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[tʃəʊk] [tʃoʊk]
  • 第三人称单数:chokes;
  • 过去式:choked;
  • 过去分词:choked;
  • 现在分词:choking;
  • 例句
    • vt. & vi.
    • choke的反义词之:其他释义
    • choke back
      To hold back; suppress 忍住;抑制
    • choke off
      To bring to an end as if by choking 抑制,劝阻:象扼住喉咙一样使…停止
    • choke up
      To be unable to speak because of strong emotion. 哽咽,噎住,阻塞:因感情激动而说不出话来
    • choke something back
      suppress a strong emotion or the expression of such an emotion 压抑,抑制(强烈感情)
    • choke something down
      swallow something with difficulty 强咽下
      For example, several months after listening to an informative speech, Pete Gentry in North Carolina rescued his brother who is choking on food, by using the method taught by student speaker, Julie Paris.
      He saved the life of his brother choking on food
    • V-ERG
      When you choke or when something chokes you, you cannot breathe properly or get enough air into your lungs.
      The coffee was almost too hot to swallow and made him choke for a moment... 咖啡烫得几乎咽不下去,呛得他好一会儿喘不过气来。 A small child could choke on the doll's hair... 洋娃娃的头发可能会让小孩窒息。
    • VERB
      To choke someone means to squeeze their neck until they are dead.
      The men pushed him into the entrance of a nearby building where they choked him with his tie. 那些人把他推进附近大楼的入口处,用他的领带勒死了他。
    • VERB
      If a place is choked with things or people, it is full of them and they prevent movement in it.
      The village's roads are choked with traffic... 村里的路上挤满了车辆行人。 His pond has been choked by the fast-growing weed. 他的池塘里长满了恣意蔓生的杂草。
    • N-COUNT
      The choke in a car, truck, or other vehicle is a device that reduces the amount of air going into the engine and makes it easier to start.
    • vt. & vi.
      The channel chokes. 这条水道堵塞了。
      He choked with anger. 他气得说不出话来。
    • Noun
      1. a coil of low resistance and high inductance used in electrical circuits to pass direct current and attenuate alternating current
      2. a valve that controls the flow of air into the carburetor of a gasoline engine
    • Verb
      1. breathe with great difficulty, as when experiencing a strong emotion;
      "She choked with emotion when she spoke about her deceased husband"
      2. be too tight; rub or press;
      "This neckband is choking the cat"
      3. wring the neck of;
      "The man choked his opponent"
      4. constrict (someone's) throat and keep from breathing
      5. struggle for breath; have insufficient oxygen intake;
      "he swallowed a fishbone and gagged"
      6. fail to perform adequately due to tension or agitation;
      "The team should have won hands down but choked, disappointing the coach and the audience"
      7. check or slow down the action or effect of;
      "She choked her anger"
      8. become or cause to become obstructed;
      "The leaves clog our drains in the Fall""The water pipe is backed up"
      9. impair the respiration of or obstruct the air passage of;
      "The foul air was slowly suffocating the children"
      10. become stultified, suppressed, or stifled;
      "He is suffocating--living at home with his aged parents in the small village"
      11. suppress the development, creativity, or imagination of;
      "His job suffocated him"
      12. die;
      "The old man finally kicked the bucket"
      13. reduce the air supply;
      "choke a carburetor"
      14. cause to retch or choke
    • 体育: 收束器;
      医学: 气哽,气阻:因梗阻或受压而使呼吸中断,或由这种中断引起的状态;〔复〕哽塞:从胸骨下区开始的灼热感,伴有逐渐增强和不能控制的咳嗽冲动以及明显的恐惧与焦虑,导致血管迷走神经性发作,常在减压时发生;
      电子学: 扼流圈;
      电工: 扼流圈;又称 :扼流圈(smoothing inductor);
      铁道: 扼流圈;