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[gəʊ] [goʊ]
  • 复数:goes;
  • 过去式:went;
  • 过去分词:gone;
  • 现在分词:going;
  • 第三人称单数:goes;
  • 例句
    • 以下这些动词均包含 "前进,行进,进展" 的意思
      advance :主要用于具体的人或物,也可指科学技术和运动等。
      progress :指按某一既定目标前进,取得发展,目的性很明确,强调经常和稳定地前进。
      proceed :侧重指继续前进。
      move on :非正式用语,侧重从某一停止点向某地前进,但不表示前进的目的地。
      go :最常用词,含义宽泛而不确切,依上文确定其具体意思。
    • 以下这些动词均可表示"变成,成为" 的意思
    • 以下这些动词均包含 "离开某处" 的意思
      set out : 书面用词。
    • all the go
      (Brit. informal, dated)in fashion (英,非正式,旧)非常流行,风行一时
    • as (或 so) far as it goes
      bearing in mind its limitations (said when qualifying praise of something) 考虑到它的局限性(在找理由表扬某事物时说)
    • as —— go
      compared to the average or typical one of the specified kind 与一般的(或典型的)相比
    • from the word go
      (informal)from the very beginning (非正式)从一开始
    • get someone going
      (Brit. informal)make someone angry or sexually aroused (英,非正式)惹怒;使性兴奋
    • go figure!
      (N. Amer. informal)said to express the speaker's belief that something is amazing or incredible (北美,非正式)[用来表示说话人认为某事是令人吃惊的,难以置信的] 真不敢相信
    • go great guns
    • go halves
      (或 shares)share something equally 平分
    • going!, gone!
      an auctioneer's announcement that bidding is closing or closed (拍卖人宣布)竞价就要结束(或已结束)
    • go off on one
      (Brit. informal)become very angry or excited (英,非正式)恼怒;激动
    • going on ——(英亦作 going on for)
      (英 亦作)approaching a specified time, age, or amount 接近(特定的时间、年龄或数量)
    • go (to) it
      (Brit. informal)act in a vigorous, energetic, or dissipated way (英,非正式)猛劲干;放荡挥霍
    • go to show
      (或 prove)(of an occurrence) serve as evidence or proof of something specified 成为某事的证据(或证明)
    • go well
      (S. African)used to express good wishes to someone leaving (南非)一切顺利[用来对即将离开的人表达良好的祝愿]
    • VERB
      When you go somewhere, you move or travel there.
      We went to Rome... 我们去了罗马。 Gladys had just gone into the kitchen... 格拉迪丝刚进厨房。
    • VERB
      When you go, you leave the place where you are.
      Let's go... 我们走吧。 She's going tomorrow. 她明天走。
    • VERB
      You use go to say that someone leaves the place where they are and does an activity, often a leisure activity.
      We went swimming very early... 我们很早就去游泳了。 Maybe they've just gone shopping... 或许他们刚去购物了。
    • VERB
      去做…(可用go to do, 也可用go and do,美国英语中还可用go do,然而一般说 went and did)
      When you go to do something, you move to a place in order to do it and you do it. You can also go and do something, and in American English, you can go do something. However, you always say that someone went and did something.
      His second son, Paddy, had gone to live in Canada... 他的二儿子帕迪去加拿大生活了。 I must go and see this film... 我一定要去看这部电影。
    • VERB
      If you go to school, work, or church, you attend it regularly as part of your normal life.
      She will have to go to school... 她将不得不去上学。 His son went to a top university in America. 他的儿子上了美国的一所顶级大学。
    • VERB
      When you say where a road or path goes, you are saying where it begins or ends, or what places it is in.
      There's a mountain road that goes from Blairstown to Millbrook Village. 有一条山路从布莱尔斯敦通向米尔布鲁克村。
    • VERB
      You can use go in expressions such as 'don't go telling everybody', in order to express disapproval of the kind of behaviour you mention, or to tell someone not to behave in that way.
      You don't have to go running upstairs every time she rings... 用不着她一来电话你就往楼上跑。 Don't you go thinking it was your fault. 别觉得是你的错。
    • VERB
      You can use go with words like 'further' and 'beyond' to show the degree or extent of something.
      He went even further in his speech to the conference... 他在大会发言中作了更进一步的阐述。 Some physicists have gone so far as to suggest that the entire Universe is a sort of gigantic computer. 一些物理学家竟然提出整个宇宙就像一台巨型计算机。
    • VERB
      If you say that a period of time goes quickly or slowly, you mean that it seems to pass quickly or slowly.
      The weeks go so quickly! 这几周过得真快!
    • VERB
      If you say where money goes, you are saying what it is spent on.
      Most of my money goes on bills... 我的钱大部分用来支付各种账单。 The money goes to projects chosen by the wider community. 这笔钱将用于由更广泛的社会群体所选出的项目。
    • VERB
      If you say that something goes to someone, you mean that it is given to them.
