• 基础释义
  • 例句
  • 同义词
  • 反义词
  • 同义词解析
  • 词组
  • 四级真题
  • 六级真题
  • 柯林斯词典释义
  • 英汉词典释义
  • 英英词典释义
  • 行业词典释义
  • 以下这些形容词都表示"完整的,全部的,整个的" 的意思
    all有时可与whole, entire和total换用。
  • 以下这些名词均有"总数,全体" 的意思
  • in whole
    entirely or fully 完全地;全部地;整个地
  • in the whole (wide) world
    anywhere; of all 整个世界上;所有的
  • the whole nine yards
    (informal, chiefly N. Amer.)everything possible or available (非正式,主北美)任何可能的事;任何可得到的东西
  • as a whole
    All parts or aspects considered; altogether 所有部分和方面都考虑到;整个看来
  • on the whole
    Considering everything 总的看来 In most instances or cases; as a rule 在大多数情况下;大体上,基本上
    Second, read a whole paragraph before you mark anything.
    Although many other big firms resisted the temptation to over-borrow, developers borrowed heavily and built bigger and fancier hotels as if the whole world were planning a holiday in Las Vegas
    Furthermore, students will be able to purchase sections of the text instead of buying the whole thing, with individual chapters costing as little as $
    However,while talking is largely subconscious and rapid, writing is deliberate and slow, Over time,writers took advantage of this and started crafting long-winded sentences such as this one:The whole engagement lasted above 12 hours, till the gradual retreat of the Persians was changed into a disorderly flight, of which the shameful example was given by the principal leaders and……" No one talks like that casually — or should
    Trees need more water as temperatures rise, but the prolonged droughts have robbed them of moisture, making whole forests easily cleared of trees and turned into farmland.
    Runaway fires pour even more carbon into the air, which increases temperatures, starting the whole vicious cycle all over again
    If you refer to the whole of something, you mean all of it.
    He has said he will make an apology to the whole of Asia for his country's past behaviour... 他已表示要为自己国家过去的行径向全亚洲道歉。 I was cold throughout the whole of my body. 我浑身上下都觉得冷。
    A whole is a single thing which contains several different parts.
    An atom itself is a complete whole, with its electrons, protons and neutrons and other elements... 一个原子本身就是一个完整的整体,包括电子、质子、中子及其他元素。 Taken as a percentage of the whole, the mouth has to be a fairly minor body part. 和全身比起来,嘴可算是身体中较小的一部分。
  • ADJ
    If something is whole, it is in one piece and is not broken or damaged.
    Much of the temple was ruined, but the front was whole, as well as a large hall behind it... 庙宇的大部分都被毁坏了,但其正面及后面的大厅还保存完好。 I struck the glass with my fist with all my might; yet it remained whole... 我用拳头拼命砸向玻璃,可它还是完好无损。
  • ADV
    You use whole to emphasize what you are saying.
    It was like seeing a whole different side of somebody... 这就像是看到一个人完全不同的一面。 His father had helped invent a whole new way of doing business. 他父亲帮助创造了一套全新的生意经。
    If you refer to something as a whole, you are referring to it generally and as a single unit.
    He described the move as a victory for the people of South Africa as a whole... 他把这一举动描述成整个南非人民的胜利。 As a whole we do not eat enough fibre in Britain. 总体上我们英国人没有摄入足够的膳食纤维。
    You use on the whole to indicate that what you are saying is true in general but may not be true in every case, or that you are giving a general opinion or summary of something.
    On the whole, people miss the opportunity to enjoy leisure... 总的来说,人们渴望享受闲暇的时光。 The wine towns encountered are, on the whole, quiet and modest. 所到的酒镇总的来说都是宁静祥和的。
  • adj.
    齐全的, 整体的, 全部的, 完全的, 所有的
    The whole village was attacked with influenza. 整个村子的人都得了流行性感冒。 The old woman has been confined to her bed for a whole year. 那老妇人已经卧病在床整整一年了。 Forty is a whole number. 40是个整数。 That's the whole truth about it. 这就是事情的全部真相。 He ate an apple whole. 他把整个苹果一口吃下。
    没有破碎的; 完整的; 完好无损的
    You're lucky to escape with a whole skin. 你未受损伤而逃脱, 真是幸运。 Did you break the whole dish? 盘子被你打碎了? He was surprised to find himself whole after the accident. 他惊奇地发现自己在事故发生后安然无恙。
  • n.
    齐全, 整体, 全部
    The whole of my money was stolen. 我全部的钱都被偷走了。 He spent the whole of the week in hospital. 他住院住了整整一星期。
    整体, 一体
    Two halves make a whole. 两个一半构成一个整体。
  • Noun
    1. all of something including all its component elements or parts;
    "Europe considered as a whole""the whole of American literature"
    2. an assemblage of parts that is regarded as a single entity;
    "how big is that part compared to the whole?""the team is a unit"
  • Adjective
    1. including all components without exception; being one unit or constituting the full amount or extent or duration; complete;
    "gave his whole attention""a whole wardrobe for the tropics""the whole hog""a whole week""the baby cried the whole trip home""a whole loaf of bread"
    2. (of siblings) having the same parents;
    "whole brothers and sisters"
    3. exhibiting or restored to vigorous good health;
    "hale and hearty""whole in mind and body""a whole person again"
  • Adverb
    1. to a complete degree or to the full or entire extent (`whole' is often used informally for `wholly');
    "he was wholly convinced""entirely satisfied with the meal""it was completely different from what we expected""was completely at fault""a totally new situation""the directions were all wrong""it was not altogether her fault""an altogether new approach""a whole new idea"
  • 物理学: 全波片;whole-wave plate, full-wave plate;
    电力: 全身照射;whole-body exposure;全身剂量;whole-body dose;