
  • 形 (简单) simple,simplified,brief;动 simplify,[书]select,choose;名 bamboo slips,letter,a surname ;
    [例句] 简老是惹她生气,她有时就拿我出气。 Jane's always annoying her and she takes it out on me sometimes.
    [例句] 简的进球帮助英国队在巴塞罗那奥运会上获得了第三名。 Jane's goals helped Britain win third place in the Barcelona games.
  • 名 leaf,foliage,leaf-like thing,page,frondage ;
    [例句] 他们将表演阿什顿的《罗密欧与朱丽叶》中的两场舞。 They will dance two performances of Ashton's "Romeo and Juliet".
    [例句] 昨天玩宾戈赢了一把,适时地给朱丽叶·利特尔一家带来些许的欢快心情。 A timely bingo win brought some cheer to Juliet Little's family yesterday.
  • 名 lifetime,life,generation,age,era ;
    [例句] 在欧洲,阿迦汗三世表现得完全是另一副样子。 In Europe, Aga Khan III presented himself in a completely different light.
    [例句] 汉普顿宫被作为礼物转送给了亨利八世。 Hampton Court was made over to Henry VIII as a present.
  • 动 pass,pass on,hand down,bequeath;
    [例句] 惠特比镇因为布拉姆·斯托克著名的吸血鬼故事而名传后世。 The town of whitby was immortalised in Bram Stoker's famous Dracula story.
    [例句] 素食汉堡是一种迅速传到了英国的新开发食品。 The vegetarian burger was an innovation which was rapidly exported to Britain.
  • 形 bent,crooked,wrong,unjustifiable;动 (使弯曲) bend,twist;名 bend ,leaven,yeast,a surname;
    [例句] 那表示尼古拉斯还想要一块巧克力曲奇。 That was Nicholas's cue to ask for another chocolate chip cookie.
    [例句] 管弦乐编曲还要考虑其他因素。 There were also other factors that entered into the orchestration.
  • 形 state-owned,collective,common,general;动 (使公开) make public,publicize;名 public affairs,official business,authority,collective ;
    [例句] 他的目的地是乔伯姆公地,那里和他在科茨沃尔德的家离得很远。 His destination was Chobham Common, a long way from his Cotswold home.
    [例句] 在布里斯托尔附近的5号高速公路上,南行的车辆排成了绵延20英里的长龙。 Southbound traffic tailed back for twenty miles on the M5 near Bristol.
  • 动 send out,give out,launch,discharge;名 (姓氏) a surname;
    [例句] “我想发份电报。”——“好的,发给谁?” "I want to send a telegram." — "Fine, to whom?"
    [例句] 你常出汗或是脸上常发烫吗? Do you sweat a lot or flush a lot?
  • 形 (不包含什么; 里面没有东西或没有内容; 不切实际的) empty,hollow,void;名 sky,air,[佛教] emptiness,void of the world of senses;副 (没有效果; 白白地) for nothing,in vain;
    [例句] 我去踢球却踢了个空。 I went to kick the ball and I completely missed it.
    [例句] 房间仍然很简朴,四面都是饰有圆点的绿色空墙。 The room remains simple with bare, stippled green walls.
  • 名 outside,surface,the relationship between the children or grandchildren of a brother and a sister or of sisters,external;动 show,manifest,express,[中医]
    [例句] 我给表上紧发条,听着它嘀嗒作响。 I wound up the watch and listened to it tick.
    [例句] 她表兄是美发师,正在免费给她烫发。 Her cousin, a hairdresser, was perming her hair as a special treat.
  • 兴奋

    exciting,be excited,[生理] excitation,excitement,agitation ;
    [例句] 休和约翰对于获得这个奖项感到兴奋不已。 Sue and John were especially thrilled with this award.
    [例句] 当我放眼望去见到特里时,我整个人兴奋不已。 When I look over and see Terry I tingle all over.
  • 名 flower,blossom,multicoloured,spend;
    [例句] 我花大笔钱购置了上班时穿的漂亮新套装。 I spent lots of money on smart new outfits for work.
    [例句] 那里的通勤一族平均上下班要花5个小时。 The average commuter journey there is five hours long.
  • 名 (人体或物体的最上部) crown,peak,top;动 carry on the head,push from below or behind,push up,gore;介 奫方] (到某个时间) until,till;副 (表示程度最高) very,most,extremely ;
    [例句] 建筑工人在8根细柱上架起轻巧的混凝土穹顶。 The builders have perched a light concrete dome on eight slender columns.
    [例句] 虽然天气越来越热,他们仍全部戴着高顶礼帽,穿着燕尾服。 They were all in top hats and cutaways despite the growing heat.
  • 动 (没有约束; 松开; 分散) come loose,fall apart,not hold together;形 (零碎的; 不集中的) scattered;名 [中药]medicine in powder form,medicinal powder,a surname;
    [例句] 长椅周围的人群渐渐散去了。 The crowd around the bench began to melt away.
    [例句] 雾已经散了,看来是温暖晴朗的一天。 The fog had lifted and revealed a warm, sunny day.
  • 动 pour,irrigate,concentrate on,fix on;名 stakes,notes ;
    [例句] 你总是对全国赛马大会下点注吗? Do you always have a bet on the Grand National?
    [例句] 柯林小姐在来自米克·特里齐养马场的两匹马身上下了注,结果她赢了。 Miss Curling won on two horses from Mick Trickey's stable.
  • 收缩

    contract,shrink,concentrate one's forces,draw back,constriction ;
    [例句] 撕裂的肌肉会收缩,丧失原来的力量、结构和紧实度。 Torn muscles retract, and lose strength, structure, and tightness.
    [例句] 通过胃部肌肉的收缩食物和流质在胃中混合。 Foods and fluids are mixed in the stomach by its muscular contractions.
  • 安定

    stable,quiet,stabilize,maintain,compose ;
    [例句] 那女孩躺在行军床上,因服用安定剂完全处于恍惚的状态。 The girl lay on an army cot, all doped up with Valium.
    [例句] 总有一天,我会想安定下来,成个家。 One day I'll want to settle down and have a family.
  • 名 mud,mire,any paste-like matter,mashed vegetable or fruit;
    [例句] 将混合物打成泥状,然后用滤网滤一下。 Liquidize the mixture and then pass it through a sieve.
    [例句] 大批鸟儿来这块泥地觅食。 The mud is a feeding ground for large numbers of birds.
  • 动 open up or clear out by poking or jabbing,poke,lead to,go to;名 authority,expert,a surname;形 open,through,logical,coherent;
    [例句] 那里的通勤一族平均上下班要花5个小时。 The average commuter journey there is five hours long.
    [例句] 我把通到他办公室的电话线拔掉了。 I ripped out the telephone wire that ran through to his office.
  • 集合

    gather,assemble,[数] [自] [计] assemblage,set,aggregate ;
    [例句] 如果不加限制,城市往往会联合发展成越来越大的集合城市。 Cities, if unrestricted, tend to coalesce into bigger and bigger conurbations.
    [例句] 数以百计的孩子们被集合起来。 The children were assembled in hundreds.
  • 形 primary,original,unprocessed,raw;动 (原谅) excuse,pardon;名 level, open country,plain,a surname ;
    [例句] 根据自己的口味给原汤加点盐,然后用文火慢炖。 Salt the stock to your taste and leave it simmering very gently.
    [例句] 在原生境中,木槿能长到25英尺高。 In its natural habitat, the hibiscus will grow up to 25ft.