      A lot of credit must go to the chairman and his father... 很大一部分功劳应归于主席和他的父亲。 The job went to Yuri Skokov, a capable administrator. 尤里·斯科科夫得到了这份工作,他是一位能干的管理人员。
    • VERB
      If someone goes on television or radio, they take part in a television or radio programme.
      The Turkish president has gone on television to defend stringent new security measures... 土耳其总统上电视为严格的新安全措施进行辩护。 We went on the air, live, at 7.30. 我们上了7点30分进行的现场直播。
    • VERB
      If something goes, someone gets rid of it.
      The Institute of Export now fears that 100,000 jobs will go... 现在出口协会担心将失去10万个工作机会。 If people stand firm against the tax, it is only a matter of time before it has to go. 如果人们坚决抵制这项税收,它的废止就仅仅是个时间问题。
    • VERB
      If someone goes, they leave their job, usually because they are forced to.
      He had made a humiliating tactical error and he had to go. 他犯了一个让他颜面尽失的战术错误,只得引咎辞职。
    • VERB
      If something goes into something else, it is put in it as one of the parts or elements that form it.
      ...the really interesting ingredients that go into the dishes that we all love to eat. 我们都爱吃的菜肴里所放入的十分有趣的原料
    • VERB
      If something goes in a particular place, it fits in that place or should be put there because it is the right size or shape.
      He was trying to push it through the hole and it wouldn't go. 他想将它从这个洞里推过去,但却怎么也过不去。 ...This knob goes here. 这个拉手要装在这里。
    • VERB
      If something goes in a particular place, it belongs there or should be put there, because that is where you normally keep it.
      The shoes go on the shoe shelf... 鞋子放在鞋架上。 'Where does everything go?' “东西都到哪儿去了?”
    • VERB
      If you say that one number goes into another number a particular number of times, you are dividing the second number by the first.
      Six goes into thirty five times. 6除30得5。
    • VERB
      If one of a person's senses, such as their sight or hearing, is going, it is getting weak and they may soon lose it completely.
      His eyes are going; he says he has glaucoma... 他的视力在下降,他说自己得了青光眼。 Lately he'd been making mistakes; his nerve was beginning to go. 他近来老犯错误,胆子也开始变小了。
    • VERB
      If something such as a light bulb or a part of an engine is going, it is no longer working properly and will soon need to be replaced.
      I thought it looked as though the battery was going. 我看电池好像该换了。
    • VERB
      If you say that someone is going or has gone, you are saying in an indirect way that they are dying or are dead.
      'Any hope?' — 'No, he's gone.' “还有希望吗?”——“没有,他已经死了。”
    • vi.
      去; 走; 行; 驶
      I want to go, but she wants to stay. 我要走, 但她想留下来。 I told the driver to go slow. 我叫司机开慢点。 The train is going north. 列车向北行驶。 The train goes in 15 minutes. 火车15分钟后开出。 She has gone to the station. 她去车站了。 He went to see his aunt last night. 他昨天晚上去看望了姨母。 Go and have a glass of beer! 去喝一杯啤酒吧! I'm going to enter a university. 我要上大学。 He often goes marketing. 他经常去市场做生意。
      进行, 运行, 运转
      Everything went pretty smoothly. 一切进展相当顺利。 There are still two years to go. 还有两年时间可利用。 The engine went beautifully. 这台发动机运转得相当好。
      放, 置,被放置,被置于,被安放
      My clothes won't all go into that tiny suitcase. 那个小衣箱装不下我所有的衣物。 The shirts go in the top drawer. 衬衫放在最上层的抽屉里。
      伸展, 通往,(从…)通向,延伸到
      Where does this road go to? 这条路通向哪里? I want a rope long enough to go from here to there. 我要一根可以从这里拉到那里的长绳子。 The roots of this plant go deep. 这种植物的根扎得很深。
      消失, 丢失
      My fever has gone, but I have a cough. 我退烧了, 但是还有点咳嗽。 He got up in the morning and found that all the snow had gone. 他早晨起来发现雪已经全部消失了。 My purse has gone! 我的钱包丢了!
      垮下来, 死
      The ladder went at the critical moment. 在关键时刻梯子垮了。 The bridge went under the heavy weight. 桥被压垮了。
      花费, 销售
      My money is going fast! 我的钱花得很快! A lot of my grant goes on books. 我的许多补助金都花在书上。 How much of your money goes in rent? 你花在租金上的钱是多少? These socks are going at one pound a pair. 这些短袜每双卖一英镑。 The antique table went to the lady in the pink hat. 这张古董桌子卖给那位戴粉红色帽子的女士了。
      据说, 流传
      The story goes that he was murdered. 据说他被谋杀了。 The story goes that long ago there lived a king. 流传着这样一个故事, 讲的是很久以前有个国王。 This is how the song goes. 这首歌就是这么唱的。
    • link-v.
