• 基础释义
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  • 词组
  • 四级真题
  • 六级真题
  • 柯林斯词典释义
  • 英汉词典释义
  • you and yours
    you together with your family and close friends 你和你的一切(包括你的家人和密友)
  • you-know-who (或 you-know-what)
    used to refer to someone (or something) known to the hearer without specifying their identity 那个人(或东西)(指不待明言便知所指是谁或什么东西)
    For many families the recession means more than not booking a holiday A You Gov poll of 2, 000 people found 22% said they were arguing more with their partners because of concerns about money.
    The You Gov poll of 2, 000 people indicates that in a recession it is more expensive for couples to split up
    K) "The greatest strength you bring to this essay," says the College Board's how-to book, "is 17 years or so of familiarity with the topic: YOU.
    The form and style are very familiar, and best of all, you are the world-class expert on the subject of YOU
    Even if the question is ostensibly (表面上) about something outside the self (describe a fictional character or solve a problem of geopolitics), the essay invariably returns to the favorite topic: what is its impact on YOU?
  • PRON
    A speaker or writer uses you to refer to the person or people that they are talking or writing to. It is possible to use you before a noun to make it clear which group of people you are talking to.
    When I saw you across the room I knew I'd met you before... 看到你穿过房间时,我就知道我以前曾经见过你。 You two seem very different to me... 你们两个似乎与我大不一样。
  • PRON
    In spoken English and informal written English, you is sometimes used to refer to people in general.
    Getting good results gives you confidence... 取得好的结果会给人以信心。 In those days you did what you were told. 那时候,你只能听命于人。
    In some dialects of English, yous is sometimes used instead of 'you' when talking to two or more people.
    'Yous two are no 'gettin' paid,' he said. 'Ye're too lazy!' “你们两个别指望拿到工钱,”他说。“你们太懒了!”
  • pron.
    您, 你, 你们
    Can you tell me the nearest way to the station? 你能告诉我去火车站最近的路吗? I thought she told you. 我以为她告诉你了。 It was absurd of you to do such a thing. 你做那样的事是愚蠢的。 Mind your own business, you! 你少管闲事! You fool! 你这笨蛋! You girls are always getting into trouble. 你们这些女孩子老是惹麻烦。
    一个人, 任何人
    Driving on the left is strange at first but you get used to it. 沿着路的左侧驾车刚开始时有些别扭, 可是习惯就好了。