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[wɔ:m] [wɔrm]
  • 第三人称单数:warms;
  • 过去式:warmed;
  • 过去分词:warmed;
  • 现在分词:warming;
  • 比较级:warmer;
  • 最高级:warmest;
  • 副词:warmly;
  • 例句
    • adj.
      cold, cool,
    • warm的反义词之:其他释义
      chilly, cold, cool,
    • 以下这些形容词都有"热的" 的意思
    • keep something warm for someone
      hold or occupy a place or post until another person is ready to do so 代人临时占据一个地方或职位
    • (as) warm as toast
      pleasantly warm 温暖舒适的
    • wrap up warm (或 be wrapped up warm)
      put on (or have on) plenty of clothes to protect oneself against cold weather 穿上许多衣服保暖
    • warm down
      recover from strenuous physical exertion by doing gentle stretches and exercises (紧张的体力活动后)进行放松
    • warm to/towards (或美warm up to/towards)
      begin to like (someone) 开始喜欢
    • warm something up (或美over)
      reheat previously cooked food 把(已冷的饭、菜)重新加热,使回锅
    • warm up
      &I{Sports} To prepare for an athletic event by exercising, stretching, or practicing for a short time beforehand. &I{【体育运动】} 做热身活动:为准备某项体育比赛而在赛前很短一段时间内做锻炼、伸体或练习等 To make or become ready for an event or operation. 使做准备工作:对某项事件或行动做好准备 To make more enthusiastic, excited, or animated. 使更加热心、激动或活跃 To approach a state of confrontation or violence. 接近对抗或暴力状态
      Some scientistsmaintain that the changes we are seeing fall within the range of random (无规律的) variation—some years are cold, others warm, and we have just had an unremarkable string of warm yearsrecently—but that is becoming an increasingly rare interpretation in the face of continued and increasing warm conditions.
      Global warming is a trend toward warmer conditions around the world.
      Part of the warming is natural; we have experienced a 20,000 -year -long warming as the last ice age ended and the icemeltedaway.
      The picture worsens with each round of El Nino, the unusually warm currents in the Pacific Ocean that drive up temperatures and invariably presage (预示) droughts and fires in the rain forest.
      The unusual warm currents in the Pacific Ocean
      carbon emissions are the leading cause of current global warming
      Something that is warm has some heat but not enough to be hot.
      Wheat is grown in places which have cold winters and warm, dry summers... 小麦适宜在冬季寒冷而夏季温暖干燥的地方生长。 Because it was warm, David wore only a white cotton shirt... 因为天气暖和,戴维只穿了一件白色的棉衬衣。
      Warm clothes and blankets are made of a material such as wool which protects you from the cold.
      They have been forced to sleep in the open without food or warm clothing... 他们被迫风餐露宿,吃不饱也穿不暖。 The bed had clean sheets and warm blankets. 床上是干净的被单和暖和的毯子。
      Warm colours have red or yellow in them rather than blue or green, and make you feel comfortable and relaxed.
      We hope the colour gives the house a warm and inviting feel... 我们希望这种颜色能让房子给人一种暖意融融、宾至如归的感觉。 The basement hallway is painted a warm yellow. 地下室的走廊漆成了暖黄色。
      A warm person is friendly and shows a lot of affection or enthusiasm in their behaviour.
      She was a warm and loving mother... 她是一位热情慈爱的母亲。 'Wonderful!' he exclaimed, in the familiar warm voice that made everybody who knew him feel welcome... “太棒了!”他欢呼道,他熟悉而热情的声音让所有认识他的人都感到如沐春风。
    • VERB
      If you warm a part of your body or if something hot warms it, it stops feeling cold and starts to feel hotter.
      The sun had come out to warm his back... 太阳出来了,把他后背晒得暖洋洋的。 She went to warm her hands by the log fire. 她把手伸向木火堆取暖。
    • VERB
      If you warm to a person or an idea, you become fonder of the person or more interested in the idea.
      Those who got to know him better warmed to his openness and honesty... 那些对他日渐了解的人被他的坦率和真诚所打动。 Elizabeth warmed to her theme as the letter continued with her favourite lament. 随着这封信接下来进入到伊丽莎白最喜欢抱怨的内容,她开始奔向主题。
    • adj.
      暖和的, 温暖的
      She submerged her hands in warm water. 她把手浸在温水中。 It is getting warm. 天气渐渐地暖和了。
      热情的, 热心的
      He has a warm heart. 他很热心。
      Red, yellow and orange are called warm colours. 红、黄、橙称为暖色。
    • vt. & vi.
      (使)变暖; 被加热; 暖和起来
      The water is warming on the stove. 水在炉火上加热。 His words warmed my heart. 他的话使我的内心感到热乎乎的。
    • Verb
      1. get warm or warmer;
      "The soup warmed slowly on the stove"
      2. make warm or warmer;
      "The blanket will warm you"
    • Adjective
      1. having or producing a comfortable and agreeable degree of heat or imparting or maintaining heat;
      "a warm body""a warm room""a warm climate""a warm coat"
      2. psychologically warm; friendly and responsive;
      "a warm greeting""a warm personality""warm support"
      3. (color) inducing the impression of warmth; used especially of reds and oranges and yellows;
      "warm reds and yellows and orange"
      4. having or displaying warmth or affection;
      "affectionate children""caring parents""a fond embrace""fond of his nephew""a tender glance""a warm embrace"
      5. freshly made or left;
      "a warm trail""the scent is warm"
      6. easily aroused or excited;
      "a quick temper""a warm temper"
      7. characterized by strong enthusiasm;
      "ardent revolutionaries""warm support"
      8. characterized by liveliness or excitement or disagreement;
      "a warm debate"
      9. uncomfortable because of possible danger or trouble;
      "made things warm for the bookies"
      10. of a seeker; near to the object sought;
      "you're getting warm""hot on the trail"
    • Adverb
      1. in a warm manner;
      "warmly dressed""warm-clad skiers"
    • 医学: 温;
      大气科学: 湿热气候,warm-wet climate 以降水丰沛、空气炎热为特征的气候。;
      药学: 温;