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  • 例句
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[twɪtʃ] [twɪtʃ]
  • 第三人称单数:twitches;
  • 过去式:twitched;
  • 过去分词:twitched;
  • 现在分词:twitching;
  • 例句
    • V-ERG
      If something, especially a part of your body, twitches or if you twitch it, it makes a little jumping movement.
      When I stood up to her, her right cheek would begin to twitch... 当我作出反抗时,她右侧脸庞就会开始抽搐。 His left eyelid twitched involuntarily… 他的左眼皮不由自主地跳动。
    • vt. & vi.
      (使)抽动; (使)颤动; (使)抽搐
      The child's mouth twitched as if she were about to cry. 这小孩的嘴抽动着, 像是要哭。 The horse twitched its ears. 马抽动着耳朵。
    • Noun
      1. a sudden muscle spasm; especially one caused by a nervous condition
    • Verb
      1. make an uncontrolled, short, jerky motion;
      "his face is twitching"
      2. move with abrupt, seemingly uncontrolled motions;
      "The patient's legs were jerkings"
      3. toss with a sharp movement so as to cause to turn over in the air
      4. squeeze tightly between the fingers;
      "He pinched her behind""She squeezed the bottle"
      5. move or pull with a sudden motion
    • 医学: 颤搐:肌肉因所属运动神经元的一系列最大冲动而发生的短时收缩反应;压板:兽医用具,为经木板上孔洞引出的套索,小手术时以此固定病兽的某一部位(如马唇);单收缩肌肉受刺激后,一次动作电位,只产生一次收缩和舒张。;
      药学: 颤搐;