• 基础释义
  • 例句
  • 同义词
  • 词组
  • 六级真题
  • 柯林斯词典释义
  • 英汉词典释义
  • 英英词典释义
  • 行业词典释义
  • for one
    used to stress that the person named holds the specified view, even if no one else does 仅就(某人)来看;举个例说
  • get something in one
    (informal)understand or succeed in guessing something immediately (非正式)理解正确,猜测正确
  • have one over the eight
  • one after another (或the other)
    following one another in quick succession 一个接着一个地
  • one and only
    unique; single (used for emphasis or as a designation of a celebrity) 唯一的;单个的
  • one day
    at a particular but unspecified time in the past or future 一天,有一天
  • one for one
    denoting or referring to a situation or arrangement in which one thing corresponds to or is exchanged for another 一对一
  • one of a kind
  • one on one (或 one to one)
    denoting or referring to a situation in which two parties come into direct contact, opposition, or correspondence 面对面地
  • one or another (或the other)
    denoting or referring to a particular but unspecified one out of a set of items 一系列事物中的某一个
  • one or two
    (informal)a few (非正式)一些
  • one thing and another
    (informal)used to cover various unspecified matters, events, or tasks (非正式)这样那样的事(泛指许多事情)
  • at one
    In accord or unity. 一致,合力
  • one and all
    Everyone. 每个人,全体
    In Act One of the show, a yellow cube is lifted from a blue box, and moved across the stage.
    They are wondering why Act Two is odd and how it differs from Act One
    What is the difference between Act One and Act Two in the test?
  • NUM
    One is the number 1.
    They had three sons and one daughter. 他们有3个儿子,1个女儿。 ...one thousand years ago... 1,000年前
  • ADJ
    If you say that someone or something is the one person or thing of a particular kind, you are emphasizing that they are the only person or thing of that kind.
    They had alienated the one man who knew the business... 他们弄僵了同那个唯一懂行的人之间的关系。 His one regret is that he has never learned a language. 他唯一的遗憾是从未学过一门外语。
  • DET
    One can be used instead of 'a' to emphasize the following noun.
    There is one thing I would like to know—What is it about Tim that you find so irresistible?... 有一件事我很想知道——蒂姆到底哪一点让你对他如此倾心? One person I hate is Russ. 让我讨厌的一个人是拉斯。
  • DET
    You can use one instead of 'a' to emphasize the following adjective or expression.
    If we ever get married we'll have one terrific wedding... 如果我们哪一天结婚的话,一定会有一个棒极了的婚礼。 It's like one enormous street carnival here. 这就像是一场盛大的街头狂欢节。
  • DET
    You can use one in front of someone's name to indicate that you have not met them or heard of them before.
    It seems that the fifth man is one John Cairncross. 第五位好像是一个名叫约翰·凯恩克罗斯的人。
  • DET
    You can use one to refer to the first of two or more things that you are comparing.
    Prices vary from one shop to another... 各家商店价格不同。 The road hugs the coast for hundreds of miles, the South China Sea on one side, jungle on the other. 这条路依傍海岸绵延数百英里,一边是南中国海,另一边则是丛林。
  • PRON
    You can use one or ones instead of a noun when it is clear what type of thing or person you are referring to and you are describing them or giving more information about them.
    They are selling their house to move to a smaller one... 他们正打算卖掉房子,然后搬到一个小一点的住处。 We test each one to see that it flies well. 我们对每架飞机都会进行测试,以确保其飞行性能良好。
  • PRON
    You use ones to refer to people in general.
    We are the only ones who know. 我们是唯一的知情者。
  • PRON
    You can use one instead of a noun group when you have just mentioned something and you want to describe it or give more information about it.
    His response is one of anger and frustration... 他的回答充满了愤怒和懊丧。 The issue of land reform was one that dominated Hungary's parliamentary elections. 土地改革是左右匈牙利议会选举的主要问题。
  • DET
    You can use one when you have been talking or writing about a group of people or things and you want to say something about a particular member of the group.
    'A college degree isn't enough', said one honors student. “光有一个大学学位还不够,”一位优等生说。
    You use one in expressions such as 'one of the biggest airports' or 'one of the most experienced players' to indicate that something or someone is bigger or more experienced than most other things or people of the same kind.
    Subaru is one of the smallest Japanese car makers. 斯巴鲁是日本最小的汽车制造商之一。
  • DET
    You can use one when referring to a time in the past or in the future. For example, if you say that you did something one day, you mean that you did it on a day in the past.
    How would you like to have dinner one night, just you and me?... 哪天晚上一起吃饭怎么样?就咱俩。 Then one evening Harry phoned, asking me to come to their flat as soon as possible. 后来一天晚上哈里打电话来,叫我尽快到他们的公寓去。
  • PRON
    You can use one to refer to a question, joke, remark, or subject of discussion.
