。 My mum used to help cook the meals for the children... 我妈妈过去常帮忙给孩子做饭。
  • VERB
    If you say that something helps, you mean that it makes something easier to do or get, or that it improves a situation to some extent.
    The right style of swimsuit can help to hide, minimise or emphasise what you want it to... 款式选择得当的泳装有助于按照意愿掩饰、缩小或突出某些部位。 Building more motorways and bypasses will help the environment by reducing pollution and traffic jams in towns and cities... 建造更多的高速公路和绕城道路能够减少城镇中的污染和交通堵塞,有利于改善环境。
  • VERB
    If you help someone go somewhere or move in some way, you give them support so that they can move more easily.
    Martin helped Tanya over the rail... 马丁扶着塔尼娅越过栏杆。 I allowed her to help me to my feet... 我允许她扶我站起来。
  • VERB
    If you help yourself, you try to get yourself out of a difficult situation rather than accept it and think you can do nothing to change it.
    He tries to help people with problems, but firmly believes they should do more to help themselves. 他尽力帮助有困难的人,但仍坚信他们应该更加努力自救。
  • N-SING
    If you say that someone or something has been a help or has been some help, you mean that they have helped you to solve a problem.
    Thank you. You've been a great help already. 谢谢你。你已经帮了大忙了。 ...a quality which will be a help rather than a hindrance to them... 会对他们有所助益而非阻碍的一种品质
    Help is action taken to rescue a person who is in danger. You shout 'help!' when you are in danger in order to attract someone's attention so that they can come and rescue you.
    He was screaming for help... 他高呼求救。 'Help!' I screamed, turning to run. “救命!”我尖叫道,转身就跑。
    In computing, help, or the help menu, is a file that gives you information and advice, for example about how to use a particular program.
    If you get stuck, click on Help. 如果碰到疑难,就点击“帮助”。
  • VERB
    If you help yourself to something, you serve yourself or you take it for yourself. If someone tells you to help yourself, they are telling you politely to serve yourself anything you want or to take anything you want.
    There's bread on the table. Help yourself... 桌上有面包。你自己拿吧。 Just help yourself to leaflets. 请自取传单材料。
  • VERB
    If someone helps themselves to something, they steal it.
    Has somebody helped himself to some film star's diamonds? 有人偷了某个影星的钻石了吗?
    If you can't help the way you feel or behave, you cannot control it or stop it happening. You can also say that you can't help yourself .
    I can't help feeling sorry for the poor man... 我不禁为这个可怜的男人感到难过。 'Please don't cry.' — 'I can't help it.'... “别哭了。”——“我忍不住。”
    If you say you can't help thinking something, you are expressing your opinion in an indirect way, often because you think it seems rude.
    I can't help feeling that this may just be another of her schemes... 我不免觉得这可能只是她的又一个诡计。 I could not help but think this is a very queer life. 我忍不住会认为这是一种非常怪异的生活。
    If someone or something is of help, they make a situation easier or better.
    Can I be of help to you? 我能帮上你吗?
  • vt. & vi.
    We'll be happy to help if you need us. 如果你需要的话, 我们将乐意帮助你。
    有助于, 有利于
    Every little helps. 点点滴滴全有助益。
  • vt.
    避免; 抑制, 克制
    She burst her crying; she couldn't help it. 她放声大哭, 无法控制自己。
    We should help her, it's too difficult for her to feed five children by herself. 就她自己要养活五个孩子太困难了,我们应该资助她。
    I helped him (to) find his wallet. 我帮他找到了他丢失的钱包。
    Honey helps the cough 蜂蜜能治咳嗽。
    给…盛(饭、菜);为…倒(酒、饮料);劝(酒等)(与 to连用)
    They helped each other to the dish. 他们互相为对方夹菜。
    [与 can或 cannot连用]避免,防止,阻止;改变,抑制,忍住,控制住
    I can not help beating him. 我控制不住打了他一顿。
  • n.
    帮助, 援助
    John acknowledged Jill's invaluable help. 约翰对吉尔的宝贵帮助表示谢意。
    补救办法, 治疗方法
    It was past the help of man. 它不是人力所能挽救的。
  • Noun
    1. the activity of contributing to the fulfillment of a need or furtherance of an effort or purpose;
    "he gave me an assist with the housework""could not walk without assistance""rescue party went to their aid""offered his help in unloading"
    2. a resource;
    "visual aids in teaching""economic assistance to depressed areas"
    3. a means of serving;
    "of no avail""there's no help for it"
    4. a person who contributes to the fulfillment of a need or furtherance of an effort or purpose;
    "my invaluable assistant""they hired additional help to finish the work"
  • Verb
    1. give help or assistance; be of service;
    "Everyone helped out during the earthquake""Can you help me carry this table?""She never helps around the house"
    2. be of use;
    "This will help to prevent accidents"
    3. improve the condition of;
    "These pills will help the patient"
    4. abstain from doing; always used with a negative;
    "I can't help myself--I have to smoke""She could not help watching the sad spectacle"
    5. contribute to the furtherance of;
    "This money will help the development of literacy in developing countries"
    6. improve; change for the better;
    "New slipcovers will help the old living room furniture"
    7. help to some food; help with food or drink;
    "I served him three times, and after that he helped himself"
    8. take or use;
    "She helped herself to some of the office supplies"