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[kənˈklu:ʒn] [kənˈkluʒən]
  • 复数:conclusions;
  • 例句
    • in conclusion
      lastly; to sum up 最后;总之,总而言之;综上所述
    • jump (或 leap) to conclusions (或 the conclusion tha
      make a hasty judgement before learning or considering all the facts 遽下结论,贸然断言
    • try conclusions with
      (formal)engage in a trial of skill or argument with (正式)与…一比高低;与…一决胜负
      Its conclusion is purposely exaggerated.
      But even before its release, the report drew criticism from some experts on climate and risk, who questioned its methods and conclusions.
      Its conclusions are based on carefully collected data
      Certain conclusions are nonetheless clear.
      Advocates of the practice have taken issue with his team's use of such evidence as news accounts to support his conclusion that goal-setting is widely over-prescribed.
      Its conclusion is not based on solid scientific evidence
    • N-COUNT
      When you come to a conclusion, you decide that something is true after you have thought about it carefully and have considered all the relevant facts.
      Over the years I've come to the conclusion that she's a very great musician... 这些年来,我得出的结论是她是一位非常伟大的音乐家。 I have tried to give some idea of how I feel — other people will no doubt draw their own conclusions. 我试着说了一些我的感受,其他人无疑会有他们自己的结论。
    • N-SING
      The conclusion of something is its ending.
      At the conclusion of the programme, I asked the children if they had any questions they wanted to ask me. 节目结束的时候,我问孩子们有没有问题想问我。
    • N-SING
      The conclusion of a treaty or a business deal is the act of arranging it or agreeing it.
      ...the expected conclusion of a free-trade agreement between Mexico and the United States. 墨西哥与美国之间自由贸易协定的如期签订
    • PHRASE
      You can refer to something that seems certain to happen as a foregone conclusion .
      It was a foregone conclusion that I would end up in the same business as him... 早已注定我最终会和他干同一行。 The championship result was almost a foregone conclusion. 锦标赛的结果差不多在意料之中。
    • PHRASE
      You say 'in conclusion' to indicate that what you are about to say is the last thing that you want to say.
      In conclusion, walking is a cheap, safe, enjoyable and readily available form of exercise. 总而言之,散步是一种廉价、安全、愉快的锻炼方式,而且随时随地都可以进行。
    • PHRASE
      If you say that someone jumps to a conclusion, you are critical of them because they decide too quickly that something is true, when they do not know all the facts.
      I didn't want her to jump to the conclusion that the divorce was in any way her fault... 我不想让她草率地断定离婚完全是她的错。 Forgive me. I shouldn't be jumping to conclusions. 原谅我,我不该草率地下结论。
    • n.
      结束, 结尾
      I found the conclusion of his book very interesting. 我觉得他这本书的结尾很有趣。
      They drew different conclusions from the facts. 他们根据这些事实得出了不同的结论。
    • Noun
      1. a position or opinion or judgment reached after consideration;
      "a decision unfavorable to the opposition""his conclusion took the evidence into account""satisfied with the panel's determination"
      2. an intuitive assumption;
      "jump to a conclusion"
      3. the temporal end; the concluding time;
      "the stopping point of each round was signaled by a bell""the market was up at the finish""they were playing better at the close of the season"
      4. event whose occurrence ends something;
      "his death marked the ending of an era""when these final episodes are broadcast it will be the finish of the show"
      5. the proposition arrived at by logical reasoning (such as the proposition that must follow from the major and minor premises of a syllogism)
      6. the act of ending something;
      "the termination of the agreement"
      7. a final settlement;
      "the conclusion of a business deal""the conclusion of the peace treaty"
      8. the last section of a communication;
      "in conclusion I want to say..."
      9. the act of making up your mind about something;
      "the burden of decision was his""he drew his conclusions quickly"
    • 体育: 收势;结束;结论;
      数学: 结论;
      法律: 推论;