    This is a tricky one to answer... 这是个难以回答的问题。 Have you heard the one about the Irishman, the Englishman and the American?... 你听过那个关于爱尔兰人、英国人和美国人的笑话吗?
  • PRON
    You can use one to refer to an alcoholic drink.
    Other members of the committee drifted in for a quick one before closing time. 委员会的其他成员陆续走了进来,想要趁关门前喝上一杯。
  • PRON
    You use one to make statements about people in general which also apply to themselves. One can be used as the subject or object of a sentence.
    If one looks at the longer run, a lot of positive things are happening... 如果把目光放长远些,就会发现很多积极的事情正在发生。 Where does one go from there?... 从那里可以去什么地方?
    If a group of people does something as one, all the people do the same thing at the same time or in the same way.
    The 40,000 crowd rose as one. 40,000人全体起立。
    If you say that someone is one for or is a one for something, you mean that they like or approve of it or enjoy doing it.
    I'm not one for political discussions... 我不是个热衷于谈论政治的人。 She was a real one for flirting with the boys. 她是个情场高手。
    You can use for one to emphasize that a particular person is definitely reacting or behaving in a particular way, even if other people are not.
    I, for one, hope you don't get the job. 就我而言,我并不希望你得到那份工作。
    You can use expressions such as a hundred and one ,a thousand and one, and a million and one to emphasize that you are talking about a large number of things or people.
    There are a hundred and one ways in which you can raise money. 筹钱的办法有很多。
    You can use in one to indicate that something is a single unit, but is made up of several different parts or has several different functions.
    ...a love story and an adventure all in one... 集爱情和冒险于一体的故事 This cream moisturises and repairs in one. 这种护肤霜兼具滋润和修复功能。
    You can use in ones and twos to indicate that people do things or something happens gradually and in small groups.
    They lose interest and start drifting away in ones and twos. 他们没了兴趣,开始三三两两地走开了。
    You use one after the other or one after another to say that actions or events happen with very little time between them.
    My three guitars broke one after the other... 我的3把吉他陆续都坏了。 One after another, people described how hard it is for them to get medical care. 人们一个接一个地讲述获得医疗保健服务对于他们是何其困难。
    The one and only can be used in front of the name of an actor, singer, or other famous person when they are being introduced on a show.
    ...one of the greatest ever rock performers, the one and only Tina Turner. 史上最伟大的摇滚乐手之一,举世无双的蒂娜·特纳
    You can use one by one to indicate that people do things or that things happen in sequence, not all at the same time.
    We went into the room one by one... 我们挨个儿走进房间。 One by one the houses burst into flames. 房子一幢接一幢地燃起熊熊大火。
    You use one or other to refer to one or more things or people in a group, when it does not matter which particular one or ones are thought of or chosen.
    One or other of the two women was wrong. 这两个女人当中有一个人错了。
    One or two means a few.
    We may make one or two changes... 我们可以作一两处改动。 I've also sold one or two to an American publisher... 我还卖了几本给一位美国出版商。
    If you say that someone is not one to do something, you think that it is very unlikely that they would do it because it is not their normal behaviour.
    I'm not one to waste time on just anyone. 我可不是个随便浪费时间在任何人身上的人。
    If you try to get one up on someone, you try to gain an advantage over them.
    ...the competitive kind who will see this as the opportunity to be one up on you. 具有竞争意识、将此视作占据上风的契机的那种人
  • num.
    A person has one head and one neck. 人有一个头和一条脖子。 Please turn to Chapter One. 请翻到第一章。
  • n.
    一个人, 任何人, 人们
    One can’t be too careful in matters like this. 在这种问题上再怎么小心都不为过。 He was very young, not more than twenty-three or four, as indeed one could see at a glance. 他非常年轻, 不会超过23、24岁, 任何人一眼就会看出来。
  • pron.
    There are only hard chocolates left, we’ve eaten all the soft ones. 只剩下巧克力硬糖, 我们把软糖全吃光了。 My house is the first one on the left. 我的房子是左边第一家。
    ‘She’s just about to marry for the fifth time.’ ‘Ooh, she is a one, isn’t she?’ “她马上就要第五次结婚了。”“天哪,她可真够厉害的。”
    We spoke as one on this matter. 在这个问题上我们口径一致。 As Keith approached the finishing line, the crowd rose to their feet as one man, cheering him on. 基思快到达终点的时候,人们不约而同站起来为他加油。
    Both political parties are at one on the question of foreign imports. 两个政党在国外进口问题上立场完全一致。 This is the kind of place where you can feel at one with nature. 在这个地方,你能感到与大自然融为一体。
    They live in the country and they’re great ones for long walks. 他们住在乡间,很喜欢长时间地散步。 She’s not one for staying up late—she likes to be in bed by eleven. 她不常熬夜,喜欢十一点钟就上床睡觉。 I’ve never been a great one for fish and chips. 我向来不太喜欢吃炸鱼薯条。
    Why do you always have to be one up on everybody else? 为什么你总是想要比其他人都强?