      Ducks go “quack”. 鸭子发出“嘎嘎”的叫声。 The guns went “boom”. 大炮发出“轰轰”声。
      变得, 成为, 处于…状态
      The woman had gone mad. 那女人疯了。 Fruit quickly goes rotten in hot weather. 在热天, 水果会很快变质。 He went pale at the news. 他听到这个消息时脸色变得苍白。 My absence had gone unnoticed. 我的缺席未能引起人家注意。
    • n.
      You've been on the swing for ten minutes, it's my go now. 你荡秋千有10分钟了, 现在该轮到我了。 You'll be given a go next time. 下次你会有机会的。
      精力, 干劲,活力,热情
      The youth has plenty of go in him. 这个年轻人活力十足。 The children are full of go.They run and play all day. 这些小孩子精力充沛, 他们整天跑呀玩呀。
    • Noun
      1. a time for working (after which you will be relieved by someone else);
      "it's my go""a spell of work"
      2. street names for methylenedioxymethamphetamine
      3. a usually brief attempt;
      "he took a crack at it""I gave it a whirl"
      4. a board game for two players who place counters on a grid; the object is to surround and so capture the opponent's counters
    • Verb
      1. change location; move, travel, or proceed;
      "How fast does your new car go?""We travelled from Rome to Naples by bus""The policemen went from door to door looking for the suspect""The soldiers moved towards the city in an attempt to take it before night fell"
      2. follow a procedure or take a course;
      "We should go farther in this matter""She went through a lot of trouble""go about the world in a certain manner""Messages must go through diplomatic channels"
      3. move away from a place into another direction;
      "Go away before I start to cry""The train departs at noon"
      4. enter or assume a certain state or condition;
      "He became annoyed when he heard the bad news""It must be getting more serious""her face went red with anger""She went into ecstasy""Get going!"
      5. be awarded; be allotted;
      "The first prize goes to Mary""Her money went on clothes"
      6. have a particular form;
      "the story or argument runs as follows""as the saying goes..."
      7. stretch out over a distance, space, time, or scope; run or extend between two points or beyond a certain point;
      "Service runs all the way to Cranbury""His knowledge doesn't go very far""My memory extends back to my fourth year of life""The facts extend beyond a consideration of her personal assets"
      8. follow a certain course;
      "The inauguration went well""how did your interview go?"
      9. be abolished or discarded;
      "These ugly billboards have to go!""These luxuries all had to go under the Khmer Rouge"
      10. be or continue to be in a certain condition;
      "The children went hungry that day"
      11. make a certain noise or sound;
      "She went `Mmmmm'""The gun went `bang'"
      12. perform as expected when applied;
      "The washing machine won't go unless it's plugged in""Does this old car still run well?""This old radio doesn't work anymore"
      13. to be spent or finished;
      "The money had gone after a few days""Gas is running low at the gas stations in the Midwest"
      14. progress by being changed;
      "The speech has to go through several more drafts""run through your presentation before the meeting"
      15. continue to live; endure or last;
      "We went without water and food for 3 days""These superstitions survive in the backwaters of America""The racecar driver lived through several very serious accidents"
      16. pass, fare, or elapse; of a certain state of affairs or action;
      "How is it going?""The day went well until I got your call"
      17. pass from physical life and lose all all bodily attributes and functions necessary to sustain life;
      "She died from cancer""They children perished in the fire""The patient went peacefully"
      18. be in the right place or situation;
      "Where do these books belong?""Let's put health care where it belongs--under the control of the government""Where do these books go?"
      19. be ranked or compare;
      "This violinist is as good as Juilliard-trained violinists go"
      20. begin or set in motion;
      "I start at eight in the morning""Ready, set, go!"
      21. have a turn; make one's move in a game;
      "Can I go now?"
      22. be contained in;
      "How many times does 18 go into 54?"
      23. be sounded, played, or expressed;
      "How does this song go again?"
      24. blend or harmonize;
      "This flavor will blend with those in your dish""This sofa won't go with the chairs"
      25. lead, extend, or afford access;
      "This door goes to the basement""The road runs South"
      26. be the right size or shape; fit correctly or as desired;
      "This piece won't fit into the puzzle"
      27. go through in search of something; search through someone's belongings in an unauthorized way;
      "Who rifled through my desk drawers?"
      28. be spent;
      "All my money went for food and rent"
      29. give support (to) or make a choice (of) one out of a group or number;
      "I plumped for the losing candidates"
      30. stop operating or functioning;
      "The engine finally went""The car died on the road""The bus we travelled in broke down on the way to town""The coffee maker broke""The engine failed on the way to town""her eyesight went after the accident"
    • Adjective
      1. functioning correctly and ready for action;
      "all systems are go"
    • 体育: 开始;跑;划;围棋;一场拳击比赛;投手投球;试图偷垒;
      旅游: 围棋;