    ‘Who is definitely coming to the meeting?’ ‘Well, Mr Davies is, for one, and I’m almost sure Jill is too.’ “谁肯定会来参加会议?”“戴维斯先生是其中之一,而且我几乎可以肯定吉尔也会来。”
    占上风; 胜过;占优势
    I’m not going to let them get one over on me! 我不会让他们胜过我的! Don’t believe a word he says. He’s just trying to put one over on you. 他说的话一个字也别信,他只不过想占你的上风而已。
    ‘I don’t think this job really suits me.’ ‘So you’re thinking of leaving.’ ‘Yes, Dick, you’ve got it in one.’ “我觉得这份工作不适合我。”“所以你想辞职?”“是的,迪克,你一下子就猜到了。”
    I think David’s had one too many. He can hardly stand up. 我觉得戴维喝多了,他都站不住了。
    She’s a mother and company director in one. 她既是母亲,同时还担任着公司董事。 It’s a public relations office, a press office and a private office all in one. 那儿既是公关办公室,也是新闻办公室,又是私人办公室,三位一体。
    It’s a hundred to one that the train will be late. 火车肯定会晚点。 It’s a million to one that she’ll finish before us. She always does. 我敢说她一定会比我们先完成,她总是这样。
    The bills kept coming in, one after another. 账单一张接一张,不停地送来。
    Happy New Year to one and all! 祝各位新年快乐!
    (用于强调)有名的,绝无仅有的, 唯一的
    That was the one and only James Brown, with ‘Try me’. 感谢著名的詹姆斯·布朗为我们演唱了“尝试”。 My trip to France is the one and only time I’ve been out of the country. 我的法国之行是我唯一的一次出国旅行。
    In some countries, the police and the army are one and the same thing. 在某些国家,警察就是军队。
    She read all of Agatha Christie’s novels one by one. 她逐一读完了阿加莎·克里斯蒂的小说。 One by one the guests left. 客人一位接一位地离开了。
    I don’t like science fiction novels much. When you’ve read one, you’ve read them all. 我不怎么喜欢科幻小说,它们都大同小异。
  • adj.
    I met her one afternoon in June. 六月的一天下午我遇到了她。
  • Noun
    1. the smallest whole number or a numeral representing this number;
    "he has the one but will need a two and three to go with it""they had lunch at one"
    2. a single person or thing;
    "he is the best one""this is the one I ordered"
  • Adjective
    1. used of a single unit or thing; not two or more;
    "`ane' is Scottish"
    2. particular but unspecified;
    "early one evening"
    3. having the indivisible character of a unit;
    "a unitary action""spoke with one voice"
    4. of the same kind or quality;
    "two animals of one species"
    5. used informally as an intensifier;
    "that is one fine dog"
    6. indefinite in time or position;
    "he will come one day""one place or another"
    7. being the single appropriate individual of a kind; only;
    "the one horse that could win this race""the one person I could marry"
    8. being one in number--a single unit or thing;
    "one person is going""her one thought was to win""I'm just one player on the team""one day is just like the next""seen one horse and you've seen them all"
    9. being a single entity made by combining separate components;
    "three chemicals combining into one solution"
    10. eminent beyond or above comparison;
    "matchless beauty""the team's nonpareil center fielder""she's one girl in a million""the one and only Muhammad Ali""a peerless scholar""infamy unmatched in the Western world""wrote with unmatchable clarity""unrivaled mastery of her art"
  • 土木工程: 单向过闸;one-way transit;单向推力墩;one-way anti-thrust pier, single direction thrusted pier;单行路;one-way road;单向板;one-way slab;单管制蒸汽热网;one-pipe steam heat-supply network;
    大气科学: 单程衰减;one-way attenuation 波由发射源到目标物或由目标物到接收器间的路径上的衰减。;
    物理学: 单粒子分布泛函;one-particle distribution functional;单声子吸收;one-phonon absorption;一维网络固体;one-dimensional network solid;单流体理论;one-fluid description, single-fluid theory;单玻色子交换势;one-boson exchange potential, OBEP;单切结点;one-tangent node;单粒子分布函数;
    电力: 单机系统;one-machine system;一端口网络;one-port network 又称“二端网络”。;单群理论;one-group theory;